COP是什么东西?说是要换一个东西is as easy as pulling of one cop and replace with another with no tools......那...上面那句话怎么理解呢...- -|||

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:43:29

COP是什么东西?说是要换一个东西is as easy as pulling of one cop and replace with another with no tools......那...上面那句话怎么理解呢...- -|||
说是要换一个东西is as easy as pulling of one cop and replace with another with no tools......
那...上面那句话怎么理解呢...- -|||

COP是什么东西?说是要换一个东西is as easy as pulling of one cop and replace with another with no tools......那...上面那句话怎么理解呢...- -|||
Theories for the origin of cop abound,including the copper badge explanation you mention.We'd always been under the impression that the term was an acronym for "constable on patrol." Well,it seems we're both mistaken,as we learned from our roundabout quest for the answer.
Around the year 1700,the slang verb cop entered English usage,meaning "to get ahold of,catch,capture." By 1844,cop showed up in print,and soon thereafter the -er suffix was added,and a policeman became a copper,one who cops or catches and arrests criminals.Copper first appeared in print in 1846,the use of cop as a short form copper occured in 1859.
[Q] From Billyboy Mackey:“Could you possibly tell me the origin of the slang term for policemen,cops?”
[A] Half a dozen explanations at least have been put forward for this one,including an acronym from “constable on patrol”,which is reminiscent of the story behind posh and quite certainly just as spurious.It is also said to come from the copper badges carried by New York City’s first police sergeants (patrolmen were alleged to have had brass ones and senior officers silver); it is almost as often said to refer to the supposedly copper buttons of the first London police force of the 1820s.Both these stories seem about equally unlikely.
The most probable explanation is that it comes from the slang verb cop,meaning “to seize”,originally a dialect term of northern England which by the beginning of the nineteenth century was known throughout the country.This can be followed back through the French caper to the Latin capere,“to seize,take”,from which we also get our capture.
The situation is complicated because there are—or have been—a number of other slang meanings for cop,including “to give somebody a blow”,and the phrase cop out,as an escape or retreat.Both of these may come from the Latin capere.But it’s suggested that another sense of cop,“to steal”,could come from the Dutch kapen,“to take or steal”.There’s also “to beware,take care”,an Anglo-Indian term from the Portuguese coprador,and phrases like “you’ll cop it!” (“you’ll be punished,you’ll get into trouble”),which could come from the idea of seizing or catching,but may be a variant of catch.


COP是什么东西?说是要换一个东西is as easy as pulling of one cop and replace with another with no tools......那...上面那句话怎么理解呢...- -||| COP塑料是什么东西?结构式怎么样?有什么特征? 这个是什么东西?有人说是田七? odyssey 翻译软件说是奥德赛 是什么东西? 帮我猜猜这是啥东西.一个搞艺术的朋友要寄我东西,当我问他东西是什么时,他却神秘兮兮地说是非法物品不能寄,最好当面给我.他说东西很小,小得就在手掌里躺着.大家帮我猜猜这是啥东西?. 这个东西是什么东西 看看这是什么东西 能不能换台小汽车 医药中间体是什么东西?听说是THF做的,但是怎么说呢?是什么东西?有谁知道? babay oil 是什么东西说是泰国人妖用的 谁能告诉我是什么东西啊 请问最珍贵的东西是什么,有些人会说是生命 这是什么东西?干什么用的?说是童年的记忆 这个是什么东西啊,别人说是扎带. Holly's best friend is funnier than she is.she is 是什么东西可以把she is 换成her吗?换完之后意思变吗? 问番茄和西红柿严格来说是一个东西么? 提拉米苏(Tiramisu)到底是什么东西?有人说是蛋糕有人说是雪糕有人说是甜品有人说是芝士杯,到底是属于什么东西.原材料要哪些?一般在哪里才能吃到最正宗最地道的意式提拉米苏视?在国内 一个有三只眼睛、两张嘴、四只耳朵、八条胳膊、十条腿的东西是什么?(换个角度思考) 小太阳电暖器里控制低热的那个东西是什么?我买的小太阳电暖气里控制低热的那个东西好像烧坏了,应该可以换一个吧?那个东西是什么玩意?有懂的告诉一声! 是什么东西