matlab的问题:当我输入>> syms x;>>f=x*x 按回车后就出错,这是怎么回事啊?请大家帮帮错误信息:error_msg : maple: directory does not exist------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segme

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:07:44

matlab的问题:当我输入>> syms x;>>f=x*x 按回车后就出错,这是怎么回事啊?请大家帮帮错误信息:error_msg : maple: directory does not exist------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segme
matlab的问题:当我输入>> syms x;>>f=x*x 按回车后就出错,这是怎么回事啊?请大家帮帮
错误信息:error_msg : maple: directory does not exist
Segmentation violation detected at Sat Mar 14 22:49:56 2009
MATLAB Version: (R13)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Window System: Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.3.1_01 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(mixed mode)
Register State:
EAX = 0000047b EBX = 0000047b
ECX = 00df9fb0 EDX = 0ff107ed
ESI = 0ff107ec EDI = 00000000
EBP = 0000047b ESP = 00df9fe8
EIP = 0fe724f9 FLG = 00010206
Stack Trace:
This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
for errors. Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information
on debugging MEX-files.
If it is an official MathWorks function, please
follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so
that we have the best chance of correcting it:
1. Send this crash report to for automated analysis.
For your convenience, this information has been recorded in:
2. Also, if the problem is reproducible, send the crash report to along with:
- A specific list of steps that will reproduce the problem
- Any M, MEX, MDL or other files required to reproduce the problem
- Any error messages displayed prior to this crash report
A technical support engineer will contact you with further information.
Thank you for your assistance. Please save your workspace and restart
MATLAB before continuing your work.
Error in ==> D:\vc,matlab,origin\matlab1.0\toolbox\symbolic\maplemex.dll
Error in ==> D:\vc,matlab,origin\matlab1.0\toolbox\symbolic\maple.m
On line 116 ==> [result,status] = maplemex(statement);
Error in ==> D:\vc,matlab,origin\matlab1.0\toolbox\symbolic\@sym\maple.m
On line 74 ==> [result,status] = maple(statement);
Error in ==> D:\vc,matlab,origin\matlab1.0\toolbox\symbolic\@sym\mtimes.m
On line 13 ==> X = maple(A,'*',B);
很???? 啊,有谁遇到一样问题的吗?
我找到解决方法了:我下载的是iso,然后解压,运行,结果有些功能不能用; 但是若用虚拟光驱打开的话,就能用了。 很高兴,遇到一样问题的同学可以试一试这个方法。 谢谢你们啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

matlab的问题:当我输入>> syms x;>>f=x*x 按回车后就出错,这是怎么回事啊?请大家帮帮错误信息:error_msg : maple: directory does not exist------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segme
>> syms x;>>f=x*x


要求使用matlab实现,执行sym(pi/3),sym(pi/3,'d'),sym('pi/3')语句,然后将exp(2)和sin(0.3*p)代替pi/3分别执行前面3个语句,并观察结果.我的答案是:sym(pi/3)sym(pi/3,'d')sym('pi/3')sym(exp(2))sym(exp(2),'d')sym('exp(2)')sym( 关于MATLAB sym和syms的区别问题小弟初学,总搞不清楚什么时候用syms什么时候用sym, matlab问题:x:[1x1 sym]是什么我输入solve('2=x+y','3=x+2*y')结果出来:ans = x:[1x1 sym]y:[1x1 sym]是怎么回事?怎么修改就能正确求出x和y? Matlab符号计算问题我用Matlab计算0.4-0.3-0.1,使用符号计算,sym(‘0.4-0.3-0.1’),得到的结果为2.5e-41,这是怎么回事? MATLAB中的符号矩阵问题MATLAB中输入命令 M=sym('[a,b;c,d]')输出是M=[ a,b][ c,d] Matlab sym的指令意义和格式 matlab,sym问题,如果定义了符号变量x,syms x然后,x=1;然后我想清除x的赋值,就是输入x的时候得到的结果是>> syms x>> xx =x>> 而不是>> xx =1>> ,怎么办 matlab 符号函数的问题f=solve('x+y+z=1','x-y+z=2','2*x-y-z=1')f = x:[1x1 sym]y:[1x1 sym]z:[1x1 sym]我用的是7.1 按照教程上说的 应该是求出各个解才对 为什么求不出解? matlab 有能代替sym和syms的运算吗 有matlab的高手吗,sym engine是啥意思 MATLAB sym 定义函数 怎么定义自变量的定义域 matlab solve的问题.syms x ysolve('3*x+6*y=7','5*x-7*y=6',x,y)这个编译没问题,但是运行的结果很怪.ans = x:[1x1 sym] y:[1x1 sym]然后我输出x1的值仍是x1,而不是具体的数字,为什么? matlab达人帮看看,关于sym函数的问题A=sym('[1,2;3,4]')和A=[1,2;3,4]所建立的矩阵有何区别? matlab Error using ==> sym.mpowerError using ==> sym.mpowerMatrix must be square.我没用什么矩阵饿? 一个关于Matlab编程的问题 s=sym('x')与s=sym(x)有什么区别RT 最好能讲的明白一点同时还有一个问题 那位大哥能帮我解释一下这段代码>> clear>> f='3*x-7'f =3*x-7>> g='9*x+8'g =9*x+8>> f+gans =108 84 240 88 111>> f matlab问题请教,运行时出现错误信息:Conversion to logical from sym is not possible-double matlab.程序如下我定义的函数是function y=sinc(x)if isequal(x,sym(0)) y=1;else y=sin(x)/x;end在命令窗口输入>> sinc(b) ans = sin(pi*b)/(pi*b)这个pi有点想不通他是从哪冒出来的 matlab的问题:当我输入>> syms x;>>f=x*x 按回车后就出错,这是怎么回事啊?请大家帮帮错误信息:error_msg : maple: directory does not exist------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segme