
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:05:32

Antti A.L.通过试验测定了在微波干燥过程中木材内部温度的变化规律,结果表明:在干燥过程中,木材内部温度随着微波功率的增加而增加.Antti A.L.和Perre P.应用红外成像和CT扫描技术对微波干燥过程中白桦和松树板材的表面温度进行了分析.Lu L.和Bonafonte A.B.等对微波干燥过程中物料内部的平均温度变化进行了模拟分析,结果显示:在其它条件相同时,物料厚度越大,则干燥恒速期及后期的温度越高;物料表面换热系数越大,则物料表面的温度越低.李贤军较系统的研究了马尾松木材微波真空干燥的基本规律和特性.结果表明:木材的整个微波真空干燥过程分为三个阶段:快速升温加速干燥段,恒温恒速干燥段和后期升温减速干燥段.

Convective heating in the temperature gradient the heat under the effect of a slow thermal way by transferring exterior wood to the internal surface of the wood first endothermic water evaporation in the moisture gradient within the water by diffusion or infiltration under way to migrate to the wood surface. And an internal direct heating by microwave heating, microwave heating simultaneously inside and outside the projection of the timber, the timber of water absorb microwave energy rapidly vaporized, the vapor pressure gradient in the effect of internal and external quickly migrate to the wood surface. Therefore, compared to convection heating with microwave heating speed, energy efficiency advantages, and selective heating. Domestic and foreign scholars, according to the characteristics of microwave heating of wood in the wood made a lot of temperature changes.
Antti AL was determined by experiment in the microwave drying process of wood variation of internal temperature, the results show that: during the drying process, wood internal temperature with the increase of microwave power. Antti AL and Perre P. infrared imaging and CT scanning microwave drying process of birch and pine board surface temperature is analyzed. Lu L. and Bonafonte AB and other materials on the microwave drying process, the average temperature changes inside the simulation analysis, the results showed that: Other things being equal, the greater the material thickness, the drying constant rate period and the higher the temperature of the late; materials surface heat transfer coefficient is larger, the lower the temperature of the surface material. Li Xianjun more systematic study of microwave vacuum drying of the wood and the properties of the basic law ,The results showed that: the microwave vacuum drying of wood divided into three stages: rapid heating to accelerate the drying section, constant temperature constant deceleration and post drying section drying section.

英语翻译虽然是专业类,但是不用太较真,差不多就可以.太专业词汇可以用A来代替,以下是内容:对流加热时热量是在温度梯度的作用下以缓慢的导热方式由木材外部向内部转移,木材表面水分 英语翻译补充一点语言可以不用太专业哦! 英语翻译不太专业! 骨骼肌和肝脏如何产热(不用太专业,但是要详细,我是高中生.),是属于神经调节还是体液调节.还有其他什么产热方式. 太较真用英语怎么说 英语翻译如题,不用很长,但是不要太难, 朋友说我总是太较真,是我生活的太认真还是什么意思 结合当前社会现实,阐述中国特色社会主义文化建设的主要作用及现实意义纯粹是做题目的时候有需要啊,大家不用太较真,总不能在毛概作业上来段这样的吧 英语翻译英文太差... 英语翻译英文太差. 英语翻译英语太差, 我是一个做禽病技术的,有没有很溶于水的氟苯尼考,目前市场上的氟苯尼考虽然实现了水溶,但是含量太低,治病效果太差,同行们有什么办法?或者是门路也行? 英语翻译1.打吊针2.打屁股针3.护士用力地把注射针打在屁股上4.今天我去了打吊针请问如何翻译注射针 :syringe不用太专业的,是普通作文用的, 英语翻译“最好的坏选择”,也就是在没办法的情况下的最好的选择.最好可以是简洁一点的翻译.我觉得 maxmin strategy,但是这个是博弈论中的术语,会不会太专业了.求高手翻译. 英语翻译:那个人素质太差 英语翻译本人英语太差 英语翻译我有个金山词霸,但是感觉发音太差,有没有发音准点的 英语翻译不用太长,也不用太短