英语翻译6.Doctor Jones can ________ you ______ onThursday afternoon.A.send … in B.fit … in C.but … out D.get … through8.I have to _______ on my work tonight,soI can’t come out.A.keep up B.keep C.catch up D.catch这题为什么选C不选

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:54:26

英语翻译6.Doctor Jones can ________ you ______ onThursday afternoon.A.send … in B.fit … in C.but … out D.get … through8.I have to _______ on my work tonight,soI can’t come out.A.keep up B.keep C.catch up D.catch这题为什么选C不选
6.Doctor Jones can ________ you ______ onThursday afternoon.
A.send … in B.fit … in C.but … out D.get … through
8.I have to _______ on my work tonight,soI can’t come out.
A.keep up B.keep C.catch up D.catch
10.We wish we ________ more attention toour pronunciation in the high school.
A.had paid B.paid C.have paid D.would have paid
12.Events _______ to produce great difficulties for the government.
A.perspired B.inspired C.conspired D.despaired
13.Overwork has _______ him ________ aphysic wreck.
A.induced … to B.deduced … to C.introduced … to D.reduced … to
14.We’ve paid for this holiday,we mightas well ________ and enjoy it.
A.sit about B.sit by C.sit up D.sit back
16.We ________ her experience through theproject.
A.drew in B.drew on C.drew back D.drew up

英语翻译6.Doctor Jones can ________ you ______ onThursday afternoon.A.send … in B.fit … in C.but … out D.get … through8.I have to _______ on my work tonight,soI can’t come out.A.keep up B.keep C.catch up D.catch这题为什么选C不选
fit in 有接待的意思
catch up 赶进度
conspire有集合在一起 凑在一起的意思 事情凑在一块给政府带来很大困难.produce是动词
reduce sb to是某人沦落 是某人脆弱,和wreck相符合,induce有主观的引诱的意思.
sit up有坐起来的意思,引申为开始干,而sit back有坐回去的意思,还有袖手旁观的意思,语境不符
A没有 C后退的意思 D拟定的意思 drew on有“画的”意思,我们模仿她的经验 按照她的经验,类似依葫芦画瓢,所以选B

6 fit sb in.. schedual 这里是预约看病的场景 所以fit in 表示安排的的意思
8. catch up 追赶 跟上 这是的catch up on my work 赶完工作进度
keep on 保持
10. 这里是虚拟语气 wish后面的宾从要用时态错位 用had done 过去完成表过去 所以用A就可以了
12. conspire 英文解...


6 fit sb in.. schedual 这里是预约看病的场景 所以fit in 表示安排的的意思
8. catch up 追赶 跟上 这是的catch up on my work 赶完工作进度
keep on 保持
10. 这里是虚拟语气 wish后面的宾从要用时态错位 用had done 过去完成表过去 所以用A就可以了
12. conspire 英文解释: v.(动词)
vi. 密谋,搞阴谋 plan (sth bad) together secretly;take part in a conspiracy
vi. (事件等)巧合,共同导致 (of events) to combine or work together, especially with bad results
这里是第二个意思 事情等的巧合 意思是: 各种事件凑在一起给我们带来了很大困难。
13. reduce A to B 让A降级为B
14. sit up 坐直; 坐起来; 迟睡; 熬夜
sit back 宽舒地休息; 不采取行动
这个我也觉得应该现在D 你再看看答案 是不是看错了
16. draw on 穿上;引起;吸收;利用;临近;凭借;动用;引用;鼓励
draw in 1.
(火车,汽车)到站(=pull in):The train drew in at 6:34—furteen minutes late.
2.(天)渐黑,(白昼 )渐短:The days are drawing in.白天越来越短了。

draw on 1.吸,抽:He drew thoughtfully on his pipe.他抽着烟斗,若有所思。
2.动用,利用★★★We drew on her experience through the project. 我们这一项目自始至终都借助她的经验。
3.临近,接近(同draw near):It grew colder as night drew on.
draw up 1.定出,画出,草拟2.停住(=pull up) (3) fall-phrases


doctor jones中文是什么意思 Doctor Jones 歌词 doctor jones空间链接 英语翻译6.Doctor Jones can ________ you ______ onThursday afternoon.A.send … in B.fit … in C.but … out D.get … through8.I have to _______ on my work tonight,soI can’t come out.A.keep up B.keep C.catch up D.catch这题为什么选C不选 英语翻译The doctor. (英语翻译) a controlling doctor 英语翻译是整片故事的翻译:One guy goes into a doctor's office.The doctor says, Oh,Mr.Jones!We have the results of your test.Do you want the bad news first or the very bad news The guy shrugs and says,Well I guess I'll have the bad ne 如何用英语翻译“the Smith ,and/& Jones Company” 英语翻译Hello!I'm Bill Smith.I'm twelve.This ismy sister,Jenny.She's ten.We are from the USA.But now we are in China.Myfather is an English teacher in a school.My mother is a doctor.They workhard.At school Ihave a friend.His name is Ben Jones.He' 初一英语首字母急急急Ann jones is a girl from Washington D.C.the c_____ of the United States .Before Ann went to swim with the dolphin, she went to a doctor and he told hershe was w______. She kept telling him she had a Mrs.Jones had had ____ little education that it was hard for her to get a job.详解!a.such b.so c.very d.only答案是b,请问为什么?The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he ___ to the hospital.a.took b.was taken答案是b,为什么 英语翻译doctor’s 是doctor‘s office的简称 英语翻译是visting doctor 还是visit the doctor? 英语翻译If one doctor doctors anther doctor,does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctors the doctor the way the doctor is doctoring doctors?Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors? mr jones 英语翻译Lao she is the ___ of Tea House.A.doctor B.actor C.singer D.writer doctor doctor