think teach play do come的过去式

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 02:56:56

think teach play do come的过去式
think teach play do come的过去式

think teach play do come的过去式
thought taught played did came

thought taught played did came


think teach play do come的过去式 II、写出下列动词的三单形式:take be like play swim run do go watch wish think eat have want study help learn teach start 写出下列单词的单三 ing 过去式 过去分词 take teach buy thi写出下列单词的单三 ing 过去式 过去分词 take teach buy think bring swim read go do is/am are carry study play sleep grow see Do you think children should___(allow)to play computer games Do you think it interesting to play this do you think students should play sports at school?why? Do you think teach students very interesting?这个句子有错吗? ( )do you think will teach us maths next termA.whom B.who C.what D.that teach sb sth.teach sb to do [ ]do you teach?I teach English see go do watch stop guess teach play wash drasee go do watch stop guess teach play wash draw make have write study dance finish的第三人称单数形式是什么? 写出下列动词第三人称单数:work read clean write teach wash guess watch go do phone study play have go,fly,wash,do,read,watch,write,run,teach,arrive,play,stay,try,walk 的单三是什么 bring play watch have do teach study finish stay need buy look go carry like以上单词如何变复数? 写出下列单词的单数三人称形式.teach watch read play go draw sing do have 把下面的单词改为现在进行时tell have bring feel run stand take get see make buy catch group stop know teach put go live find become study do eat say speak come sit write play is are plan begin hear carry meet let think. 写出下列动词的三单形式我想说的是 三单形式 是什麽啊 ..接下来 写出下列动词的三单形式:take be like play swim run do go watch wish think eat have want study help learn teach start我明白了 原来三单形式就 这些单词的过去式过去式!跪求!am/is,are,give,go,come,Sit,have,get,See,read,do,eat,tell,begin,swim,take,teach,say,run,put,make,sing,pay,buy,bring,Sleep,meet,Draw,know,Find,think,Speak,let,Spend,stand,feel,catch,help,sell,play,learn,hear,wri