
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:27:51


To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China.
In this unusual year,the number of tragic,how many have touched,how many dreams,how much glory there is,bearing in mind the hearts of the people in China,written into the history of the Republic.
The success of the Beijing Olympic Games,the Chinese people realize the dream of a century.Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history.
Win back the Shenzhou VII,the three astronauts returned to space out all smiles.Shenzhou VII manned space mission a complete success,the implementation of China's space technology development milestone major leap forward,the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat,but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present.



曾看到有位网友写过这样的诗句:“当风雪阻断归路,我们彼此取暖;当主权面对挑战,我们亮出利剑;当圣火遭遇屈辱,我们义无反顾;当病毒吞噬生命,我们用爱弥补;当列车冲出轨道,我们竭诚互助;当震撼撕裂大地,我们开山辟路;勇敢面对磨难,挺起中国的脊梁!” 诗句朴实简练,却抒发了共和国的儿女们对祖国母亲的心声,唱出了儿女们为有一个坚强的祖国母亲而自豪的赞歌。
有人说,多灾兴邦。每一次灾难,会让我们每一个人变得更加成熟,会让我们的祖国变得更加坚强,我们为有一个不甘屈服、永远坚强的祖国而自豪。是的,有了坚强脊梁的祖国,人民才能享受幸福,扬眉吐气,才能担负起世界和平的责任,为人类文明谱写辉煌的篇章。过去这一年走过的日子,虽有苦涩,但也有欢喜。29届奥运会在中华大地上举办。这是人类一次最伟大的聚会,也是中国人百年梦想,让世界人民更加了解了中国。半个多世纪之前还被骂作“东亚病夫”中国人,而今已迈步跨入体育大国的行列,证明了我们有能力举办奥运史上最好的体育盛会。 奥运期间,中华儿女抱着对奥运精神的尊重、崇尚与204个国家和地区的运动员、世界友人手拉手、心连心在这片古老而又年轻的大地上共同发扬壮大了奥运精神,谱写了“新奥运”的美妙篇章!北京奥运会的举办成功,让世界人民看到了一个历尽磨难而又奋发自强的民族经过改革开放,已迈步跨进了一个追求科学、和谐、进步、和平的现代文明的国家。过去的这一年走过的日子,虽有悲伤,但也有惊喜。从灾难里走出的民族是希望的民族,经受过挫折磨砺的国家必将是奋起的国家。神舟七号载人航天飞行获得圆满成功,不仅让我们看到了祖国在伟大建设实践进程中所取得的重大突破,也让我们信心百增,看到了组国经济实力、科技实力、国防实力和民族凝聚力的日趋增强。中华民族和中国的脊梁已不是弯曲的,而是顶天立地,骄傲地挺立着坚强的脊梁。
当时间的脚步跨入2009年,祖国六十年的历程是永远耸立在我们心中的丰碑,是激励我们永远前进的火炬!“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城……” 这雄壮的国歌,不正唱出了我们伟大祖国坚强不屈的脊梁吗?让我们以航天精神为动力,实现中华民族伟大复兴去筑成我们新的


during 60 years, the glory years snap fingers to wield, 60 years, China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People's Republic of China...


during 60 years, the glory years snap fingers to wield, 60 years, China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People's Republic of China established! Full finally stood after the war vicissitudes and backwardness misery's Chinese people! China looks like a big dragon to be the same, stands erect by a great nation's status East the world! the National Day, always brings the jubilation to the people, brings the poetic sentiment, brings the daydream, brings the expectation, brings the hope, but this year's autumn, must with general, is more unusual. In this happy season, Republic each square kilometer well-loved place soaks is being delighted and is happy, the flow with is singing happily. 1,300,000,000 China children release for flight the golden color ideal by the heroic intense singing sound and the rosy expectation, releases for flight the rock-solid faith with the line which praises to the great motherland. the ancient Great Wall very draws out the unyielding chest, galloping Yangtze River whirls around the crystal clear spray, the great distance prairie reverberation affection wharf tweedle, Lhasa forest card main story comes the herdsman to rush toward the well-off happy song joke. Therefore, I saw on the motherland vast earth, the China children sing joyfully in a loud voice in the world between. Joyfully celebrates a motherland mother 60 year-old birthday, by the Republic children's name, expresses best wishes to the motherland, prays for heavenly blessing for the mother. the motherland, sail of your like hope, rumble in the salute sound drives from the Republic founding ceremony; Roams through the outer space from the divine land 7th airship in the good news to drive; Give free reign to the imagination Qu Zhongshi from the urban reform promotion's blueprint and the village wealthy civilization. Therefore, I saw the spring breeze insufflates trillion leaf of happy windows and doors, heard “spring's story” to resound through the motherland. The vast coastal territory speeds along hero's war ship, the western border region leaps the rocket which soars to the heavens. In endless more than a half century's course has excessively magnificently, has had the setback. Under the industrious brave Chinese in three generation of leaders and the Central Party Committee leads, the unity is strength, overcomes all difficulties, by the enormous warm investment “invigorate the Chinese nation, is strong my national prestige” the economic development.



during 60 years, the glory years snap fingers to wield, 60 years, China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People's Republic of China...


during 60 years, the glory years snap fingers to wield, 60 years, China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People's Republic of China established! Full finally stood after the war vicissitudes and backwardness misery's Chinese people! China looks like a big dragon to be the same, stands erect by a great nation's status East the world! the National Day, always brings the jubilation to the people, brings the poetic sentiment, brings the daydream, brings the expectation, brings the hope, but this year's autumn, must with general, is more unusual. In this happy season, Republic each square kilometer well-loved place soaks is being delighted and is happy, the flow with is singing happily. 1,300,000,000 China children release for flight the golden color ideal by the heroic intense singing sound and the rosy expectation, releases for flight the rock-solid faith with the line which praises to the great motherland. the ancient Great Wall very draws out the unyielding chest, galloping Yangtze River whirls around the crystal clear spray, the great distance prairie reverberation affection wharf tweedle, Lhasa forest card main story comes the herdsman to rush toward the well-off happy song joke. Therefore, I saw on the motherland vast earth, the China children sing joyfully in a loud voice in the world between. Joyfully celebrates a motherland mother 60 year-old birthday, by the Republic children's name, expresses best wishes to the motherland, prays for heavenly blessing for the mother. the motherland, sail of your like hope, rumble in the salute sound drives from the Republic founding ceremony; Roams through the outer space from the divine land 7th airship in the good news to drive; Give free reign to the imagination Qu Zhongshi from the urban reform promotion's blueprint and the village wealthy civilization. Therefore, I saw the spring breeze insufflates trillion leaf of happy windows and doors, heard “spring's story” to resound through the motherland. The vast coastal territory speeds along hero's war ship, the western border region leaps the rocket which soars to the heavens.


during 60 years, the glory years snap fingers to wield, 60 years, China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People's Republic of China...


during 60 years, the glory years snap fingers to wield, 60 years, China vicissitudes great change. in 2009, our great motherland has welcomed her 60th birthday. in 1949, the People's Republic of China established! Full finally stood after the war vicissitudes and backwardness misery's Chinese people! China looks like a big dragon to be the same, stands erect by a great nation's status East the world! the National Day, always brings the jubilation to the people, brings the poetic sentiment, brings the daydream, brings the expectation, brings the hope, but this year's autumn, must with general, is more unusual. In this happy season, Republic each square kilometer well-loved place soaks is being delighted and is happy, the flow with is singing happily. 1,300,000,000 China children release for flight the golden color ideal by the heroic intense singing sound and the rosy expectation, releases for flight the rock-solid faith with the line which praises to the great motherland. the ancient Great Wall very draws out the unyielding chest, galloping Yangtze River whirls around the crystal clear spray, the great distance prairie reverberation affection wharf tweedle, Lhasa forest card main story comes the herdsman to rush toward the well-off happy song joke. Therefore, I saw on the motherland vast earth, the China children sing joyfully in a loud voice in the world between. Joyfully celebrates a motherland mother 60 year-old birthday, by the Republic children's name, expresses best wishes to the motherland, prays for heavenly blessing for the mother. the motherland, sail of your like hope, rumble in the salute sound drives from the Republic founding ceremony; Roams through the outer space from the divine land 7th airship in the good news to drive; Give free reign to the imagination Qu Zhongshi from the urban reform promotion's the village wealthy civilization. Therefore, I saw the spring breeze insufflates trillion leaf of happy windows and doors, heard “spring's story” to resound through the motherland. The vast coastal territory speeds along hero's war ship, the western border region leaps the rocket which soars to the heavens




