英语翻译万圣节(All Saints' Day) 按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子.万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日.在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,"前

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 14:58:12

英语翻译万圣节(All Saints' Day) 按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子.万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日.在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,"前
万圣节(All Saints' Day)
按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子.万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日.在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,"前夕"的英语是eve ,所以万圣节前夕便由Halloween + eve 演变成 Halloween .
在美国,人们制作“杰克灯”或叫“南瓜灯”(Jack-o'-lantern).小孩们身穿古怪的服装,头戴面具,装扮成鬼怪的形象,手里提着一盏南瓜灯,从一家走到另一家,在大门口大声叫着“是请客还是要我们捣乱(Trick or Treat).这时若主人不请客(treat ),这些顽皮的孩子就会动真格地捣乱(trick),有的在主人的门把上涂上肥皂或往玻璃上洒肥皂水;有的干脆把主人的门给卸下来;还有的顺手拿走主人放在门口的日常小用品等.但人们对这些天真可爱的小客人一般还是欢迎的,并且事先都准备好糖果或零钱.听到这些小孩来到时,他们马上迎出来,给孩子们分发糖果或零钱.

英语翻译万圣节(All Saints' Day) 按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子.万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日.在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,"前
According to Christian practices,and the annual November 1 for Halloween,All Saints commemorated the day.Halloween is the eve of the day before Halloween,October 31st.In medieval England,called All Hallow Halloween,we all know,"Eve" is the eve of English,so from then on the eve of Halloween Halloween + eve evolved into Halloween.
In the United Kingdom,on the eve of Halloween can be said is a Guijie.Because most of the activities to do with the "ghost".Every Halloween night on the eve of this day,people were sitting next to the stove,on some ghost stories,and sometimes to the presence of a number of children living sounds scared.Some people turnip or beet first hollowing out,which creates a strange shape of the first things above inscribed in the mouth and eyes,and in its place within a lighted candle,looks strange,people fear,and then it branches or hanging in the door,this could be expelled Jiaomoguiguai said.
In the United States,production people,"Jack lights" or called "pumpkin lights" (Jack-o'-lantern).Children were wearing strange clothes,wearing a mask,the image of herself as a ghostly hand carrying red lantern pumpkin lights,go from one another in the doorway loudly chanting "we have a banquet or trouble (Trick or Treat).banquet at this time if the owner does not (treat),which will do what naughty children in trouble (trick),and in some cases the owner's door painted on the glass to soap or rub soapy water; Some simply master to the door to unload; also took away the comfortable on the front of the masters of small day-to-day supplies.naive but lovable people of these small general welcome guests,and are ready to advance candy or coins.hear these to the children,they immediately Ying-out distributed candy to the children or coins.

按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子。万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日。在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,大家知道,"前夕"的英语是eve , 所以万圣节前夕便由Halloween + eve 演变成 Halloween 。


按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子。万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日。在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,大家知道,"前夕"的英语是eve , 所以万圣节前夕便由Halloween + eve 演变成 Halloween 。
在美国,人们制作“杰克灯”或叫“南瓜灯”(Jack-o'-lantern)。小孩们身穿古怪的服装,头戴面具,装扮成鬼怪的形象,手里提着一盏南瓜灯,从一家走到另一家,在大门口大声叫着“是请客还是要我们捣乱(Trick or Treat)。这时若主人不请客(treat ),这些顽皮的孩子就会动真格地捣乱(trick),有的在主人的门把上涂上肥皂或往玻璃上洒肥皂水;有的干脆把主人的门给卸下来;还有的顺手拿走主人放在门口的日常小用品等。但人们对这些天真可爱的小客人一般还是欢迎的,并且事先都准备好糖果或零钱。听到这些小孩来到时,他们马上迎出来,给孩子们分发糖果或零钱。


英语翻译万圣节(All Saints' Day) 按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子.万圣节前夕便是万圣节的前一天,即10月31日.在中世纪的英格兰,万圣节被叫做 All Hallow ,前 万圣节英语翻译 英语翻译I love you with a love that i seemed to lose with my lose saints I love with the breath,smiles,tears,and all of my life 万圣节介绍英语翻译 英语翻译:万圣节到了吗 英语翻译:昨天是万圣节吗 万圣节的来历!用英语翻译! 翻译:你万圣节怎么过的?你去参加万圣节晚会了吗?(英语翻译)谢谢! 英语翻译This is why I hold snow as a beauty too often left to saints.left to 英语翻译1.cathedral of the good shepherd 2.church of saints peter and paul3.St.Joseph's church 英语翻译1.what's yuor phone number?have you got a Saints Day?When is it?When's your town's Saints Day?When's your father's birthday?When's your mother's birthaday? 万圣节的角色英语翻译,给一点拜托了 英语翻译:万圣节是怎么起源的,有什么习俗 英语翻译这篇文章介绍了万圣节及其的习俗. 英语翻译如题“Halloween”是指万圣节前夜吧 英语翻译把“看,龙舟比赛开始了,我们都变得兴奋起来.”翻译成英文.Look,the dragon boat race is starting .All of ____ ______ _____ _____.把“万圣节................”翻成英文。__________Halloween _________after Chris 为什么万圣节称万圣节 英语翻译:万圣节!听起来真有趣,你可以介绍介绍你们在万圣节里的活动吗?这是个适合孩子