
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:14:39

The Olympics Games this year was finally complete,and then into the erawhich so-called "post-Olympic age" by the press.These days a lotof newspaper reported the news about The OlypicsGames champion's name had been registered trademark.I think the most unfortunate one is Lin Dan"林丹".The sentence which was "Lin Dan's name now has been used in the productswhich are pannage" hadbeen repeated again and again in the radio.How sad if Lin Dan heard those news.

The【Olympic Games(注意,没有 Olympics Game 这种说法.要么就 Olympics 要么就 Olympic Games)】this year is finally complete and【has entered what the media calls the "Post-Olympic age."】These days, a lot of【newspapers are reporting about the names of Olympic Athletes whose names have become】registered trademarks. I think the most unfortunate【case】is Lin Dan "林丹." 【The phrase, "Lin Dan's name has now been used as a trademark in pannage" has been repeated by news broadcasters many times . I bet Lin Dan would be depressed if he】heard those news.

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The Olympic Games this year is finally complete and has entered what the media calls the "Post-Olympic age."These days, a lot of newspapers are reporting about the names of Olympic Athletes whose names have become registered trademarks. I think the most unfortunate case is Lin Dan "林丹." The phrase, "Lin Dan's name has now been used as a trademark in pannage" has been repeated by news broadcasters many times. I bet Lin Dan would be depressed if he heard those news.

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The 2012 Olympics Games finally came to an end, and then it comes into an period called "post-Olympic" by the mass media. Recently the media focus on a phenomenon that some Olympic champions' names ha...


The 2012 Olympics Games finally came to an end, and then it comes into an period called "post-Olympic" by the mass media. Recently the media focus on a phenomenon that some Olympic champions' names have been registered trademarks. No one is sadder than Lin dan whose name has been registered as a brand new pig diet. And it has been mentioned repeatedly in news, which will be rather depressed if Lindan hears.


The Olympic Game was finally completed and then the so-called"post-Olympic age" entitled by the press begins.
These days a lotof newspapers reported the news about The OlypicsGames champion's name...


The Olympic Game was finally completed and then the so-called"post-Olympic age" entitled by the press begins.
These days a lotof newspapers reported the news about The OlypicsGames champion's name had been registered trademarks.Maybe the most unfortunate one is Lin Dan."Lin Dan's name now has been used in the productswhich are pannage,"This is regularly repeated in the radio,I think LinDan must be depessed at this.


英语翻译中文部分:奥运会终于结束了,进入了媒体所谓的“后奥运”时代.最近媒体集中报道的是奥运冠军名字被抢注商标的事件.最倒霉的应该算是羽毛球冠军林丹了.““林丹”商标被猪饲 他不规律的生活终于结束了.英语翻译 英语翻译中文是 该结束了 军训终于结束了,真正的大学生涯开始了.(英语翻译) 英语翻译:延续了8年的战争终于结束了(last) 这个学期终于结束了 翻译 英语翻译需翻译的中文如下:残奥会的中文名奥运会过后,现在残奥会也成功地结束了.在中国,人们称PARALYMPIC为“残奥会”(这三个字不需翻译),但是现在许多人认为这是不恰当的.这个过分 春节整整持续了一个多月,终于结束了.(修改病句) 英语翻译:你们终于回来了 这个故事结束了. 英语翻译 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:1.吸取了的教训,终于蒸出了完美的包子.(虽然这并没有什么好炫耀的.) 2.今天花了大部分的时间整备明天的quiz,太 十万火急!英语翻译!哪位高手帮我翻译以下中文,我明天就要用,真的很急很急!A:为期五天的学农终于结束了.B:是呀,我有点不舍得.A:你觉得怎么样?B:一开始我觉得很辛苦,无论做什么事都 我们为奥运会做了什么?英语翻译 暑假就要结束了 英语翻译 英语翻译暑假快结束了. 用英语翻译:终于,我不再紧张了 明天终于可以睡懒觉了英语翻译! 英语翻译开幕式上,有很多名人.李宁、刘翔、郭晶晶.场面很壮观,宏大.奥运会终于开始了.祝愿中国取得好成绩.用过去式.别用翻译器糊弄我.try2019.还有,用过去式好不好.