麻烦解释这个程序Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)x = 4:y = 5:z = 6End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer,y As Integerx = 1:y = 2:z = 3Print x,y,zCall pl(y,z)Print x,y,zEnd Sub

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 20:43:33

麻烦解释这个程序Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)x = 4:y = 5:z = 6End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer,y As Integerx = 1:y = 2:z = 3Print x,y,zCall pl(y,z)Print x,y,zEnd Sub
Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)
x = 4:y = 5:z = 6
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer,y As Integer
x = 1:y = 2:z = 3
Print x,y,z
Call pl(y,z)
Print x,y,z
End Sub

麻烦解释这个程序Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)x = 4:y = 5:z = 6End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer,y As Integerx = 1:y = 2:z = 3Print x,y,zCall pl(y,z)Print x,y,zEnd Sub
Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer) '不加任何修饰符号就默认是ByRef
x = 4:y = 5:z = 6'这里x=4会改动调用者的值,y则不会改变
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer,y As Integer
x = 1:y = 2:z = 3
Print x,y,z'此时输出 1 2 3
Call pl(y,z)'调用这个时y 对应参数里的x,z对应参数里的y;在上面的过程里,x也就是这里的y是被修改的,修改成了4,所以y就等于4
Print x,y,z'所以此时输出是1 4 3
End Sub

麻烦解释这个程序Private Sub pl(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer)x = 4:y = 5:z = 6End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer,y As Integerx = 1:y = 2:z = 3Print x,y,zCall pl(y,z)Print x,y,zEnd Sub vb sgn 函数Private Sub Command1_Click()x = -5If Sgn(x) Theny = Sgn(x ^ 2)Elsey = Sgn(x)End IfPrint yEnd Sub程序结果是?这个里的x是怎么赋值的? Private Sub 与 Sub的区别 Private Sub Command1_Click() s = 0 Do s = (s + 1) * (s + 2) Number = Number + 1 Loop Until s >= 30 PPrivate Sub Command1_Click()s = 0Dos = (s + 1) * (s + 2)Number = Number + 1Loop Until s >= 30Print Number,sEnd Sub这个程序是怎么执行的? 33.设有如下程序Private Sub Command1_Click( )Dim sum As Double,x As Doublesum = 0n = 0For i=1 To 5x = n / in = n + 1sum = sum + xNext iEnd Sub该程序通过For循环来计算一个表达式的值,这个表达式是______.A、1+1/2+2/3+3/4+4/5 B 一些计算机的程序的计算问题!最好能一步一个解释!程序填空1、以下程序是找出50以内所有能构成直角三角形的整数组.请完成程序.Private Sub Command1_Click()For a=1 To 50For b=a To 50c=Sqr(a^2+b^2)If ____ An VB里面Private Sub form_click()什么意思为什么开头都差不多写这个! 请解释下面程序每一句含义以及最后输出的值Private Sub Form-Click()For i=1 to 4X=1For j=1 to 3X=3For k=1 to 2X=X+6Next kNext jNext iprint x End sub 编写程序计算1+3+5+……+99的值,这是个填空题.private sub command1_click()dim i,s as integers=0for i=1 to ____________s=s+(2*i-1)_______________print s=;send sub答案是第一空填50,为什么最大是99,要填50呢?这个50是怎么 怎么编写如下程序作业题private SUB Conmmd1_CLICK()___________A=_________FOR I =1TO5PRINT SPACE(6-I): ______________NEXTIEND SUB程序运行后,单击命令按钮 输出结果为 5 456 34567 2345678123456789 6.分析下列程序,单击窗口时,程序运行结果.Private Function Fac() As StringFac = “,”End FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Click()Dim I as IntegerFor I=1 to 5Command1_ClickPrint Fac();Command2_ClickNext IEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Prin VB问题Private Sub Command1_Click()Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i%For i = Combo1.ListCount - 1 To 0If Combo1.Selected(i) ThenList1.AddItem Combo1(i)End IfNext i这个代码如何改 Private Sub Form_Click()和Private Sub Command1_Click()有什么区别?什么时候用Form?什么时候用Command Private Sub Form_click()得到一组随机变量,怎样用到Private Sub Command1_Click()中去啊 vb 计算90°角正弦结果为 .893996663600558程序是这样,Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Singlea = CSng(Text1.Text)MsgBox 计算结果为: & Sin(a)End Sub Private Sub Book(x As Integer)x=x * 2 + 1If x < 6 ThenCall Book(x)End Ifx=x * 2 + 1Print x;End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Book 2End SubA) 23 47 B) 10 36C) 22 44 D) 24 5030) 单击命令按钮时,下列程序的执行结果为Private Sub Command1_ VB里的sub单词是什么意思,比如private sub……、end sub 程序算法里面的问题 for i =1 to 20 step 2 for j = i to 20 step 3private sub command1_click()dim i,j,xfor i = 1 to 20 step 2x=0for j = i to 20 step 3x=x+1next jnext i text1.value=str(x)end sub请问j到底是怎么执行的?还有在这个步