请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的加50分假如你是李华,为了迎接即将举行的第11届全国中学生运动会(National Middle School Students Games),你们校报的英文版正在以“How to Behave in Public”为题进行征

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 05:24:24

请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的加50分假如你是李华,为了迎接即将举行的第11届全国中学生运动会(National Middle School Students Games),你们校报的英文版正在以“How to Behave in Public”为题进行征
假如你是李华,为了迎接即将举行的第11届全国中学生运动会(National Middle School Students Games),你们校报的英文版正在以“How to Behave in Public”为题进行征稿,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文并投稿.
How to Behave in Public

请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的加50分假如你是李华,为了迎接即将举行的第11届全国中学生运动会(National Middle School Students Games),你们校报的英文版正在以“How to Behave in Public”为题进行征
The reason there are societal rules of etiquette regarding behavior in public is because everyone has different ideas of what is tasteful, acceptable and "normal" when wandering about in public places. And since there are so many different ideas of what is right and wrong, general rules or guidelines have evolved so as to allow for getting along and coexisting peacefully in a mixed world of differing ideas.
Below is the list of three rules of etiquette on How To Behave In Public:
1. Don't laugh, point, or make faces at people for being different (weight, hair, etc.) If it is something you wouldn't want them to hear, then you probably should keep it to yourself.
If somebody is being disruptive, say "excuse me" and politely ask them to tone it down. Be friendly. Do not complain about their behavior-you are being obnoxious when you do that. Remember to say "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome." When speaking to adults, address them by "sir" or "ma'am."
2. When in public, try to keep in mind that others might not be as enthusiastic as you are with the noise you're generating. This includes yelling or speaking loudly, arguing, laughing over exuberantly, talking on your cell phone and playing music. Anything that disturbs the ambience of a particular public place, would generally be considered outside what is the right thing to do. So, try to keep your voice down, don't belly laugh all the time at the movies. Don't argue out in the front yard. These are all common sense things that most people can recognize when others are doing it. Keep electronic equipment at a low volume. In libraries and movie theaters, your phone should be off or on vibrate. Use headphones when listening to music, and make sure nobody can hear what you are listening to with headphones on. If you do keep your cell phone ringer on, make sure the music playing is appropriate.
3. Keep your area clean and organized. Wipe off tables, throw away garbage, and leave as little evidence that you were there as possible. People are sensitive to odors. They cause physical reactions in some and can change mood. Therefore, when in public, try to keep your odors to yourself. This include body odor, including perfumes and colognes. Also consider the smell of cigarette smoke and how unpleasant some may find it.
These three rules of etiquette can and probably should be followed by pretty much any and everyone that goes out into the public parts of our world. Doing so will not only allow those around you to carry on in civilized ways, but will likely cause you, yourself to be happier too as it frees you from the contention that quite often arises when people don't adhere to these simple rules.

请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的加50分假如你是李华,为了迎接即将举行的第11届全国中学生运动会(National Middle School Students Games),你们校报的英文版正在以“How to Behave in Public”为题进行征 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的追加50分假如你是李明,你明天要带你的美国朋友去泰山游玩,请根据以下提示写篇短文,以便在第二天游玩时向他们介绍一下泰山.提示:1.位于山东中部,是中 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的追加50分假如你是李丽,昨天是你的生日,你们班来自美国的交换生特德(Ted)因为生病没有来参加你的生日聚会.但是他托人送给你一件小礼物,请你给他写封电 作文 与困难作斗争 谁帮我写写 写完后 写得好加100分写的一般加50分写了就加20分! 帮我写一篇《新年寄语》的周记如果写得好加20分 我想写一篇难忘的关于往事的作文,请大伙帮我想几个难忘的题材,答得好的可以加50分 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,20分,写得好的加分.急求,在线等.来自美国的Tom想学好汉语,请给他写封信,为他学好汉语提供一些合理建议.Dear Tom, I’m glad that you want to sthdy Chinese well.____________________ 没想到,我如此_____的作文写得好加50分要记叙文,楼下的, 请文采好的朋友帮我写几篇读书征文.写得好加一百分诶 帮我写篇作文,1000字左右RT,题目为“墙上文化”不要求写得好,只要遵守格式就行了,绝对要原创!不原创不给分,100分,请大家努力争取吧sky的写得太好了,不过太短,并且MS不是原创的 哪位大神英语作文写得好帮我写下 中山最好的风景,帮我写一篇作文,写得好有悬赏分30.你说我很姑寒,好,悬赏风50分 请各位同志帮我写一篇关于寻找生命的作文,话题不要太旧,ps:写得好的补加20. My favourtie teacher 作文麻烦大家帮我忙!英语作文题目为:My favourtie teacher80词就够..在今晚9点截止.答得好追加分太长了- - 最好是自己写的,不好复制, 请大家帮我写一篇英语作文.以My last winter vacation为题,内容围绕 去年寒假去海南.写的好的, 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的加分假如你是王朋,你在美国的笔友詹尼(Jenny)来信说她现在正面临选择,她不知道假期兼职是去做导游还是做家庭教师.请你根据以下提示给她写封回信,帮她 上海的天气或是台风的英语作文最好是50字以上,越快越好,如果写得好,我会给你加悬赏分的! 帮我写英语作文.写的好的,