中译英(高中)1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来 (not...until)2.正因为你在做作业,所以我才告诉你这件事(强调句)3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难 (it作形式宾语)4.不要再责备他

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 19:07:59

中译英(高中)1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来 (not...until)2.正因为你在做作业,所以我才告诉你这件事(强调句)3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难 (it作形式宾语)4.不要再责备他
1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来 (not...until)
3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难 (it作形式宾语)
4.不要再责备他了,他不是故意伤害你的 (on purpose)
5这是我第一次出席这么重要的会议纪 (it is the first time that)

中译英(高中)1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来 (not...until)2.正因为你在做作业,所以我才告诉你这件事(强调句)3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难 (it作形式宾语)4.不要再责备他
1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来 (not...until)
Not until I heard the alarm clock ringring did I wake up.
I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock ringring.
It was because you were doing your homework that I told you this matter.
3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难 (it作形式宾语)
Although he is a very serious person,I didn't find it difficult to get along with him.
4.不要再责备他了,他不是故意伤害你的 (on purpose)
Don't blame him any more.He didn't hurt you on purpose.
5这是我第一次出席这么重要的会议纪 (it is the first time that)
It is the first time that I have attended such an important conference/meeting.

1. Until you hear the alarm ringing before I woke up (not. .. until)
2. Because you are doing homework, so I just told you about it (stress period)
3. Although he is very serious, but I foun...


1. Until you hear the alarm ringing before I woke up (not. .. until)
2. Because you are doing homework, so I just told you about it (stress period)
3. Although he is very serious, but I found him not difficult to get along well (it as a form of object)
4. Do not blame him, he did not mean to hurt you (on purpose)
5 This is my first time attending such an important meeting discipline (it is the first time that)


1. Idid't wake up untill I heard the alarm rings. (not. .. until)
2. Because you are doing homework, so I just told you about it (stress period)
3. Although he is very serious, but I found h...


1. Idid't wake up untill I heard the alarm rings. (not. .. until)
2. Because you are doing homework, so I just told you about it (stress period)
3. Although he is very serious, but I found him not difficult to get along well (it as a form of object)
4. Do not blame him, he did not mean to hurt you (on purpose)
5 This is my first time attending such an important meeting discipline (it is the first time that)


中译英(高中)1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来 (not...until)2.正因为你在做作业,所以我才告诉你这件事(强调句)3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难 (it作形式宾语)4.不要再责备他 英语翻译1.直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来.(not...until..)2.正因为你在做作业,所以我才没告诉你这件事.(强调句)3.虽然他很严肃,但是我发现和他相处好并不难.(it作形式宾语)4.不要再责备 亲们,帮我把下列语句中译英我该起床了二氧化碳的化学符号是CO2直到听到闹钟的铃声他才醒来医生一直在房间里等,直到婴儿睡着为止你所说的“真朋友”是什么意思呢 英语翻译1.我女儿该起床了 我觉得应该是it's time to get up.可是那个“我女儿”翻译是要怎么体现啊2.水的化学符号是H²O 这个毫无头绪啊……还有一句:直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来这个应 我的闹钟铃声是鸡叫声 英语怎么说? 当把钟罩里的空气渐渐抽掉时,我们听到钟罩里的闹钟铃声将( ).A.越来越轻 B.没有变化 C.越来越响 “我很遗憾直到现在才听到这首歌”用英语怎么说? 把正在响的电铃放在玻璃罩内可以清楚的听到铃声当抽气机逐渐抽出玻璃罩内得空气,铃声将会()直到() 什么手机闹钟铃声可以很爆炸,人一听就能醒呢?可能是睡眠不足的问题,有时候晚上定完闹钟,早上很少能听见,可能是被我无意识的闭了,怎样能让我听到闹钟声,清醒的把它闭了,我想可能应该 中译英(三句话)一、昨晚直到11点,她才睡觉.二、我直到周末才会回家.三、这些熊要直到春天才会苏醒. 闹钟的铃声拼命地响着 改为拟人句 科学题:将一只闹钟放进密封的玻璃罩中,然后往外抽气,以后听不到铃声,这一事实说明了( ) A.振动的将一只闹钟放进密封的玻璃罩中,然后往外抽气,以后听不到铃声,这一事实说明了 在做课本“真空中的闹钟”实验时,小明同学的描述是:随着玻璃罩内空气被逐渐抽出,听到的铃声逐渐减小(接着上面)却始终都能听到声音.请你帮助小明分析其可能的原因 手机闹钟有辐射,想买个闹钟,但是闹钟的铃声太响,让人惊醒,对人身体不好,有没有什么闹钟声音比较低 我的闹钟作文 我的闹钟说明文 帮忙把一句话翻译成英文直到进入高中,我才知道自己要努力了 把一个闹钟放在真空罩里,在不断的向外抽气直到抽成真空的过程中,我们听到闹钟的声音__,这是因为___的缘故,最后无论怎么抽气还能听到闹钟的微弱嘀嗒声,这声音是_____ 的缘故.