SAT的语法挑错题一个.The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actor's words,even when whispered,are to those sitting in the last row.auditory 为什么错了.应该改成什么呢?、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 20:46:09

SAT的语法挑错题一个.The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actor's words,even when whispered,are to those sitting in the last row.auditory 为什么错了.应该改成什么呢?、
The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actor's words,even when whispered,are to those sitting in the last row.
auditory 为什么错了.应该改成什么呢?、

SAT的语法挑错题一个.The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actor's words,even when whispered,are to those sitting in the last row.auditory 为什么错了.应该改成什么呢?、
auditory是 听觉的 的意思
而audible是 可以听见的 的意思

SAT的语法挑错题一个.The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actor's words,even when whispered,are to those sitting in the last row.auditory 为什么错了.应该改成什么呢?、 4道SAT语法题.答案我知道.前两题是挑错误,后两题是替换划线部分. SAT语法 挑错 06年1月section3第14题 The (newly elected) Prime Minister,(to the dismay) of opponents from other parties,(have argued) for (the strict regulation of) campaign financing.have argued.问:1.正确的应该怎么改?2.SAT里什么 SAT语法,挑错题The Roman poet Virgil is highly esteemed today for his epic poem,The Aeneid,yet on his deathbed he himself sought to prevent its publication on the grounds (of not being) sufficiently polished.括号里是其中一个划线并且 一道SAT语法挑错题:Members of the Alvin Ailey Dance Company have once again shown...Members of the Alvin Ailey Dance Company 【have】 (A) once again 【shown how】 (B) the combination of strength and 【being agile】 (C) 【can produce】 ( sat 语法挑错题 isegeorge thornton emmons was one of a handful of ethnographers who committed their life to studying the tlingit culture of the northwest coast.their life 有错么? sat 语法挑错题Studying the language and culture of a foreign country is highly recommended to the tourist who expect to learn from his or her vacation abroad.为什么who expect有错, 几道SAT语法挑错题~Its settlement of the strike demonstrated that the company can maintain strong labor relations,treat its employees well,while still making a reasonable profit.这是道挑错题,正确答案是while still making有错,Since t 一SAT语法挑错题.非诚勿扰Among American swimmers,Jason Lezak is an excellent example of an athlete who,while contributing to the success of his teammates,had brought attention to himself.这个句子是完全正确的,但是我不明白while SAT ISE 语法 挑错题as skilled a dancer as he is a DJ,Belli found that his skills were in high demand at nightclubs across the town.没有错误~可是我在想这里的“as he is”和“found”were等动词不应该保持一致吗~先行谢 有一些SAT语法的问题,本人语法不太好,SAT也是自学阶段.挑错1.(During) my (most recent trip),I (came across) a wonderful antique store (wandering )in the old quarter of the city.( No error)D错在哪里?2.A volunteer organization,th sat语法 挑错something of a phenomenon in the entertainment world,political satirists are admired by conservationists and radicals alike.此处 something of 有错么? sat语法问题,是个挑错题,顺便求翻译(To stand in) Persepolis in modern Iran and look out as Darius the First( must have done), at the immense (sweep of fields and mountains )is (to grasp) the vastness of the ancient Persian 英语挑错题.就一个句子Spring Festival is the most important festival in the world. SAT 09年10月语法题目求助!挑错题:The acoustics of the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus are so good that an actot's words ,even when whispered,(auditory) to those sitting in the last row.这个auditory 怎么错了呢? SAT og 语法挑错求助1.Few issues of public policy are as likely to provoke widespread interest as( that) involving possible danger to the health or safety of children.括号里的怎么错了2.After Gertude Ederle( had swam) the English 一道sat的语法题,解释 一道sat上的语法题