
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:17:20

第一句 少打个字

1:Could you please help me to enter the Canton Fair?
2:We have three people,could you help to ask the others if they can bring us in?
3:I'm from Harbin,where the winter is very beautiful,especially the beautiful ice lantern and snow sculpture which imply the culture and amorous feelings of our ice-city.
4:We are going to work.Welcome to be our guest in the beautiful Harbin.Could you pls leave your phone number so that I can be your guide when you come.Glad to meet you.

1: What can help me in the Fair?
2: We have three people you help me ask whether anyone else can help me get into it?
3: I am from Harbin in the north, where winter is beautiful, especially t...


1: What can help me in the Fair?
2: We have three people you help me ask whether anyone else can help me get into it?
3: I am from Harbin in the north, where winter is beautiful, especially the beautiful Ice City Ice and snow sculpture implies the culture and customs
4: We want to work. Welcome to Harbin, a beautiful guest. Can leave a telephone, to Harbin, I can do for you when the tour guide. Nice to meet you.


英语翻译1:请问能否帮我进入广交会?2:我们有三个人你能帮我问一下其他人能否帮我带入进去么?3:我是来自北方的哈尔滨,那里冬天很美,尤其是美丽的冰灯和雪雕蕴涵了冰城的文化和风情 请问广交会需要兼职英语翻译吗?怎样才能申请?谢谢 英语翻译我想要参加今年秋季的广交会翻译.以前没参加过,请问需要什么条件,去哪里找 求英语翻译:我有参加广交会的经验 请问如果我要请人家帮我做调查表英文怎么表达呢?帮我翻译“先生/小姐,请问你有时间吗?可以帮我做一份关于广交会的调查表吗? 广交会英语!请去过广交会的进,如果我看到老外进入了我们的摊位,我应该说什么呢?小弟在这里万分感谢! 英语翻译2009年10月23号是广交会第二期,我就要去一陶瓷公司当翻译了.这是我第一次当翻译,请问要准备什么?着装方面呢? 英语翻译请问谁可以帮我 英语翻译请问能否尽快呢? 英语翻译现在进入翻译行业做业务怎么样?大家帮我分析分析! 能否帮我解决下, 能否帮我翻译下! 英语翻译帮我1下下 请问李玟的so good唱的是什么内容啊?能否帮我翻译一下? sth means doing sth 请问有这个短语吗如果没有,能否帮我更改一下 英语翻译能否帮我翻译一下全文?注意一定要是全文,而不是考试的选段. 过几天要参加广交会志愿者服务,大家帮我收集志愿者会用到的英语和一些地理事物(如天桥)的英文表达. 英语翻译哪位大大可以帮我用英语翻译一下“这样,我能否离幸福更近些?尽量优美点....