
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:43:42


would very much like you but your mail seems to be wrong,I can not email you I am very anxious and then I can link to you?可以了吧,给我点分吧!

Hi, I miss you so much.
There must be something wrong with your e-mail address, I failed to e-mail you.
I am so worried about it. Can I contact you again?

HI,i miss you so much.
But you email address seems wrong,i can't send emails to you
I'm very upset,Can i get in touch/connect with you again?

hi,i miss you so much
however,it seems that the mailbox you offered me was wrong,i'm not able to send email to you,i'm very worried about it,am i able to get in touch with you again?

Hi I miss you so much
But it seems that your mail box(还是地址?e-mail address?)is wrong,I can't send e-mail to you
I'm worried.Can we still keep in touch ?(或Can I contact you again?)

HI..我很想你..---Hi XX! I miss you very much!
可是你的油箱好象是错误的,我没办法和你发邮件..-------But Your email seems to be not correct,so that I can not send email to you.
我很着急..我还能再联系到你吗.. -----I am pretty worried.Can I still keep in touch with you again?

hi,I missed you very much,but you e-mail address might be wrong,I can't send e-mail to you.I am very anxious.Can I contact you again?

HI I miss you
but it seems that there is something wrong with your mailbox so I can't send e-mail to you.
I am worried that whether I could conect you.

hi !I miss you very much.However, there have some wrong with your mailbox .I cannot touch with you and sent E-mail to you .
I am in a great hurry.Are you in contact with me again?
Translated by myself Greatmaybe!

Hi,I miss you very much.
But your Email address may be wrong,so I can not send Email to you .
I am very anxious.
Can I get touch with you again?

Hi, I miss you very much, and your email address appears to be incorrect. I can't send you emails through that address. I'm so anxious wondering if I could contact you again.

HI .. I want you ..
However, if your mail is wrong, I can not email you ..
I am very anxious ..Can I link to you again?

Hey i miss u a lot,but it seems like ur E-mail address is not the right one,so i cannot have access to connet u.
Im worried,can i get in touch u again?

HI .. I want you ..
However, if your tank is wrong, I can not email you ..
I am very anxious .. I can no longer link to you ..

英语翻译HI..我很想你..可是你的油箱好象是错误的,我没办法和你发邮件..我很着急..我还能再联系到你吗.. 英语翻译会的留言,我hi你, 英语翻译我很想在这个圣诞节留住你,可是我知道你要回家,不管我们的结果如何,我可以留住你吗? 英语翻译我也很想救你 英语翻译 我真的很想你能陪我,但.英语翻译 我很想去参加你的生日 英语翻译.请快 我也是很想你 亲爱的 用英语翻译? 我很想你的英文 很想爱你英语翻译 可以跟喜欢的人说:我很想你 很想很想 真的很想你吗? 英语翻译我很想你.我是那喜欢你爱你 .亲爱的我们结婚吧 老婆,我很想你你知道吗?很想很想你,我亲爱的老婆 英语翻译这段话是:我很想清醒,很想忘记你,但是我做不到,依然还是那么在意你.一定要正确的. 英语翻译好久不见你了!最近还好吗?回想起我们第一次见面我在火车站等你!吻你的那一刻我的心都爱上了你这有魅力的男人!想想我们好久没有见面了!说真的 我很想你!很想见你!可是你老说 英语翻译好久不见你了!最近还好吗?回想起我们第一次见面我在火车站等你!吻你的那一刻我的心都爱上了你这有魅力的男人!想想我们好久没有见面了!说真的 我很想你!很想见你!可是你老说 “猪头,其实我也很想见你的,可是我不能!” 翻译成英文, 英语翻译我病了 为什麼你总是不在线我真的很想你 我很想你,周敏!