求外国人对中国及中国人存在误解的英文描述写100字左右外国对中国存在误解的英文 这种误解不是指fear strong China,而是认为中国很穷治安不好什么的 急

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:51:21

求外国人对中国及中国人存在误解的英文描述写100字左右外国对中国存在误解的英文 这种误解不是指fear strong China,而是认为中国很穷治安不好什么的 急
写100字左右外国对中国存在误解的英文 这种误解不是指fear strong China,而是认为中国很穷治安不好什么的 急

求外国人对中国及中国人存在误解的英文描述写100字左右外国对中国存在误解的英文 这种误解不是指fear strong China,而是认为中国很穷治安不好什么的 急
no answer

US needs better understanding of China
A country of cat- and dog-eaters poised to take over the world in a matter of years. Perhaps this is the image that comes to mind for many Americans when the...


US needs better understanding of China
A country of cat- and dog-eaters poised to take over the world in a matter of years. Perhaps this is the image that comes to mind for many Americans when they think of China. After two months in the nation's capital, however, I can tell you that most of what the U.S. thinks about the country is a bit off the mark, to say the least.
Another aspect of China that Americans often misunderstand is its relationship with North Korea, especially in regard to that country's nuclear ambitions. In the opinion of many Americans, China should either be friendly enough with their Communist brethren to convince them to disarm or strong enough to force them to. The fact of the matter is, neither is completely the case.
China's ties to North Korea, first off, aren't as cozy as many Americans might imagine. While it's possible, though somewhat difficult, for Chinese to visit North Korea, for example, their counterparts across the Yalu River and the Yellow Sea have a much more difficult time leaving their shores. Following the Korean War, Chinese characters were essentially eliminated from the North Korean language, and despite decades of relief and aid from Beijing, North Korea simply does not seem to want to listen to its Chinese neighbors. Theoretically, China could force Pyongyang to listen, but, unlike some other countries, persuasion via military might does not seem to be its style.
For their part, the Chinese don't understand what America is so worried about. "How can a nation that can barely feed its own people afford to go to war?" they ask. Plus, if any country should be concerned about getting a nuclear bomb dropped on it, it should be China, practically in Pyongyang's backyard.
As much as America enjoys criticizing China's relationship with North Korea, it is perhaps even fonder of lambasting its government, especially for what it sees as the CCP's internal corruption and its control of the country's media. Here again, however, the U.S is handing down opinions on a topic it isn't entirely informed about.
Of course, by U.S. standards, any infringement upon individual rights is automatic grounds for a public outrage, but in China, different standards apply, and for good reason. Consider this, in the past 100 years China has witnessed the end of dynastic rule (essentially the only thing it had known its entire history), foreign invasion and occupation, civil war. The U.S. has suffered only one of those atrocities, civil war, and it is viewed as perhaps the singular, most horrible event in the nation's history. Imagine that, plus all the Chinese had to go through, crammed into a period of less than 100 years and you begin to understand why the Chinese accept their government the way it is at present.


这不是误解,这是事实。如果指误解应该写中国如何如何强大,中国人民如何如何幸福, 中国治安如何如何好。这都是外国人对中国的误解。还有朋友居然去中国内陆非旅游城市游玩。。。回来吓死了,说以前都听说中国如何如何安全,现在相信BBC了。...


这不是误解,这是事实。如果指误解应该写中国如何如何强大,中国人民如何如何幸福, 中国治安如何如何好。这都是外国人对中国的误解。还有朋友居然去中国内陆非旅游城市游玩。。。回来吓死了,说以前都听说中国如何如何安全,现在相信BBC了。


US needs better understanding of China
A country of cat- and dog-eaters poised to take over the world in a matter of years. Perhaps this is the image that comes to mind for many Americans when the...


US needs better understanding of China
A country of cat- and dog-eaters poised to take over the world in a matter of years. Perhaps this is the image that comes to mind for many Americans when they think of China. After two months in the nation's capital, however, I can tell you that most of what the U.S. thinks about the country is a bit off the mark, to say the least.
Another aspect of China that Americans often misunderstand is its relationship with North Korea, especially in regard to that country's nuclear ambitions. In the opinion of many Americans, China should either be friendly enough with their Communist brethren to convince them to disarm or strong enough to force them to. The fact of the matter is, neither is completely the case.
China's ties to North Korea, first off, aren't as cozy as many Americans might imagine. While it's possible, though somewhat difficult, for Chinese to visit North Korea, for example, their counterparts across the Yalu River and the Yellow Sea have a much more difficult time leaving their shores. Following the Korean War, Chinese characters were essentially eliminated from the North Korean language, and despite decades of relief and aid from Beijing, North Korea simply does not seem to want to listen to its Chinese neighbors. Theoretically, China could force Pyongyang to listen, but, unlike some other countries, persuasion via military might does not seem to be its style.
For their part, the Chinese don't understand what America is so worried about. "How can a nation that can barely feed its own people afford to go to war?" they ask. Plus, if any country should be concerned about getting a nuclear bomb dropped on it, it should be China, practically in Pyongyang's backyard.
As much as America enjoys criticizing China's relationship with North Korea, it is perhaps even fonder of lambasting its government, especially for what it sees as the CCP's internal corruption and its control of the country's media. Here again, however, the U.S is handing down opinions on a topic it isn't entirely informed about.


Part of the foreigners think that Chinese people are very wealthy, because the people go abroad are always have the lavish consumption , and they are all cash transactions. (May be
we Chinese peo...


Part of the foreigners think that Chinese people are very wealthy, because the people go abroad are always have the lavish consumption , and they are all cash transactions. (May be
we Chinese people do not like to use credit card related) to another part of the foreigners that the people still in the Qing Dynasty ...... Manga often appear years is strong evidence of male braids. ( and many thought that Chinese people like to smoke cigarettes.)
Also part of the Chinese are nouveau riche, although they are rich ,but are not in high quality, Instead they are quite noisy, non-compliance with the order, spitting, graffiti map. Of course there is also a civilization, but because the foreign media concertrate more on those uncivilized people ,so image of chinese is not good.



求外国人对中国及中国人存在误解的英文描述写100字左右外国对中国存在误解的英文 这种误解不是指fear strong China,而是认为中国很穷治安不好什么的 急 外国人对中国或者中国人都有哪些误解尤其是通过一些外国电影中的对中国及中国人的描述所表现出来的,希望多给一些建议. 外国人对中国及中国人、中国文化的看法~ 外国人对中国人的评价外国人对中国人的看法不是取决于外国人,而是中国人自己来决定的;中国人什么素质,就会有什么样的评价,不要总是埋怨外国人怎么怎么偏见了.自己去看看中国在国内 中国人跟外国人交流的过程当中会产生什么误解?请举例子并分析 中国人与外国人的区别(英文) 目前中国的国际地位如何另外,外国人尤其是发达国家的国民如何看待和评价中国及中国人呢 外国人对中国的印象? 看了下外国人对中国人的描述,很郁闷啊,我们中国人该怎么办?有种坐在屎里不知道臭的感觉. 求说造纸的英文电影电影还外国人发明的呢,中国人不要拍电影了. 求容易让人误解的语句可以描述在某种环境下哪种语句容易误解 在很久很久以前,中国没有人会英语,外国人也不会中文.请问中国人是怎么学会英文的. 中国的租界为什么外国人能去,中国人不能去 急求一篇 外国人对中国人看法 的英语作文!120词左右 中国人对西方人(尤指说英语的国家)有哪些文化上的误解或者偏见.也就是、cultural stereotype.比如说,我觉得所有外国人天天都吃汉堡.这是不准确的.something like that. 中国人的英文和外国人的有什么区别? 中国人的英文和外国人的有什么区别? 外国人听中国人说英文是什么样的.像浩二 在中国呆那么久 说中文还是听不大懂.外国人听中国人说英文也会那样吗?