
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:35:48


1.They burst out to cry to hear the sad news.
2.The movie star was afraid of being recognized and wore a pair of sunglasses .
3.Expensive shoes may not wear long.
4.He did not wake until the door was knocked open.
5.He had to work in the mining area to support his family.

1.They burst out to cry when they heard the sad news.
2.The movie star wore a pair of sunglasses in order not being recognized.
3.Expensive shoes may not in good condition long.
4.He did not wake up until the door was knocked to open.
5.He had to work in the mining area in order to support his family.

1.Hearing the bad news,all the reporters present burst into tears.
2.The movie star wore a pair of sunglasses because he was afraid of being recognized by others.
3.Expensive shoes may not wea...


1.Hearing the bad news,all the reporters present burst into tears.
2.The movie star wore a pair of sunglasses because he was afraid of being recognized by others.
3.Expensive shoes may not wear for a long time.
4.He didn't wake up until the door was knocked open.
5.He has to work in the mining area to support his family.


帮忙中译英5句英语句子要用括号里的单词1、听到那个悲伤的消息,所有在场的记者都大哭起来.(burst)2、生怕被认出来,这为位影星戴了副墨镜.(afraid)3、贵的鞋子不一定经穿.(wear)4、直 英语翻译句子里必须有括号里的单词 (英语)根据句意,把括号里的字母组成单词. (英语)根据句意,把括号里的字母组成单词. 帮忙用中文句子转化成英语句子.句到给分!在线等!用翻译工具的不给分.要求:用括号里给的句子造1.这座大楼建在市中心(locate)2.雪那么厚,我们几乎没法从房子里出来(thick)3.全国都被大雪 Are they able to _ on time ?(arrive)根据句意,用括号里所给单词的适当形式,完成句子. (you) (play) (with) (I) (can) (ping-pong)连词成句(you) (play) (with) (I) (can) (ping-pong)用括号里的单词组成句子. Mr Wang is the —— of the book about the Moon.(write)根据句意,用括号里所给单词的适当形式,完成句子. His —— brother is my good friend.(young)根据句意,用括号里所给单词的适当形式,完成句子. We _ him three years ago.(know)根据句意,用括号里所给单词的适当形式,完成句子. 高中英语翻译句子,一定要用到括号里的单词 高中英语翻译句子,一定要用到括号里的单词,谢谢 我们盼望尽快收到你的来信(look forward to)用英文翻译句子,要用到后面括号里的单词 帮忙翻译几个英语句子吧谢谢.句子后面括号里的单词是一定要用上的.1.每年都有很多前来威尼斯探索文化的游客(in search of)2.谁会赢得最后的比赛要拭目以待 (remain)3.令人奇怪的是他一 高一英语完成句子,跪求解.根据括号里的汉语提示用句末括号里的单词完成句子,注意时态人称语法完成句子:[1]Aary, have`t told you that we (要离开荆州)for Wuhan? hurry up.there is little time to spare now. 用括号里所给单词的正确形式完成句子 6句英语句子翻译(要用到括号里的单词啊)1.出事后几分钟内,警察便到达了现场(spot,within) 2.出乎人们意料,在冬天早上5点起来实际上是比较容易的(against all expectations) 3.我从四面八方收到了 比喻句:厚厚的积雪,( ).( )括号里填句子