
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:08:37


Hey,Sawada,don’t forget.You are mine.嘿,泽田,不要忘记,你是我的.
Every time when I close my eyes,a vision of your face will fill my mind…每次我闭上眼,你的脸就浮现在我的脑海里
You are always a very obtrusive lad… 你总是一个如此霸道冲动的家伙…
Often fluctuating between trouble and self-accusation 总是不断地惹麻烦和自我谴责
Like the way you get angry… a rare handsome moment 就像你生气的样子…一种少有的英俊
Hoho… and… your tears 吼吼…还有…你的眼泪
Your every breath and thought are mine!I have that right!你的每次呼吸和念想都是我的!我有这样的权利!
I do not allow someone else to make you…lose smile..我不允许任何人夺走你的笑容…
Therefore… 所以…
Please stay in a safe place and wait for my return…请待在一个安全的地方,等我回来…
Sawada… my disaster in destiny… 泽田…我的孽缘…
Chapter 2.Night Fall.To be continued.第二章.夜落.待续.
Why…why did you leave me without one word?为何…为何你无言地离开了我?
Why did you leave me alone… 为何你剩我一人孤独…
Have you broken your promise by your own hands?你用自己的双手打破了你的诺言吗?
I really cannot 我真的无法
Forgive u!原谅你!
After you have gone… 你离开以后…
The memory of our first meeting rose before me… 我俩第一次见面的回忆浮现眼前…
That day… that place… 那一天…那个地方…
Pride 骄傲
Confident 自信
Formidable 可畏
The moment you caught me,I knew that… 你抓住我的那一刻,我知道…
I got no chance… to escape… 我无法…逃脱…
I could not escape from your control 我无法逃脱你的掌控
My destiny.(这是)我的命
Then you became one of the Vongola Guardians 然后你变成了Vongola的守护者
My own knight… 我自己的骑士
Where are you?你在哪儿?
Chapter 1.Rain Stop.To be continue… 第一章.雨停.待续…