
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:00:36


We really appreaciate all the positive effort you have put in this,and after checking with clients,they think that declaring Costoms in China is kind of complicated and too expensive,thus we decide to order the requested goods first.please find the attacted comtract

Thanks for your substantial help. After the conversation with our customer,they think to declear custom in China is troublesome and high charge. So we decide to order goods we need first. Please refer to the attached contract.

Thank you for such a strong help. After consultations with our customers, they feel very cumbersome customs clearance in China, but also costly. So we decided to set out the goods we need. Please see the attached contract

We really appreciate your great assistance,through consulting with the customers, they feel it is very inconvenient and expensive for customs clearence in China. Therefor, we decide to order the goods we need. Please check the contract in the attachment.

Thanks a lot for your help.But by talking things over with the customers,they thought it is not only plaguy applying to the Customs in China, but also need higher price.So we hope only purchase what we needed now.Please examine the appendix of the contract.