
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:21:39


National Day the 60th anniversary right now photograph for the celebration "Assaults the Fifth Space" "It is not Intentionally" "Expert marksman" "I Is a Soldier" "the Northeast University" and so on large-scale movie soap opera,are presently anxious the move of massive specialized non-professional actor figurants and interviews the qualified same day with the group actors then to rehearse a play; Role actor:3000-20000 Yuan/volumes.Guest actor:100--500 Yuan/days (piece reward may date knot) the professional actor:3500--20000 Yuan/volumes (specialized colleges and universities graduation) figurants:50--100 Yuan/days (provide board and lodging).With group actor:Male 30 females 20:1500-5000 Yuan/months (do not need to experience a dramatic team package of board and lodging) the supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting 1200----3000 Yuan/month of field labor 1200---above 2000 Yuan/months the move of actor household register,the school record,the age,the years of schooling do not limit do not need any experience to hold concurrent jobs to be possible specially.When interview please carry the valid identification and two 1 inch picture (tube board and lodging),so long as you like the film and television being possible to enter for


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