
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:44:06


Chapter I General Provisions
The first to correctly evaluate the performance of the ability of civil servants and work performance and standardize the work of the civil service examination, to promote honest government and improve efficiency, high-quality civil servants, according to the Civil Service Law, enacted this provision.
The second term of the civil service examination is the leading non-members of the civil service examination. Leading members of the evaluation by the competent authorities in accordance with the relevant regulations.
A third of civil servants adhere to an objective and fair assessment, performance-oriented principle, the implementation of leadership and the masses combine, usually on a regular basis with the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, in accordance with the provisions of the rights, conditions, standards and procedures.
The second chapter content and assessment standards
Article IV of the Civil Service examination in order to the civil service positions and responsibilities borne by the work of the task for the fundamental basis for a comprehensive assessment and Germany, ability, diligence, performance, inexpensive and focus on performance assessment.
Germany, is the ideological and political qualities and personal character, professional ethics, social morality and so on.
To refer to duties of the professional quality and capacity.
Qin, is the sense of responsibility, work attitude, and work style.
Performance refers to the completion of the work of the quantity, quality, efficiency and the benefits.
Lian, is the honesty and self-discipline, and so on.
Article V of the civil service examination is divided into normal examination and regular test. Examination on a regular basis to assess the basis of peace.
Usually focus on assessing the civil service examination to complete day-to-day tasks, the stage of the goal, as well as attendance can be taken to assess the work of people to fill in summing up the work of the special inspection, attendance, etc., to be vetting by the competent leadership of the evaluation.
Regular assessment of the annual examination of the way to take in at the end of each year or early next year.
Article VI of the annual evaluation of the results of two excellent, competent, basic incompetence and incompetent, and so four times.
Be identified as the seventh best time, and so have to meet the following requirements:
(A) high ideological and political quality;
(B) versed in business, ability to work;
(C) work a strong sense of responsibility, diligence, good work style;
(D) of the outstanding work performance;
(E) honest and clean.
Article VIII determined to be incompetent, and other times have to meet the following requirements:
(A) high ideological and political quality;
(B) familiar with the business, the ability to work more;
(C) work a strong sense of responsibility, positive work, better work style;
(D) to complete their work;
(E) self-discipline.
Article 9 of the civil service with one of the following conditions should be identified as meeting the basic competence, such as:
(A) general ideological and political quality;
(B) the work of their duties are weak;
(C) the work of the general sense of responsibility, or the style of work there obviously insufficient;
(D) be able to complete their jobs, but less than the amount of work completed, quality and efficiency is not high, or at work more mistakes;
(E) be able to do the basic honesty and self-discipline, but some deficiencies.
Article X of the civil service with one of the following conditions should be determined to be incompetent, and so on:
(A) less ideological and political quality;
(B) professional ability and work capacity can not meet the work requirements;
(C) the work style of work or poor sense of responsibility;
(D) can not complete the task, or at work because of serious mistakes, causing significant loss of dereliction of duty or bad social impact;
(E) there is no question of integrity, and the situation is more serious.
Article 11 of the annual civil service examinations, and other times the number of outstanding general in the hands of the authorities to participate in this annual assessment of the total number of civil servants less than 15 percent, with a maximum of 20 percent.
Chapter III of the examination procedures
Article XII of the Civil Service examination in accordance with administrative privileges and the procedures provided for by the organs of civil service management organization.
Authorities in the annual assessment can be set up and Evaluation Commission. And Evaluation Commission led by the organs of the members of the civil service management and other relevant departments and representatives of the civil service.
Article XIII of the annual assessment by the following procedures:
(A) be in accordance with the civil service examination post of duty and asked to sum up and report on his work in a certain range;
(B) in charge of leading the masses to listen to my opinion and civil servants on the basis that under normal circumstances and personal assessment summary of written comments, such as the proposed assessment and recommendations to improve the time to raise the requirements;
(C) for the development of good times, and other civil servants in the public authorities;
(D) by the head or body authorized to determine the assessment of the evaluation committee, and other times;
(E) results of the examination will be notified in writing by the civil service examination, I signed opinion by civil servants.
As organs of leadership positions in the civil service examination, if necessary, to a certain range of democratic appraisal.
Article XIV of the civil service examination for the year as against incompetent, and other times, according to the relevant provisions of the application for review and appeal.
Article XV organs should be "civil service examination of the annual registration form," the officer himself into the file at the same time this year the civil service examination bodies at the same level of civil servants in charge of the case submitted to the department.
Chapter IV of the results of the examination of the use of
The 16th article of the annual civil service examinations as a result of adjusting the civil service level, wages of civil servants as well as incentives, training, the basis for dismissal.
Article XVII of the annual civil service examinations had been identified as more competent, and other times, in accordance with the following provisions:
(A) a total of two years, were identified as more competent, and other times, in the corresponding wage level set by the promotion of a standard wage level;
(B) a total of five were identified as more competent, and other times, in the corresponding level of their functions within the framework of a promotion level;
(C) above, and so determined to be competent, and in line with other service funded
(D) have been identified as excellent, and other times, and then give awards; for the third consecutive year been identified as excellent, and other times, the third class in mind;
(E) to enjoy an annual bonus evaluation.
The 18th article of the annual civil service examinations had been identified as meeting the basic competence, and so on, in accordance with the following provisions:
(A) Jiemian of their conversation, the deadline to improve;
(B) of this annual assessment is not calculated on an annual basis to assess the results of level of promotion and wage-level assessment of the level of life;
(C) a year job promotion;
(D) does not enjoy the annual bonus evaluation;
The 19th article of the annual civil service examinations had been identified as incompetent, and other times, in accordance with the following provisions:
(A) a lower-level office positions;
(B) of this annual assessment is not calculated on an annual basis to assess the results of level of promotion and wage-level assessment of the level of life;
(C) do not enjoy the annual bonus evaluation;
(D) the annual assessment for two consecutive years been identified as incompetent, and other times, be dismissed.
Article 20 The competent departments of civil servants and civil servants should be based on where the organ examination, targeted to the training of civil servants.
Chapter related issues
Article XXI of the new civil servants during the probation period to participate in the annual examination and uncertain times, and so on, only to write reviews, as a service, the basis for classification.
Transferred to the 22nd article or transferred to the civil service, who transferred to or transferred to the unit's work is carried out assessment and determine the time and so on. Transferred to his or transferred before the situation, the original units.
Attachment training of civil servants, sending in the exercise by sending units during the examination and determine the time and so on. Less than half a year, sent by the evaluation unit.
Unit sent to study, training of civil servants, sent by the evaluation unit, primarily on the basis of learning, training, and other times to determine performance. Learning, training related to the situation where the learning, training units.
Article twenty-disease, leave a total of more than half of the annual evaluation of civil servants, not to test.
The 24th article of civil servants suspected of violating the law and discipline were not yet closed the investigation, to participate in the annual assessment, do not write reviews, uncertain times, and so on. After the closing, no action or to give warning, in accordance with the provisions set up, and other times.
Be punished by the 25th annual evaluation of civil servants, according to the following provisions:
(A) by warning of the year, to participate in the annual assessment shall not be identified as excellent, and other times;
(B) the demerits, Jida Guo, reduction in rank, the removal from office, to participate in the annual assessment, only written comments, uncertain times, and so on. In the lifting of the sanctions and later that year, its annual assessment from the impact of the original action.
The 26th article of civil servants not to participate in the annual examination or assessment, and other times of uncertainty, the annual assessment shall not be counted on an annual basis to assess the results of level of promotion and salary grade level assessment period.
The 27th article of justification not to participate in the annual assessment of the civil service, education after refusing to take part, directly determine the outcome of the assessment for the incompetent, and other times.
In the 28th article of the assessment process corruption, retaliation, fraud, and other violations of law, in accordance with the relevant provisions be dealt with sternly.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
The 29th article of the Civil Service Act in the light of the management organs of the (unit) in addition to the work crew other than the staff assessment, in the light of the present regulations.
Article by the provisions of the 30th CPC Central Committee Organization Department, Ministry of Personnel responsible for the interpretation of all localities and departments can be combined with the actual development of specific implementation details.
Article 31 These provisions shall come into force upon promulgation
