come的短语come 的短语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:50:57

come的短语come 的短语
come 的短语

come的短语come 的短语
come about 发生
come across 遇见……
come after 跟随
come along 随同
come and go 来来去去
come apart 破碎
come around 来
come at 到达
come away 掉下
come back 回来
come before 优先于……
come between 介入……之间
come by 走过
come down 降下
come for 来迎接
come forward 挺身而出
come in 进来
come into 进入
come of 由……产生
come off 从……掉落
come on 上演
come out 出来
come out of 出自
come through 经过
come to 来,到
come together 和好
come under 归入……类别
come up 上升
come upon 发现……
come up with 想出,找出(答案)

come on 开始;打开;快点儿;加油;来呀
come up with 赶上,想出
come in 进来
come out 出现,出来(指太阳什么的)说出,道出;(事情)变清楚
come over 来访,拜访;过来
come to 意识到,清醒过来,处理

come about
To take place; happen.
To turn around.
Nautical To change tack.
come across
To meet or find by chance: came across my old college roommate in town today.


come about
To take place; happen.
To turn around.
Nautical To change tack.
come across
To meet or find by chance: came across my old college roommate in town today.
To do what is wanted.
To pay over money that is demanded: came across with the check.
To give an impression: "He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual" (William L. Clay).
come along
To make advances to a goal; progress: Things are coming along fine.
To go with someone else who takes the lead: I'll come along on the hike.
To show up; appear: Don't take the first offer that comes along.
come around/round
To recover, revive: fainted but soon came around.
To change one's opinion or position: You'll come around after you hear the whole story.
come at
To obtain; get: come at an education through study.
To rush at; attack.
come back
To return to or regain past success after a period of misfortune.
To retort; reply: came back with a sharp riposte.
To recur to the memory: It's all coming back to me now.
come between To cause to be in conflict or estrangement.
come by
To gain possession of; acquire: Mortgages are hard to come by.
To pay a visit.
come down
To lose wealth or position: He has really come down in the world.
To pass or be handed down by tradition: customs that come down from colonial times.
To be handed down from a higher authority: An indictment finally came down.
Slang To happen; occur: What's coming down tonight?
Slang To experience diminishing effects of a recreational or hallucinogenic drug.
come in
To arrive: Fall clothes will be coming in soon.
To become available for use: New weather information just came in.
To start producing. Used of an oil well.
To arrive among those who finish a contest or race: came in fifth.
To perform or function in a particular way: A food processor comes in handy.
To reply in a specified manner to a call or signal: The pilot's voice came in loud and clear.
To take on a specified role: When editorial review commences, that's where you come in.
come into To acquire, especially as an inheritance: She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday.
come off
To happen; occur: The trip came off on schedule.
To acquit oneself: She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.
To turn out to be successful: a party that came off.
come on
To convey a particular personal image: comes on as an old-fashioned reactionary.
Slang To show sexual interest in someone: trying to come on to me during the party.
To progress or advance in increments: Darkness came on after seven.
To begin in small increments or by degrees: Sleet came on after one o'clock.
To hurry up; move rapidly. Often used in the imperative: Would you please come on! We'll be late!
To stop an inappropriate behavior; abandon a position or an attitude; be obliging. Used chiefly in the imperative: You've used the same feeble excuse for weeks. Come on!
come out
To become known: The whole story came out at the trial.
To be issued or brought out: The author's new book just came out.
To make a formal social debut: She came out at age 18 in New York City.
To end up; result: Everything came out wrong.
To declare oneself publicly: The governor came out in favor of tax breaks.
To reveal that one is a gay man, a lesbian, or a bisexual.
come over
To change sides, as in a controversy.
To pay a casual visit.
come through
To do what is required or anticipated: I asked for their help, and they came through.
To become manifest: The parents' tenderness comes through in their facial expressions.
To be communicated: The coach's displeasure came through loud and clear.
come to
To recover consciousness: The fainting victim came to.
To bring the bow into the wind.
To anchor.
come up
To manifest itself; arise: The question never came up.
To rise above the horizon: The sun came up.
To rise, as in status or rank: a general who came up from the ranks.
To draw near; approach: came up and said hello.
come upon To discover or meet by accident.


come on 加油