
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:50:15


1.我们可以拍张相片吗? Can we take a picture together?
2.你会说中文吗?Can you speak Chinese?
3.可以说几句吗? Can you say something?
4.可以告诉我你的email地址吗? Can you tell me your email address?
5.这是我的email地址,给你!This is my email address, here you go!
6.我的英语不怎么样,请多多包含!I'm not very good at English,I'm still working on it.
7.对不起,我的英语水平很差,您说的话我听不懂!Sorry, my english is not very good, i can't really understand what you are saying.
8.(初次见面)您好!先生/女士/小姐 请问您有空吗? How are you sir, ms, miss? do you have a minute?
9.我们可以闲聊吗?Can we chat?
10.好了!我们就聊到这里吧!祝你旅途愉快!Ok, we'd better stop here, safe trip!
11.愿你一切都顺利! wish you all the best!
12.要记得常给我写信.我会想你的! please write to me, i will miss you.
14.回去记得告诉你的家人,你拥有了一个中国朋友,她叫AMY! please remember me to your family, you have a chinese friend named amy!
15.你的学校生活轻松吗?我们很累的!真羡慕你啊!how's your school? relaxing? ours is very strict and tiring.