
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:01:31


Test27:Ⅰ:1、e 2、a 3、o 4、a5、l6、e7、a8、c 9、r10、a11、o12、e13、a14、c15、e16、i17、g18、a19、r20、i Ⅲ:1、immediately2、famous3、actress4、waving5、overtake6、sign7、miles8、darling9、licence10、speed Ⅳ:1、for2、at3、at4、to5、at6、had 7、at8、my9、not10、at Ⅴ:1-5ABBDB 6-10AABBA Ⅵ1、with-by2、took-take3、去掉to4、去掉to5、least-at least6、sixteen-years old——sixteen-years-old7、去掉the8、you think-do you think 9、a-an10、drive-driving Ⅶ:1、I am terrible sorry.2、I have to finish the homework by myself.3、You needn’t go to hospital now.4、I think she is at least sixty.5、China is famous in the world for the Great Wall.6、这肯定不是他的新房.7、他们一定是中国人.8、你不需要把时速开到70英里.9、这次我不罚你.10、我超你车时开到了每小时80英里.Ⅷ:1、she was a famous satress when I was still at school.2、He can’t be the tallest in the class.3、He must be tired for he fell asleep immediately.4、I’m afraid she hasn’t got a driving licence.5、I have to tell him not to hurt himself.6、You had better not do it again.7、You must have been driving at 70 miles an hour.8、I was doing eighty miles an hour when I overtook you.9、I will not charge you this time.10、She must have been here five minutes ago.