
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 21:01:46


写信的格式:给----的一封信(可要可不要) 尊敬的---(顶格写) (空uf法规、规章制度、办法、措施等,或写带有强制性、指挥性、决策性的原则(或指示性意见)、具体工作要求等.指示性通知的事项,一般具有影响面较大、比较紧急和有一定的政策性的特点.(2)批示性通知(批转、转发性通知)的写法.批转与转发性通知正文写法大体相同.可以把这两种通知称为“批语”,把被批转、转发的文件看做是通知的主体内容.批语的内容主要有如下三个方面:1)说明批转的目的或陈述转发的理由; 2)对受文单位提出贯彻执行的具体要求; 3)根据具体情况做出补充性的规定.用通知批转或转发下级机关、不相隶属机关和上级机关的公文时,对被批转和转发的文件已起到了一种公布、认可或推荐的作用.从构成上看,这种通知由批语部分和批转或转发文件组成,批语和被批转或转发文件都不能单独作为一份文件.如果批语脱离被批转或转发文件,没有实际依托内容,不能单独行文;如被批转或转发文件离开批语则不能纳入通知的内容,不能体现发文单位的意图,没有批语予以的权威性和合法地位.(3)事项性通知的写法.事项性通知正文的写作,要使受文单位了解通知的内容(即事项),以及做什么,怎样做,有什么要求.正文一般分三部分. 第一部分是开头,一般是说明为什么要发此通知,目的是什么. 第二部分是主体,即事项部分,将通知的具体内容一项一项列出,把布置的工作或需周知的事项,阐述清楚,并讲清要求、措施、办法等.这类通知多数用于布置工作,因此也有人称之为“工作通知”. 第三部分是结尾,多提出贯彻执行要求,如“请遵照执行”,“请认真贯彻执行”,“请研究贯彻”等习惯用语,也有的通知结尾不写习惯用语.写事项性通知,要开门见山,忌转弯抹角.在叙述事项时,要突出重点,把主要的、重要的写在前面.根据需要,主要的内容可详写,讲清道理,讲明措施,次要的内容则尽量简略,扼要交代即可.在语言表达方面,通知主要以叙述为主,对下级单位提出要求.有时可以适当做一些分析、说理.但通知中的说理不像议论文的说理那样要有严密的逻辑性,只要抓住关键问题,用简洁的语言把道理阐述清楚即可.(4)知照性通知的写法.知照性通知的正文,只要写清楚行文的依据、目的和事项即可.要求文字简练、明白.(5)会议通知的写法.会议通知依据其不同类型,有不同的写法.通过文件传递渠道发出的会议通知,一般应写明召开会议的原因、目的、会议名称、主要议题、到会人员、会议及报到时间、地点、需要的材料等,通常采用条文式写法,要求内容周密、语言清楚、表述准确,不致产生歧义.供机关、单位内部张贴或广播的周知性会议通知,正文开头可不写受文对象,应在通知事项中说明会议时间、地点、内容、准备材料及出席人员等.语言力求简短、明白.(6)任免通知的写法.任免通知的写法比会议通知更为简单,一般的固定格式是:按任免决定写上任免人员即可.寻人启事的格式:一、寻人启事范文评析:【 范 文 一 】 吴小雪,女,18岁,身高16米,瓜子脸,肤白,大眼睛,气质高雅,身穿浅红色连衣裙,白色皮凉鞋.于7月14日离家,至今未归.本人若见到此启事,请尽快同家人联系.有知其 下落者,请与××市×××大学××系吴家俊联系,联系电话:×××或请与××市 ×××路派出所联系,联系人:赵小强,电话:×××.定重谢.×年×月×日 二、寻人启事写作的注意事项 寻人启事务必准确地描述走失人的体貌特征、衣着装束,一般有照片的要附上照片.寻人启事要将联系的方式具体详细地列出来.寻人启事要做到语言精炼,篇幅短小精悍.三、寻人启事的写作格式和基本内容 寻人启事一般由三部分构成.(一)标题 寻人启事的标题通常由文种构成.如“寻人启事”.要以较大醒目的字体写于第一行中间 位置.(二)正文 寻人启事的正文一般必须包括以下几项内容:1.交待走失人的身份、特征 主要包括走失人的姓名、性别、年龄、外貌、衣着装束、说话口音等内容.这是鉴别走失人 的主要依据,一般要非常详细,体貌上有明显特征的要特别指出.2.交待走失的时间、地点 这项内容,要说明走失人在什么时间,什么地点走失的,同时还需注明失踪的具体原因.3.发现失踪者时的联系方式 寻找人应将详细的通讯地址或联系方式写出来,以备发现人及时同寻找人取得联系,找到失 踪者.4.结语 在正文的后面,有的寻人启事还会写上几句酬谢之类的话语.另外,对那些因一些原因出走 的人的寻人启事,还会写上诸如“本人见到启事后,速回”,或“家人十分想念,本人见到 启事速同家人联系”的话.(三)落款 寻人启事要在正文右下方注明寻人单位或个人的名称或姓名,署上发文日期,还可注明联系 的电话号码或联系人姓名.以上内容由《中国110寻人网》 提供

Dear mother: Hello! You must feel very accident right, daughter suddenly will write to you. At home, I and you constantly were met, between the conversation is the norm, but some words are can present...


Dear mother: Hello! You must feel very accident right, daughter suddenly will write to you. At home, I and you constantly were met, between the conversation is the norm, but some words are can present clarification, it needs to have an intermediary objects to deliver. Today, I borrow this letter to you tell most to you say heartfelt wishes! Mom, I want to tell you, my daughter needs freedom. In the home, you old is forced me to wear skirts, such as clothes, your corset know me, I this person is a little boys to girls character, some this cha MaFen, wear pretty clothes and lipid love dressing up, I am, and don't have any interest. Can you why still want to force me? Remember once, you let me wear a set of dress to go to school, can let what you say, I will not wear, we at home have split up. At noon, and therefore delayed the school time, at school, I got teacher good meal training. I like some bounty, wear comfortable clothes, so go better activities, mom, you in me, and give me some freedom. Also, mom, I want to tell you, please don't to his brother too eccentric. Six years ago, in brother hasn't born, you how much pain I ah, gulangyu, QingYuanShan, amusement park... Everywhere you take me to play, and six years later today, you made a serious mistake --, boys. In the home, you is less hurt me, although you are still very concerned about me, but as my brother and I are quarreling, you always protect a brother, you ask every scold me, blame me, you know how much I sad? Whatever cause quarrel culprit isn't me, you always said, brother still small, everywhere let him. If I defy spirit, counter you, you will loudly scold me. Mother, daughter in this please don't too boys. Mom, I want to tell you, would you please give me some more confidence more support it. Every year, the international children's day in school held sports meeting, I almost couldn't win, return to a home, you have no comfort me, on the contrary, will I fell a delicious, you know I was heart like a knife cuts the same? Again, take this time to quanzhou attend composition contest thing to say, as I prepare to compete, you say me wants to win absolutely is wishful thinking. I ignored you, resolutely to signed up, then you don't so against, but unavoidably in ordinary conversation mentioned. I defy spirit, determined to follow you to whole hog. In this essay competition, I'll do my full strength, I don't want to let you see flat. Mama, you know? A child who was lost parents to own confidence and support, would be much sorehead oh, mother, daughter needs you gave me confidence and support ah. Mom, today I borrow this letter, I feel all say to you, also feel heart comfortable pole, I hope that this letter will soon into the contents of your eyes. In this daughter wish you Health! Alles gute!
