俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文.哥哥,俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文,Do you have any wishes which are impossible to realize for the moment?Chose one to describle with no more than 100 words .Remember to use the subjunctire (

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:40:57

俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文.哥哥,俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文,Do you have any wishes which are impossible to realize for the moment?Chose one to describle with no more than 100 words .Remember to use the subjunctire (
俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文,Do you have any wishes which are
impossible to realize for the moment?Chose one to describle with no more than 100 words .Remember to use the subjunctire (虚拟语气).mood in your
deseription 差不多就这些题目了.剩下的不小心丢了.望各位哥哥、姐姐.要虚拟语气写的作文啊!实在不会了======

俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文.哥哥,俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文,Do you have any wishes which are impossible to realize for the moment?Chose one to describle with no more than 100 words .Remember to use the subjunctire (
i have a meaningful wish for a long time. if icould be a scientist in the future,i would devote myself to the Cancer curing.Only in this way can help more people live happily and easily. and that if i were a scientist ,i would never afraid of the difficulties on my way to the goal.so from now on ,i would try my best to do anything i could in order to make my dream come true!

俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文.哥哥,俺们老师让俺们写一篇英语作文,Do you have any wishes which are impossible to realize for the moment?Chose one to describle with no more than 100 words .Remember to use the subjunctire ( 求一篇my hometown 的80词左右的作文,江西人.急用俺们要一分钟的英语小演讲.同志们帮个忙,我是江西弋阳人, 分解因式4(2X-y)^2+9(x+3y)^2俺们老师写的是加 初中英语基础词汇是什么?初三老师让俺们把7 8年级基础词汇中不会的给写到本上,但是.什么是基础词汇,是不是英语书后面单词表上的单词,那有好几千个呢! 俺们家鸽儿不吃东西了 怎么办... 俺们的俺读一声还是三声? 求一篇以执着为话题的作文(不要激动,再往下看你们就激动不出来了) 要求:写自己或身边的人的成考的故事老师太卑鄙了 居然出这么个作文 你叫俺们怎么活? 跪求 没几天开学了 快呀~~ 一道初一的算术题(1×2×3×...100)÷(1×2×3...98)=多少?老师让俺们班的人算,的答案快来啊! 《龙井茶叶》中作者从_____、_____、_____三方面介绍了家乡的龙井茶咱老师先让俺们自学课文,做完相关练习,再上课诶 我不是抄哦!俺们老师不给讲,我们又不肯问 所以. 为什么韩国有俺们的繁体字那些韩国古装剧有很多俺们的字体 关于明星生活方式的英语文章俺们BT的英语老师出的 加强班级管理的发言稿怎样加强班级管理?我们班最近有点乱,老师一走就叽叽喳喳个没完.老师让俺们那一伙班干部反省.气死我也.但是.老师让写发言稿演讲一下下.师命难违啊···主要针对: 有关动物的有趣知识随便什么动物都行,但要有趣的,俺们生物老师要, 就问题B而言,让俺们拭目以待吧!“For B,let's wait and see”地道吗 最近天天闷热,俺们辽西地区为什么不下雨呢? 胎教用英文怎么讲尽快啊俺们急用啊 谐音是俺们心肝累的英文歌叫什么?