
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:50:01


Anqing Tianzhu Mountain guides Words
Tourists friends :
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Tianzhu Mountain tourism. I xx travel agency guides, we ask me x I. Well, we drove to the tourist companies x xx chef, please remember plate numbers. X chef and I make every effort to provide good service to everyone. Wish you all the buried hills during happiness!
(Brief day trip travel arrangements)
Our coaches marched in 105 National Road. Tianzhu Mountain from the county to enter this section of road known as the Tianzhu. See you in front, stands a tall building in the gatehouse, which is Tianzhu Mountain landmark door. Door meters high, the main gate span meters (mainly built with materials, architectural features) columns are carved with motifs Panlong. A doorway of the ancient "Nanyue Tianzhu Mountain" characters is the late president of the Buddhist Association of China, Mr. Zhao wrote, it is the old Park had a final treasured paintings. This signature building a total investment of nearly 300 million, for completion in 1999.
Also known as the Tianzhu Mountain ancient Nanyue why? According to historical records, the saying China Zhi-four closures began before the Fuxi's no Wye, and it has been more than 5,000 years, then Tianzhu Mountain has been named as Nanyue, ranked second in the saying. 106 BC, the Han dynasty ritual boarding Tianzhu Mountain value for money, build Tan Ji Yue. Accompanied by Sima Qian in "Records of the Historian" documented the Han dynasty southern tour : "Deng Zhi Tianzhu Mountain submarine ceremony, Xiao Yue Nanyue." AD 589, Emperor Wen for the development of southern Xinjiang, Hunan changed closure of Nanyue Mountain, in Tianzhu Mountain from the ancient "Nanyue" after the name of World Biography. The emperor was sealed by the people, also known as the Tianzhu Mountain Long live the hill, called Hill 10000.
We all know Anhui "Wan", the Anhui What is the origin? Anhui what is the point? "Wan" in the ancient books and the "yipping" GM is a bright and beautiful meaning. We Tianzhu Mountain region since ancient times endowed with good scenery, beautiful place, the emperor week closure of a truly called "Wan country." Management of Anhui is a countess doctor, he imposed a benevolent, great achievements after his artificial mark, known for his public Anhui, the Tianzhu Mountain built a temple in Anhui Province. Tianzhu Mountain also will be known as Mountain in Anhui Province, known as Wan Shan, and through the Tianzhu Mountain rivers as water Anhui, Anhui water into the next section of the Yangtze called Wanjiang. So far since the Zhou Dynasty, "Wan" in recent history have been in 3000. Anhui Province, "Wan" This one has both a long history and a better contain the word implies, as referred to the provinces. We boarded the Tianzhu Mountain, featuring offered unspoiled indistinguishable from the original "Anhui public statues" -- but he Anhui "ancestors" yo!
We were also buried hill from the county Tianzhu Mountain. Because Tianzhu Mountain peak around more than 40 blocks Qunfeng arch surround the ring, the peak of potential hidden people may not easily see each other, it also Tianzhu Mountain called "Buried Hill." Buried Hill County under the Anqing City, 57 million people, with an area of 1,686 square kilometers, is a "seven mountains two hours, a water fields" Hill district. Canton Dabie Mountain ranges of the Northwest, more than 1,732, Youheshenjian, sinister environment created in the natural scenery-lai. Tianzhu Mountain peak elevation of 1,488 meters, the majestic Qiaobo such as "get in a column." Tianzhu scenery, Xiongqi scenery, the ancient Chinese history and culture is famous. Travel natural scenery and rich cultural landscape, the main scenic area of 82.46 square kilometers area of 333 square kilometers. In 1982 the State Council was announced as the first batch of national key scenic spots, in 1992 as a national forest park in 2000 were assessed for the state 4a - class tourist area and the National Forest Park civilization. In 2003 the most respected netizens "Chinese famous 10" selected activities, the Tianzhu Mountain listed in the "top 10 Chinese famous" sixth. County Tianzhufeng still higher than the Purple Mountain, elevation 1,539 meters, is the third Dabie Mountain peak. High mountains long, Chungho Habitat You Buried Hill County is the portrayal of the ecological environment. Here the water and air quality are first-class, tourists friends, the buried hills, the green bank into a major natural Oxygen-bar!
Buried Hill everywhere is the scenery and culture is everywhere. Here fossils unearthed from the vibrant world, has been verified as "ancient vertebrate fossils of treasured land, the birthplace of Asian mammals", as well as ancient human origin of the world. Human ancestors here have created a splendid civilization. A year has two college entrance examination papers on the examination of the historical and cultural Buried Hill County -- One is known as the "long poem Zhi Sheng," the Han Dynasty of China's Narrative Poems "to work", we all cooked core of this eternal Masterpiece first, but the East has a "Romeo and Juliet" inspired by the reputation of touching love story Festival raw land in the county is unknown buried hill; another that is the oldest "Xue Kong Cultural Relics", as the famous sites on the buried hills Wang As part of the county, from the county is less than 10 km, the State Council approved the key state protection unit. Archaeological sites of more than 2,000 pieces of precious relics, contains a unique culture, represents the unique type of culture, the Chinese Academy of Sciences named the "Xue gang culture." Imagine, a national college entrance examination papers on the ends and two that the relevant content and buried hill, which can give everyone marveled Qianmiqiao history, profound cultural accumulation, the impact of the market. Gem Masters history, high-level officials love Tianzhu Mountain water, Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Wang Anshi, Sushi, Huang Tingjian, Lu Yu, Yang Wanli, etc. We have all traveled Tianzhu, a snapshot of Shengjingguan, singing Wye Wing-core, carving Schleswig, and left many masterpieces of poetry and the human landscape. Tianzhu Northfield also bred a generation of people buried hill, the ancient talented people here. Magic of the Eastern Han Dynasty big, Alchemy founder Turner, the three countries at the famous mathematician and astronomer Wang Fan, a famous poet Matthias Lanzinger Late Tang Dynasty prime minister, writer Wang gui ... modern, "Emblem class leader", "Beijing Opera originator" Chengchanggeng, popular literature Masters Zhang Henshui, contemporary "acrobatics Queen's" summer chrysanthemums, Huangmei Play rookie Han fun. One side soil support, it is to human resources!
After 20 years of development and construction, the Tianzhu Mountain is the development of the eight scenic areas, open six scenic spots and tourist facilities has greatly improved the visibility and Tianzhu Mountain growing reputation, Tianzhu Mountain to the number of tourists has increased, the home and about 800,000 passengers. Tianzhu Mountain is no longer Mr. Yu described a "lonely Tianzhu Mountain", the tourism economy of our county and enriching Buried Hill County of the pillar industries.
我们旅游车行进在105国道.从县城进入天柱山的这一段称为天柱大道.大家请看前方,矗立着一座高大的门楼建筑,这就是天柱山标志性大门.大门高 米,主门跨度 米,(主要用 材料建成,主要建筑特色)立柱上都雕刻着盘龙纹饰.门头上的“古南岳天柱山”几个大字是已故的中国佛教协会会长赵朴初先生题写的,这是朴老生前最后一幅墨宝.这座标志性建筑总投资近300万元,1999年竣工.
潜山无处不是风景,无处不是文化.这里出土的古生物化石名震世界,已被考证为“古脊椎动物化石的宝地,亚洲哺乳类的发源地”,也是古人类的起源地之一.人类祖先在这里创造了灿烂的文明.有一年高考就有两道试题考到了潜山县历史文化——一是被称为“长诗之圣”的我国汉乐府叙事诗《孔雀东南飞》,大家都熟诵这首千古绝唱,但有着东方“罗米欧与朱丽叶”之誉的凄美动人的爱情故事诞生地在潜山县却鲜为人知;另一道题是新石器时代的“薛家岗文化遗址”,这个著名的遗址就在潜山县王河镇,距离县城不足10公里,是国务院批准公布的国家重点文物保护单位.遗址出土的两千多件珍贵文物,包含着别具一格的文化内涵,代表着独树一帜的文化类型,被中科院命名为“薛家岗文化”.大家试想一下,一张全国高考的试卷就有两道题的内容与潜山相关,这不能不让大家惊叹潜山的历史源远流长,文化积淀深厚,影响之大.历代名人雅士、达官显贵钟情天柱山水,李白、白居易、王安石、苏轼、黄庭坚、陆游、杨万里等大家都曾游历天柱,饱览胜境,唱怀咏诵,刻石勒名,留下了许多传世诗文和人文景观.天柱灵气也孕育了一代代的潜山人,自古这里人才辈出.东汉大魔术家、中国炼丹术创始人左慈,三国时著名数学家、天文学家王蕃,晚唐著名诗人曹松,宋代宰相、文学家王珪……在近现代,有“徽班领袖”、“京剧鼻祖”程长庚,有通俗文学大师张恨水,还有当代的“杂技皇后”夏菊花,黄梅戏新秀韩再芬. 一方水土养一方人,这就是地灵人杰吧!

3.中国导游在线—导游考试|导游词| http://www.0898edu.org/dyc/index.asp