
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:46:46


Ⅰ.A) 听下面8段对话,然后根据所听内容回答问题.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分)
1. W: Hello, Jim! You look tired today.
M: Yes, I went to bed late last night. I was watching the football match and forgot the time.
2. W: Hey, Peter. What’s the matter?
M: I had a fight with my best friend.
W: well, you should give him a call and say sorry to him.
M: OK!
3. W: What were you doing when the teacher came in?
M: Jim was drawing a picture on the blackboard. Rose was doing her homework and Marry was reading English.
4. W: May I borrow these three books, Mrs Chen?
M: I’m afraid not, Andrala.You borrowed two yesterday. Each one can borrow two books .
5. W: Peter, I made a telephone call you yesterday, but you weren’t in.
M: Sorry. My friends and I were climbing a mountain.Then what did you do yesterday ?
W: I went to a park with my brother.
6. M: OK, when should we have the party?
W: Let’s have it today.
M: If we have it today, half the class won’t come.
7. W:Hello,James!What are you going to do this summer holiday?
M:Oh,hi,Chen Hui!I’m going to visit some cities in the west.
W:I think you’ll enjoy yourself.
M:Yes.Those cities are all places of interest in China.What about you?
W:I’m afraid I’ll have to stay at home.
8. M: Hi, Mary. You look happy. Any good news?
W: I passed the English exam this time
M: Great. If you work harder, your English will be much better.
W:I think so. You’re the best student in our class. Can you help me with my English?
M: No problem.
B) 听下面2段长对话,选答案.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分)
Dialogue 1
W: Jack ,what will you do in the future ?
M:I don’t think I will do anything.
W:No,that’s impossible.Who will do the work for you?
M:Robots will do all the work for me.
W:You think so? Will children need to go to school?
M:No,they’ll learn on computers.No teachers.
W: Um,Will you feel bored without work?
M:No,I’ll feel pretty relaxed because I will do what I want to .For example, I’ll travel all around the world.
W:Will you go to the moon?
M:Of course,maybe I will live on the moon.
W:I hope your dream will come true soon.
M:Thank you.
Dialogue 2
M: Jane, Can I borrow your homework?
W: Mike, why do you want to copy my homework?
M:I couldn’t do it.
W:I don't’t think it is good to copy my homework.
M: Why do you think so ?
W: Because it’s a bad habit.You should do it by yourself.
M:Jane,you are my best friend.
W: Yes,I’m your best friend.so I will help you.Don’t worry.
M:Ok,I’ll do it by myself.Thank you.
My name is Rick. I am fourteen years old. I am a middle school student. I like playing basketball but I didn’t like it three years ago. Three years ago I liked playing tennis. Now I join the basketball club. I play basketball for four hours every day. I’m going to be a basket ball player when I grow up.
I have a good friend. His name is Eric. He is the same age as me. He didn’t like English three years ago.But now He is good at English and often helps me with my English. He often says he will be a reporter in the future.
Ⅰ. 听力测试(每小题1分,共25分)
1-5.BCCAC 6-10ABCBB 11-15.ACBAC
16. 3 years ago 17. join the basketball club/play basketball 18. fourteen/14
19. didn’t like English 20. a reporter
A)21-25CBCDB 26-30ABDBC
41.What’s wrong/ What’s the matter?
42.What should I do?
43.How much is it?
44.Why not find a part-time job?
45.I think you can work as a tutor.
46-50 BCBAC 51-55 ACBDA 56-60 CEBAD
Nice to hear from you . As your report says, you did excellent in some subjects such as Math, English and Chinese and you did good work in history and computer science. Physics is very important .you should spend more time on it. You need to do more sports. Sports are very important in our life. If you want to stay healthy, you must do some sports. That’s why we have sports classes. If you want good grade in sports, you need to practice. Try hard and keep on doing one sport. Soon you will be a good player.
Best wishes.
Li Yun


江西省南昌市2009-2010学年度八年级英语第二学期期末形成性测试卷人教版. 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级(初二)地理 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期末终结性测试卷高一化学甲卷答案 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级(初二)物理 江西省南昌市2009-2010学年度第二学期期末终结性测试八年级(初二)历史试卷 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级英语答案 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷高一英语甲卷答案. 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性试卷 高一地理答案 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级(初二下)生物 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期末终结性测试卷初一历史 不许蒙人 2009-2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷高二语文和英语甲卷的答案 2009——2010学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级历史A卷 2008-2009学年度第二学期南昌市期末终结性测试卷七年级(初一)语文 南昌市2008-2009学年度第二学期期中测试卷 可以提供准确的文件地址吗? 2010-2011学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级(初二)数学答案 2010-2011学年度第二学期南昌市期末终结测试卷七年级(初一)思想品德 2010-2011学年度第二学期南昌市期末终结性测试卷高一化学 甲卷 2010-2011学年度第二学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷八年级(初二)数学答案