
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:39:17

程氏家族第四代继承人程远从美国回来,在归途上,有人在他船舱的卧室里藏匿毒品,恰巧,因为他跟别人换了舱室,躲了过去.与他换舱室的一对中国情侣李克金和伍月.李克金冤枉地被捕,伍月来到岛上,并请求程远营救李克金.程远正深陷在父亲去世之后家族的混乱之中,他必须跟费先生的女儿丽达联姻,必须稳定家族各方面的关系才能从泥泞中走出来. 从此两个毫不相干,天壤之别的年轻人程远和伍月都陷入到一个复杂的家族争斗的大旋涡中,越旋越深.伍月指望程远救李克金,程远依靠伍月做掩护去解疑惑.在家族争斗的过程中,伍月替他挡了一枪,程远发现他渐渐爱上了身边的这个北京女孩.但是和丽达的联姻,也是家族的责任,责任重于生命,程远知道,他无法摆脱自己的命运.

"Fragrance" is a family saga and love disputes relating to the drama.
Cheng Cheng's family,fourth-generation heir to the United States came back from as far away,in the way back,it was in his bedroom cabin hiding drugs,coincidentally,because he changed the compartment with others,to hide the past.And his cabin for a pair of Chinese couple Li Ke gold and NG Yuet.Li Ke Kim wronged to arrest,NG Yuet came to the island,and requested the rescue Cheng-Yuan Li Ke Jin.Cheng Yuan is being trapped in his father's death after the family chaos,he must be with the daughter of Rita,Mr.Fei marriage was necessary to stabilize the relationship between the various aspects of the family can come out from the mud.Since then,two have nothing to do,poles apart from the young Cheng Yuan and NG Yuet are caught in a complex family of battle of the big vortex,the more spin deeper.NG Yuet expected to save Li Ke Cheng-Yuan Jin,Cheng NG Yuet so far rely on the cover to the solution of doubts.In the process of family strife,NG Yuet him block a shot,Cheng Yuan found that he gradually fell in love with this side of Beijing girl.However,and Rita's marriage is also the responsibility of family responsibility more important than life,Cheng Yuan know,he could not get rid of their own destiny.

"Hidden" is a family with love imbroglio between on the TV.
The cheng family is honoured to the fourth generation successor ChengYuan back from America, in some way, the bedroom in his cabin hidde...


"Hidden" is a family with love imbroglio between on the TV.
The cheng family is honoured to the fourth generation successor ChengYuan back from America, in some way, the bedroom in his cabin hidden narcotics, with others, because he was in hiding the past and accommodation. And he a pair of lovers in China LiKeJin accommodation and wu months. LiKeJin wronged arrested, wu months came and asked ChengYuan island LiKeJin rescue. After his father died ChengYuanZheng Mired in the family, he must confusion with the daughter of Mr Fee must be stable family and marriage leda various aspects of the relationship to go out from the mud. Since the initiation, two young ChengYuan and wu months in a complex family fighting in the maelstrom of spin, the deeper. Wu ChengYuan expect LiKeJin save on ChengYuan, on the screen to ¥on questions. In the process of family fighting for months, wu he found him a gun, ChengYuan gradually fell in love with the side of the Beijing girl. But the marriage and family, also leda the responsibility, liability, ChengYuan know, he can't get rid of your own destiny.


"Hidden" is a family with love imbroglio between on the TV.
The cheng family is honoured to the fourth generation successor ChengYuan back from America, in some way, the bedroom in his cabin hidde...


"Hidden" is a family with love imbroglio between on the TV.
The cheng family is honoured to the fourth generation successor ChengYuan back from America, in some way, the bedroom in his cabin hidden narcotics, with others, because he was in hiding the past and accommodation. And he a pair of lovers in China LiKeJin accommodation and wu months. LiKeJin wronged arrested, wu months came and asked ChengYuan island LiKeJin rescue. After his father died ChengYuanZheng Mired in the family, he must confusion with the daughter of Mr Fee must be stable family and marriage leda various aspects of the relationship to go out from the mud. Since the initiation, two young ChengYuan and wu months in a complex family fighting in the maelstrom of spin, the deeper. Wu ChengYuan expect LiKeJin save on ChengYuan, on the screen to ¥on questions. In the process of family fighting for months, wu he found him a gun, ChengYuan gradually fell in love with the side of the Beijing girl. But the marriage and family, also leda the responsibility, liability, ChengYuan know, he can't get rid of your own destiny.
