
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:17:43


West,the impact of festivals for the Chinese paper."Always felt that to accept both Chinese and Western influence in our generation seems a very awkward position,can not fully understand the traditional Chinese culture,it can not fully adapt to the Western way of thinking.That we will be doomed to alienation between tradition and westernization,and kept looking for their own position.We are eating McDonald's,KFC,Coca-Cola grew up drinking the children receive at school is almost Westernized education,so our generation than our predecessors to more receptive to Western ideas.We are young,things like the vibrant,so more than the Chinese traditional festivals,the release of passion Western holiday will be favored by the younger generation.Parents,elders to say that we worshiper of foreign things,in fact,we are only looking for a more personalized,and Western festivals exactly meets our needs at this point.In fact,the real content of bones of Western festivals,such as religion,we can not make a deeper level of understanding and acceptance of Western festivals attract only scratched the surface of our form,and when this form has been over-speculation,we can easily bored.If a romantic Valentine's Day,Halloween carnival,the excitement of Thanksgiving a few years ago would give us a fresh and passion,so now,many of us who have been on these festivals are very frustrated and fed up.When the holidays become a trend over the West and habits,regardless of how tired you are of these festivals,we must deal with these festivals to be,but is cumbersome for the so-called "courtesy." Even if do not need to prove himself with these manners are still the trend among entertainment should look to avoid being mistaken for "xenophobia" and Kiyotaka Snob,which is many of our peers,when faced with the typical mentality of the West Festival.To conduct a thorough investigation of the hidden dangers of the rectification to curb generate a new security risks,improve safety management,safety management to further improve various rules and regulations,and security incident response plan to form a safety investigation and management of hidden long-term mechanism to ensure the full completion of the safety control target.
(A) to strengthen leadership and define responsibilities.
(B) focused and comprehensive treatment.
(C) To strengthen supervision and inspection to achieve substantial results.
(D) to step up publicity to launch a wide range.
(E) treating the symptoms,long-term perspective.The relevant units at all levels of governance should take hidden investigation as an opportunity to continuously strengthen and standardize safety management and supervision.
(F) do a good job of production safety investigation governance information submitted to the hidden and so on.The relevant units at all levels should conscientiously sum up the hidden governance both positive and negative aspects of the results and lessons learned,propose corrective measures and promoting the requirements.