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original paper
annotated version
A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
J.D.Watson and F.H.C.Crick (1)
April 25,1953 (2),Nature (3),171,737-738
We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.).This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.
A structure for nucleic acid has already been proposed by Pauling (4) and Corey1.They kindly made their manuscript available to us in advance of publication.Their model consists of three intertwined chains,with the phosphates near the fibre axis,and the bases on the outside.In our opinion,this structure is unsatisfactory for two reasons:
(1) We believe that the material which gives the X-ray diagrams is the salt,not the free acid.Without the acidic hydrogen atoms it is not clear what forces would hold the structure together,especially as the negatively charged phosphates near the axis will repel each other.
(2) Some of the van der Waals distances appear to be too small.
Another three-chain structure has also been suggested by Fraser (in the press).In his model the phosphates are on the outside and the bases on the inside,linked together by hydrogen bonds.This structure as described is rather ill-defined,and for this reason we shall not comment on it.
We wish to put forward a radically different structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (5).This structure has two helical chains each coiled round the same axis (see diagram).We have made the usual chemical assumptions,namely,that each chain consists of phosphate diester groups joining beta-D-deoxyribofuranose residues with 3',5' linkages.The two chains (but not their bases) are related by a dyad perpendicular to the fibre axis.Both chains follow right-handed helices,but owing to the dyad the sequences of the atoms in the two chains run in opposite directions (6) .Each chain loosely resembles Furberg's2 model No.1 (7); that is,the bases are on the inside of the helix and the phosphates on the outside.The configuration of the sugar and the atoms near it is close to Furberg's "standard configuration," the sugar being roughly perpendicular to the attached base.There is a residue on each every 3.4 A.in the z-direction.We have assumed an angle of 36掳 between adjacent residues in the same chain,so that the structure repeats after 10 residues on each chain,that is,after 34 A.The distance of a phosphorus atom from the fibre axis is 10 A.As the phosphates are on the outside,cations have easy access to them.
Figure 1
This figure is purely diagrammatic (8).The two ribbons symbolize the two phophate-sugar chains,and the horizonal rods the pairs of bases holding the chains together.The vertical line marks the fibre axis.
The structure is an open one,and its water content is rather high.At lower water contents we would expect the bases to tilt so that the structure could become more compact.
The novel feature of the structure is the manner in which the two chains are held together by the purine and pyrimidine bases.The planes of the bases are perpendicular to the fibre axis.They are joined together in pairs,a single base from one chain being hydroden-bonded to a single base from the other chain,so that the two lie side by side with identical z-coordinates.One of the pair must be a purine and the other a pyrimidine for bonding to occur.The hydrogen bonds are made as follows:purine position 1 to pyrimidine position 1; purine position 6 to pyrimidine position 6.
If it is assumed that the bases only occur in the structure in the most plausible tautomeric forms (that is,with the keto rather than the enol configurations) it is found that only specific pairs of bases can bond together.These pairs are:adenine (purine) with thymine (pyrimidine),and guanine (purine) with cytosine (pyrimidine) (9).
In other words,if an adenine forms one member of a pair,on either chain,then on these assumptions the other member must be thymine; similarly for guanine and cytosine.The sequence of bases on a single chain does not appear to be restricted in any way.However,if only specific pairs of bases can be formed,it follows that if the sequence of bases on one chain is given,then the sequence on the other chain is automatically determined.
It has been found experimentally3,4 that the ratio of the amounts of adenine to thymine,and the ratio of guanine to cytosine,are always very close to unity for deoxyribose nucleic acid.
It is probably impossible to build this structure with a ribose sugar in place of the deoxyribose,as the extra oxygen atom would make too close a van der Waals contact.
The previously published X-ray data5,6 on deoxyribose nucleic acid are insufficient for a rigorous test of our structure.So far as we can tell,it is roughly compatible with the experimental data,but it must be regarded as unproved until it has been checked against more exact results.Some of these are given in the following communications (10).We were not aware of the details of the results presented there when we devised our structure (11),which rests mainly though not entirely on published experimental data and stereochemical arguments.
It has not escaped our notice (12) that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material.
Full details of the structure,including the conditions assumed in building it,together with a set of coordinates for the atoms,will be published elsewhere (13).
We are much indebted to Dr.Jerry Donohue for constant advice and criticism,especially on interatomic distances.We have also been stimulated by a knowledge of the general nature of the unpublished experimental results and ideas of Dr.M.H.F.Wilkins,Dr.R.E.Franklin and their co-workers at King鈥檚 College,London.One of us (J.D.W.) has been aided by a fellowship from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

沃森和克里克DNA双螺旋模型的论文英文版 求沃森和克里克DNA双螺旋模型的论文中文版RT 沃森和克里克提出DNA分子的双螺旋结构模型后还有什么成就 沃森和克里克发表的关于DNA双螺旋结构论文的中文版 沃森和克里克制作的著名的dna双螺旋结构模型属于什么模型啊 物理概念数学化学?哪一个 沃森和克里克运用模型构建等方法发现了DNA双螺旋结构哪里错了 共同发现DNA分子双螺旋结构的科学家是( )A.沃森和哈维;B.林奈和克里克;C.拉马克和达尔文;D.沃森和克里克. DNA双螺旋结构模型的试验依据是什么?即通过哪些试验可以证明沃森和克里克的观点?我知道它有X射线衍射试验得到证明,请问还有哪些方面?具体的. 求沃森和克里克的DNA模型?要最原始的版本,就是刚提出的,沃森和克里克刚提出的模型应该是错漏百出的,好像有什么碱基对在双螺旋外面之类的.我就想要那个最原始刚提出的版本, 沃森和克里克运用模型法研究DNA的复制方式, 沃森和克里克运用什么方法研究dna?这句话怎么错了沃森和克里克运用模型法研究dna的复制方法? 沃森和克里克发现dna分子的双螺旋结构的发现与人类基因组计划主要运用的是模拟实验法还是实验法? 沃森和克里克构建了DNA复制的物理模型 错哪里了这句话错在哪里 沃森和克里克运用模型法研究DNA的复制方式这句话哪里错了. 沃森和克里克提出的DNA双螺旋结构模型中,双链沿中心轴旋转一周的上下垂直距离为3.4nm,而上下两相邻碱基对之间的垂直距离为0.34nm.问:DNA分子在旋转一周的空间范围内共有( )个脱氧核 沃森和克里克提出的DNA双螺旋结构模型中,双链沿中心轴旋转一周的上下垂直距离为3.4 nm,而上下两相邻碱基对之间的垂直距离为0.34 nm.问:(1)DNA分子在旋转一周的空间范围内共有______ ______个 沃森与克里克发现DNA双螺旋,使生物学进入到什么阶段? 给下列几件生物科学史上的大事排序沃森和克里克提出DNA双螺旋结构模型英国罗伯特·虎克发现细胞达尔文编著《物种起源》一书德国科学家施来登和施旺创立细胞学说孟德尔遗传定律被重