这句英语的一个that从句难倒我了,This indicates that the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional processes have remained rela-tively unchanged during the approximately 700years that the upper 2 m have been accumulating.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 11:12:15

这句英语的一个that从句难倒我了,This indicates that the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional processes have remained rela-tively unchanged during the approximately 700years that the upper 2 m have been accumulating.
This indicates that the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional
processes have remained rela-tively unchanged during the approximately 700
years that the upper 2 m have been accumulating.
This indicates that the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional
processes have remained relatively unchanged during the approximately 700 years
that the upper 2 m have been accumulating.

这句英语的一个that从句难倒我了,This indicates that the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional processes have remained rela-tively unchanged during the approximately 700years that the upper 2 m have been accumulating.
BECAUSE the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional processes have remained relatively unchanged during the approximately 700
years,the upper 2m (of...) can have a chance to be accumulated during those years.
That:conjunction,...so that...; it implies a slight cause-and-effect relation,or a RESULT that follows the preceding state or actions.

这句英语的一个that从句难倒我了,This indicates that the source of the sediments and predominant post-depositional processes have remained rela-tively unchanged during the approximately 700years that the upper 2 m have been accumulating. 英语翻译:什么动物吃草?难倒了我一个英语四六级过了的同学 英语翻译英语达人帮个忙呀~凤凰在英语里面就一个翻译phoenix,不分雌雄的.难倒我了T_T 酒精的英语怎么说这个问题不难,可它就是难倒我了, 我被弟弟的数学题难倒了 快点帮帮我 “权力的傲慢和知识的偏见”是什么意思?这句难倒我了,实在理解不出来,请比我聪明的友友理解一下!这句难倒我了,实在理解不出来,请比我聪明的友友理解一下! why 定语从句比较这两个句子.前面的我就不写了,写重点.1.this is the fact that …… (跟的是一个完整句子) 2.this is the reason why……(跟的是一个完整句子),后面那个是充当状语.但前面那个由th 家里的茶壶盖上都有一个小孔,如果小孔被堵住了,壶里的水难倒出来,这是为什么这是我的作业 谢谢 This is my classroom 怎么把英语单词变复数呀?要求三个词.女儿的作业可难倒我这个不懂英语的妈妈了,1.This is my classroom 2.That is her schoolbag3.where is it? 请问这个句子是个什么类型的从句 I am glad that you come.是补语从句么因为感觉that从句是对gald的补充,把that从句去掉,我高兴并不能表明句意,加上后头的that从句,原因是因为你来了,句意完整 英语句子it is known to all that our teacher is beauful英语句子请问:1,这是一个什么句,强调句还是定语从句?2,that做从句成份吗,做什么成分? 英语中定语从句,宾语从句,状语从句,名词性从句一类的怎么区分?我现在读高二.我突然发现这一类的东西我都忘记了.先说说我的问题吧,就是在一个从句中,我有时觉得它是宾语从句,有时是定 英语结构分析.There is an aspect of injustice that is very difficult to not want to act on.这句话that 前面是不是省略了一个so that 引导的是不是一个表结果的状语从句? what's the most exciting thing that's happened to you recently?这是什么从句,此句is 是否多余?在听力材料上看的 从句的结构不是很懂 我感觉错了 应该去掉is 关于英语从句语法题下面两句话那句是对的?1.I doubt that i can pass the exam.2.I doubt that if i can pass the exam.我觉得是第一句正确吧.that 引导宾从,若里面在套一个if引导的状从,则第二句状从缺少主语. 谁能帮我分析一下这个句中where引导的从句是什么从句?这个从句是倒装了吗?我是问后面这个从句,不是问前面那部分.Further up the Thames is the City of Westminster where are the Houses of Parliament containing th 英语初三判断句子成分 It is the band which gets everyone dancing .这是个定语从句还是it 作形式上的主语?如果是定语从句可以把which改为that 如果改为that不就成了强调句了吗? 英语中有很多从句,像that从句,定语从句,状语从句,宾语从句等等,谁能帮我解释一下他们的区别和用法.