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《Hold Me Close under,the sunset 》紧紧拥抱我,在夕阳下
Hold me close,under the sunset
and let Gods reds and oranges soothe your eyes,
like this is all a dream.
Hold me close,under the sunset.
You can kiss my neck a little,if you like.
Or better yet,walk my silk shirt off my shoulders.
Hold me close,under the sunset
and hear me chuckle as you do the same-
staring deep into my eyes.
Hold me close,under the sunset
in the middle of the park.
I don’t mind; with you it could be anywhere.
Hold me close,under the sunset.
Scream for me,scream for me
and light me up like all those years ago.
Hold me close,under the sunset-
I whisper to you as you close your eyes.
You’ve probably passed out…
never mind;
You won’t remember me,next time I slip something in your drink.
Daniel Alexander Howell
《As The Sunset》 当夕阳落下
As the sunset I think to myself why.
As the sunset I sit down and cry.
Wondering why life got to be a lie.
As the sunset I dropp my head.
As the sunset I think about you instead.
How can I go home and get in my bed.
As the sunset I say no.
As the sunset I just don't know.
My love that I have for u just wont go.
As the sunset I look to the sky.
As the sunset I wait to die.
Tell me how to say good-bye.
As the sunset I say a prayer.
As the sunset how can I dare.
I'm giving up,I just don't care.
Sitting by the window watching the sun to set.
Knowing I'm going to see you again,
and you coming back home at the end.
Brittany Smith

英文写天空夕阳的诗歌请大家帮我找找看有没有写夕阳啊风景等等的英文诗歌,其中有爱情的含义更好拉,伤感的也可以~最好很有名的,就更好了` 我要写一篇关于夕阳的散文,大家帮忙找找关于夕阳的优美词句或诗歌.越多越好!8过我的分太少…… 英语翻译请大家帮我找找 miracle 这首歌的中文翻译! 请大家帮我找找名人成功的事例?24 请大家帮我找找最好的作文 请大家帮找找描写中华美德的句子 要句子 文章和诗歌不要 大家帮我找找“感恩的作文”, 英语翻译不用大家翻译,麻烦大家帮我找找莎翁写的英文原句, 想以为话题写一篇演讲稿请大家帮我找找题材 想回到过去 用繁体字怎么写呀?请大家帮我找找 谢谢 有关诗歌的知识、故事、民歌、童谣.请大家帮我找找有关诗歌的故事、童谣、民歌、知识.我有急用,我们的语文老师要我们明天就交谢谢了 帮我找找歌颂祖国的诗歌快!1 希望格言急,请大家帮我找找 英语翻译大家帮我找找 求劳伦斯《新升的月亮》英文原文今天看了读者,很喜欢这首诗,找了很久,都没发现英文原文.请大家帮我找找~ 新升的月亮 作者:[美]劳伦斯 我看见在沙丘的后面 天空已被点燃 但是, 尖的反义词是什么?请大家帮我找找尖的反义词,急用, 感恩诗歌 16字 帮我找找 第十一页.《雨》 作者是赵丽华.请大家帮我找找他的这篇文章.