
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:43:14


Honor those who are parents of the main Islamic Gong good life,but also the Chinese nation's traditional virtue of "Koran" We notice:"When you worship God,not by any object equipped with him,when parents honor those who" section of this scripture to honor those who worship God and parents Together,we can see how Islam attaches great importance to honor their parents,worship of God is Heaven's first as the main worship is all good overall size of the honor of humanity's first parents,is a high honor as a sign of personality,is doing things by Jie Wu Necessary moral.
  I have seen such a report:a mother accompanied her son to attend college entrance examination,examination son in the classroom,watching his mother on the outside.Because of hot weather,the temperature is too high,the mother will soon heat stroke fell to the ground,passers-by were taken to the hospital.In the hospital,the mother has not regained consciousness,so that more doctors to do anything,a nurse finally came up with a good idea,her mother's ear gently say "the end of the college entrance examination." If not finished,the mother will sit up and loudly said,"I hastened to ask how my son's test?!" In this life and death,the mother felt about the exam are still the son.This is how a great maternal love,ah,she always put her son on the first,as the son of concern,to the neglect of everything,even life.I am sure that the parents of students in the face of this situation,you will also have to pay because you are her children.They love you,you are better than they are concerned about their own lives.But the students,how many of you parents to do in the first place?Previously only know that parents of children obliged to,but he did not know their parents have an obligation to the children.Ask ourselves,do you have for parents down the number of glasses of water?Your parents for the number of feet washed?Think about it,born from the arrival times to the present,for your parents to spend how much effort,in addition to pouring money down the drain,feet,you do what.
  Students:Do not let the dull eyes of parents worry about you again; followers not to let the white Tim's parents work hard for you again.
  For the parents do not have the passion of emotion and need not earth-shattering.What they want is the simplest.A blessing,a smile,a cup of hot tea,and parents feel we have a sensible,wiped the table,wash dishes,the piles were,for parents to share household chores so that parents feel we have grown up.
  Students,and action every day for parents to do things,things in return for our parents to raise the bar ex.
  我曾经看到这样的一片报道:一位母亲陪同儿子参加高考,儿子在教室里考试,母亲在外面守侯.因为天气太热,气温过高,不久这位母亲便中暑倒在了地上,被路人送到了医院.在医院,母亲一直没有苏醒过来,令众多医生束手无策,最后还一个护士想到一个好点子,在母亲的耳边轻轻地说 “高考结束了”.话还没说完,母亲便坐立起来,大声地说“我得赶紧问问我儿子考得怎么样?!”在这个生死关头,母亲心里牵挂的仍是正在考试的儿子.这是一种多么伟大的母爱啊,她永远把儿子放在了第一位,因为关心儿子,而忽略了自己的一切,甚至是生命.我相信各位同学的家长在遇到这种情况的时候,也同样会为你们付出的,因为你是她的孩子.他们爱你,她们关心你胜过自己的生命.可是同学们,你们又有多少人把父母放在第一位呢?以前只知道父母对儿女有义务,却不知道儿女对父母也有义务.扪心自问,你为父母倒过多少杯水?你为父母洗过多少次脚?想想看,从次呱呱落地到现在,父母为你花费了多少心血,除了倒水,洗脚,你还做了什么.