求simile metaphor personification 等其它修辞的作用,用英文写的的,

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求simile metaphor personification 等其它修辞的作用,用英文写的的,
求simile metaphor personification 等其它修辞的作用,用英文写的的,

求simile metaphor personification 等其它修辞的作用,用英文写的的,
An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar,but it’s a bit more complex.Rather than a figure of speech,an analogy is more of a logical argument.The presenter of an analogy will often demonstrate how two things are alike by pointing out shared characteristics,with the goal of showing that if two things are similar in some ways,they are similar in other ways as well.
Metaphors are like similes in that two subjects that are not usually linked are linked.Metaphors are different in that,rather than a simple comparison,a metaphor states that the two subjects are the same or equal.The effect of this is to give one object the attributes of the other.
A simile occurs when a composer compares a subject to another that is not usually linked.Often the word 'like' or 'as' combines the two subjects.
parallelism/ parallel structure排比
Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.This can happen at the word,phrase,or clause level.The usual way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as "and" or "or."
The substitution of an inoffensive term (such as "passed away") for one considered offensively explicit ("died").
Personification is a figure of speech where a composer has given human qualities to an object or animal.

simile明喻metaphor暗喻personification拟人metonymy借代synecdoche提喻euphemism委婉irony反语overstatement and understatement夸张和含蓄transferred epithet转类形容词

求simile metaphor personification 等其它修辞的作用,用英文写的的, 在英语论文中假如有两个词,比如说simile和metaphor作为标题时候可以表达成simile/metaphor形式不,还是?可以表达成 simile and metaphor simile (直喻)和metaphor(暗喻)的区别在哪里,请各造一个句子. 什么是simile什么是metaphor(最好能有详细的全英文解释)大神们帮帮忙 simile和metaphor的区别,有句子Climbing hills is a great teacher.这是用了什么修辞手法?是simile还是metaphor?The world is a stage.这个是Simile,也是用is的,我需要系统的回答。 metaphor 例句说明imagery和simile和metaphor的区别,为什么都是复制的答案 shudao05 哪里有“上面这句话”! imagery metaphor simile的区别我只知道它们都和比喻有关,但有点分不清,讨论下他们的的区别和用法, Poem with a Metaphor Simile and Personificationin English and must be in one poem.it is much better if it is short and easy. What do you think a good simile or metaphor for society is and why?如何翻译?用翻译软件翻译出来,读着非常难受 谁能用英文帮我解释几个英文单词谁能帮我用英文解释一下下面几个词metaphor隐喻simile明喻alliteration头韵onomatopoeia拟声hyperbole夸张personification拟人 The word,rose is what literary device?“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”A,Imagery B,Personification C,metaphor D,Simile metaphor是什么意思 metaphor是什么意思 metaphor是什么? 英语翻译dopo mesi di prove finalmente riusciamo a stampare in qualità il primo telo (tipo pvc per capire) per realizzare strisiconi,totem e strutture espositive completamente riciclabile ed ecocompatibile.Il prezzo simile al pvc tradizionale lo 语言学中有隐喻明喻之分吗?her lips bloom like cherry 是metaphor or simile?那么her cherry-like lips 是属于隐喻吗?类似的像The turquoise seas这些形容词结构的算不算隐喻啊?语言学里分不分隐喻明喻啊? which figure of speech is used in the following lines?To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament,is affection; to make judgment wholly by their rules,is the humor of a scholar.a.Metaphor b.Parallelism c.Simile d.P