
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:54:42

Health、happiness、joy and ture love are four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover.One hurdred thousandth of marvelousness make the good luck of it.I sincerely wish you healthy on every day,happy in every hour,joyful at each minute and embodying love at every second!
Longing to take your lesson again.
Health,happiness,cheerfulness and ture love are the four beautiful leaves of lucky clover.One hurdred thousand rareness makes the good luck of it.I sincerely wish you healthy every day,happy every hour,cheerful each minute and enjoying love every second!
Hope to have your lessons again.

Health,happiness,joy and love make up the four beautiful leaves of the clover.One-in-billion luck falls on it.Now it belongs to you,my dear teacher.I sincerely wish you to be healthy every day,happy every hour,cheerful every minute and enjoy love every second!
Wish to have your lessons again.

Health、happiness、joy and ture love are(the) four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover.One hurdred thousandth of marvelousness make the good luck of it.I sincerely wish you (health) for every day,happi...


Health、happiness、joy and ture love are(the) four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover.One hurdred thousandth of marvelousness make the good luck of it.I sincerely wish you (health) for every day,happiness in every hour,joy at each minute and (love) at every second!
Longing to take your (lessons) again.
wish sb.sth


Health, happiness, cheerfulness and true love are the four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover. Its good luck is brought by a coincidence in one hundred thousand years! I sincerely wish you h...


Health, happiness, cheerfulness and true love are the four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover. Its good luck is brought by a coincidence in one hundred thousand years! I sincerely wish you health every day,happiness every hour,cheerfulness every minute and true love every second!
Hope to be in your class again!


Health,happiness,joy and love are the four beautiful leaves of lucky clover.I hope you can have the four.I sincerely wish you are health...


Health,happiness,joy and love are the four beautiful leaves of lucky clover.I hope you can have the four.I sincerely wish you are healthy, happy, joyous and beloved for ever!
Hope to attend your lecture again!


Health、happiness、joy and ture love are four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover.One hurdred thousandth of marvelousness make the good luck of it.I sincerely wish you healthy on every day,happy in eve...


Health、happiness、joy and ture love are four beautiful leaves of the lucky clover.One hurdred thousandth of marvelousness make the good luck of it.I sincerely wish you healthy on every day,happy in every hour,joyful at each minute and embodying love at every second! 都对
下面的结尾应该是:Longing to take your prelect again.


英语翻译健康、幸福、快乐、真爱是幸运草四片美丽的叶子,十万分之一的稀奇造就了四叶草的幸运!真心的祝福您一年365天天天健康,时时幸福,分分快乐,秒秒有爱.希望再次听您讲课.Health、hap 英语翻译健康、幸福、快乐、真爱是幸运草四片美丽的叶子,十万分之一的稀奇造就了四叶草的幸运!真心的祝福您一年365天天天健康,时时幸福,分分快乐,秒秒有爱.希望再次听您讲课.Health、hap 那些字代表健康快乐幸福? 英语翻译我现在很幸运还有幸福! 英语翻译我 xx 以众神之名起誓,以我毕生守护带此书者,一生幸福、健康、快乐. 祝您感恩节快乐,幸福,健康!的英语怎么说? 藏文“平安 健康 幸福 快乐”怎么写!如题 健康快乐幸福用什么字来形容 祝你 健康 快乐 幸福 的藏文怎么写? 我希望你永远健康快乐 英语翻译 健康快乐的度过每一天 英语翻译 英语翻译英语翻译,亲爱的,我是一只熊.你最深爱的人派我来守护你,愿你健康,幸福,快乐. 英语翻译幸运草.谢谢 英语翻译圣诞快乐,希望你幸福. 英语翻译愿我的家人不被疾病所困扰幸运将永远伴随着左右并一直幸福,我的孩子会带着真善美来到世界且健康的成长翻译成希腊文,和英语,要准确!急 英语翻译愿我的家人不被疾病所困扰幸运将永远伴随着左右并一直幸福,我的孩子会带着真善美来到世界且健康的成长翻译成希腊文,和英语,要准确! 我健康我快乐我幸福,安全健康度暑假,平安幸福全家人 如果要写心得的话, 我健康,我快乐我安全我幸福——安全、健康度暑假平安幸福全家人征文