排列下列句子的顺序!A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?B.Thanks.Goodbye!C.What's this in English?D.O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E.No,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J.Goodbye.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:36:48

排列下列句子的顺序!A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?B.Thanks.Goodbye!C.What's this in English?D.O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E.No,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J.Goodbye.
A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?
C.What's this in English?
E.No,it isn't.
F.It's a car.
G.How do you spell orange?
H.Is it a chinese car?
I.Yes.And it's an orange car.

排列下列句子的顺序!A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?B.Thanks.Goodbye!C.What's this in English?D.O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E.No,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J.Goodbye.


排列下列句子顺序,连句成段. 把下列句子排列顺序. 排列下列句子的顺序!A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?B.Thanks.Goodbye!C.What's this in English?D.O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E.No,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J.Goodbye. 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一段完整的对话.A.How do you spell it?B.No,it isn’t my ruler.C.Excuse me!What’s this in English?D.What color is it?E.Is that your ruler?F.It’s a ruler.G.Is that his ruler?H.Yes,it is.I.It’s 重新排列下列句子顺序,使其成为完整的对话A.I like penguins,too.B.Why?C.What animals do you like?D.Because they are friendly and clever.E.Excuse me.Do you know we will go to the zoo tomorrow?F.What other animals do you like?G.Of cours 把下列单词排列成正确的句子1.name,what’s,last,your? 2.time,good,have,a.3.me,I,go,excuse,have to.4.about,you,what?5.are,going,where,you? the,park,I’m,going,to. 下列句子的排列顺序,正确的一项是(3) 最美女孩【 】 阅读下列各句,根据其内容重新排列所有句子的顺序 排列句子顺序的方法,全面些. 英语含有修饰词的句子排列顺序 怎样用单词排列句子怎样知道单词的排列顺序 重新排列下列句子,使之成为完整的对话A.Hello,I'm Helen.What's your name B.Good morning,Bob.C.What's this in English?D.MY name is Bob.E.Good morning.F.it's an orange.排列顺序:( ) 下列字母排列顺序错误的一组是?A.M O W X B.I L S U C.R T Y W D.E G Q Z 下列氧化物按其形成的含氧酸酸性递增排列的顺序是( )A.SiO2SiO2 下列氧化物按其形成的含氧酸酸性递增排列的顺序是A.SiO2 把下列句子排列成正确的顺序(英语)急!1.$16.And it starts at 8:00.2.I'm sorry,I can't.I'm busy on Friday.3.There's a football match at the stadium.4.Would you like to go to a concert on Friday?5.Really?How much does it cost?6.Yes,I'd lov 下列不同进制数从小到大排列顺序正确的是?A、1011001 下列物质的顺序按一定的规律排列:HCl、CL2、NaCLO、M、CL2O5、HCIO4.根据这种排列规律,M是.