1 robot n.机器人2 won't =will not 将不3 they'll (=they will)4 everything pron.每件事,一切5 paper n.纸,文件,论文,报纸; v.用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的6 use n.利用,使用,用途; v.使用; vt.使用,用7 less a.更少的,更小

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:25:39

1 robot n.机器人2 won't =will not 将不3 they'll (=they will)4 everything pron.每件事,一切5 paper n.纸,文件,论文,报纸; v.用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的6 use n.利用,使用,用途; v.使用; vt.使用,用7 less a.更少的,更小
1 robot n.机器人
2 won't =will not 将不
3 they'll (=they will)
4 everything pron.每件事,一切
5 paper n.纸,文件,论文,报纸; v.用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的
6 use n.利用,使用,用途; v.使用; vt.使用,用
7 less a.更少的,更小的; ad.更少地,更小地
8 fewer a.少的; int.较少数; a.较少的
9 pollution n.污染
10 tree n.树
11 she'll (=she will,she shall)
12 building n.建筑物
13 astronaut n.宇航员
14 rocket n.火箭,烟火; v.发射火箭,猛涨
15 space n.位置,空间,距离; v.隔开,分隔
16 space station 空间站
17 fly n.苍蝇,两翼昆虫,飞行; v.飞,飞翔,逃走
18 took v.拿,取
19 moon n.月亮
20 I'll =I shall 我将...
21 fall n.秋天,落下,瀑布; v.倒下,落下,来临
22 fell v.跌落,落下,降低
23 fall in love with 爱上
24 alone a.单独的,仅仅; ad.单独地
25 pet a.宠爱的; n.宠物; vt.抚摸,轻抚
26 parrot n.鹦鹉; v.学舌
27 probably ad.大概,或许
28 go skating 去滑冰;去溜冰
29 suit n.套装,诉讼,请求; v.适合,取悦,满足
30 be able to 能;会
31 dress n.女装,服装; v.穿著
32 casually ad.非正式的,随意的
33 which a.哪一个,哪一些; int.哪个; pron.哪一个
34 even a.平坦的,偶数的,相等的; ad.甚至,恰好,正当
35 the World Cup 世界杯
36 wrote write的过去式
37 myself pron.我自己
38 interview n.面谈,访问,接见; v.接见,会谈
39 predict v.预知,预言,预报
40 future a.将来的; n.将来,未来; n.期货
41 prediction n.预言,预报
42 came come的过去式
43 come true 实现,达到
44 sound n.声音,吵闹,海峡; a.健全的,可靠的,合理的; v.听,发出声音,测量
45 company n.公司,友伴,交际
46 thought n.想法,思想; v.(think的过去式和过去分词)想,思考,认为; vbl.想,思考,认为
47 fiction n.小说,虚构
48 unpleasant a.使人不愉快的,讨厌的
49 scientist n.科学家
50 in the future 将来
51 however ad.然而; conj.然而,可是,不过
52 hundred n.百,百个东西; a.百,百个
53 hundreds of 成百上千的,数以百计的
54 already ad.已经
55 made a.已制成的,成功的,创造的; v.做,使,安排; vbl.做,造成,安排
56 factory n.工厂
57 simple a.简朴的,单纯的
58 such a.如此的,这样的
59 bored a.厌烦的,无聊的
60 everywhere ad.到处,无论何处
61 human a.人的,人类的; n.人
62 shape n.形状,定形,身材; v.定形,使...成形,塑造
63 huge a.庞大的,巨大的
64 earthquake n.地震
65 snake n.蛇; v.蜿蜒,弯弯曲曲行进
66 look for 寻找,寻求
67 possible a.可能的
68 electric a.电的
69 toothbrush n.牙刷
70 seem v.像是,似乎
71 impossible a.不可能的
72 housework n.家务劳动
73 rating n.等级

1 robot n.机器人2 won't =will not 将不3 they'll (=they will)4 everything pron.每件事,一切5 paper n.纸,文件,论文,报纸; v.用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的6 use n.利用,使用,用途; v.使用; vt.使用,用7 less a.更少的,更小
1 robot n. 机器人
I have a robot.
2 won't =will not 将不
I won't go to there.
3 they'll (=they will)
They will go to school
4 everything pron. 每件事,一切
Everything is ok.
5 paper n. 纸,文件,论文,报纸; v. 用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的
Don't waste paper.
6 use n. 利用,使用,用途; v. 使用; vt. 使用,用
This is simple to use.
7 less a. 更少的,更小的; ad. 更少地,更小地
I want a little less.
8 fewer a. 少的; int. 较少数; a. 较少的
I have fewer sport.
9 pollution n. 污染
City pollution is too serious.
10 tree n. 树
He had just cut down a tree.
11 she'll (=she will,she shall)
She will go shopping.
12 building n. 建筑物
A building in front of us.
13 astronaut n. 宇航员
I want to be an astronaut.
14 rocket n. 火箭,烟火; v. 发射火箭,猛涨
I want to ride the rocket.
15 space n. 位置,空间,距离; v. 隔开,分隔
I need a separate space.
16 space station 空间站
What has the space station?
17 fly n. 苍蝇,两翼昆虫,飞行; v. 飞,飞翔,逃走
I saw a fly.
18 took v. 拿,取
Take it away.
19 moon n. 月亮
The moon is really round.
20 I'll =I shall 我将...
I will go to travel.
21 fall n. 秋天,落下,瀑布; v. 倒下,落下,来临
Fall in love.
22 fell v. 跌落,落下,降低
The plane fell down.
23 fall in love with 爱上
Fall in love with a person.
24 alone a. 单独的,仅仅; ad. 单独地
I want to be alone.
25 pet a. 宠爱的; n. 宠物; vt. 抚摸,轻抚
I want a pet dog.
26 parrot n. 鹦鹉; v. 学舌
Do not Parrot.
27 probably ad. 大概,或许
He probably will be.
28 go skating 去滑冰;去溜冰
Shall we go skating.
29 suit n. 套装,诉讼,请求; v. 适合,取悦,满足
Do you have some suit?
30 be able to 能;会
I be able to late.
31 dress n. 女装,服装; v. 穿著
Wear a dress to attend tonight.
32 casually ad.非正式的,随意的
This is a casually document.
33 which a. 哪一个,哪一些; int. 哪个; pron. 哪一个
Which one do you like?
34 even a. 平坦的,偶数的,相等的; ad. 甚至,恰好,正当
I even love you more than myself.
35 the World Cup 世界杯
Home from work and watch the world cup.
36 wrote write的过去式
On the semester wrote notes you have.
37 myself pron. 我自己
This can only blame myself.
38 interview n. 面谈,访问,接见; v. 接见,会谈
We need a interview.
39 predict v. 预知,预言,预报
I want to predict tomorrow.
40 future a. 将来的; n. 将来,未来; n. 期货
I will beat him in the future.
41 prediction n. 预言,预报
His prediction is also not allowed.
42 came come的过去式
Last year I came here.
43 come true 实现,达到
My dream came true at last.
44 sound n. 声音,吵闹,海峡; a. 健全的,可靠的,合理的; v. 听,发出声音,测量
The sound is very nice.
45 company n. 公司,友伴,交际
My father has a company.
46 thought n. 想法,思想; v. (think的过去式和过去分词)想,思考,认为; vbl. 想,思考,认为
I thought about this problem.
47 fiction n. 小说,虚构
This fiction is who?
48 unpleasant a. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的
He is always unpleasant.
49 scientist n. 科学家
He is a scientist.
50 in the future 将来
He will be a scientist in the future.
51 however ad. 然而; conj. 然而,可是,不过
However, this is wrong.
52 hundred n. 百,百个东西; a. 百,百个
I have one hundred yuan.
53 hundreds of 成百上千的,数以百计的
There are hundreds of thousands of butterflies.
54 already ad. 已经
He already did not cry.
55 made a. 已制成的,成功的,创造的; v. 做,使,安排; vbl. 做,造成,安排
It made in china.
56 factory n. 工厂
This is my factory.
57 simple a. 简单的,简朴的,单纯的
I will be simple English.
58 such a. 如此的,这样的
I also have such shoes.
59 bored a. 厌烦的,无聊的
I am getting very bored with this entire business.
60 everywhere ad. 到处,无论何处
I looked for him everywhere but couldn't find.
61 human a. 人的,人类的; n. 人
Who are the ancestors of human beings.
62 shape n. 形状,定形,身材; v. 定形,使...成形,塑造
Do you like what kind of shape?
63 huge a. 庞大的,巨大的
This is a huge system.
64 earthquake n. 地震
Do you know the earthquake.
65 snake n. 蛇; v. 蜿蜒,弯弯曲曲行进
I'm afraid of snakes.
66 look for 寻找,寻求
What you looking for?
67 possible a. 可能的
I will help you as much as possible.
68 electric a. 电的
This is the electric toy.
69 toothbrush n. 牙刷
This toothbrush is really beautiful.
70 seem v. 像是,似乎
This seems to be the last dish.
71 impossible a. 不可能的
Nothing is impossible.
72 housework n. 家务劳动
We want to help parents do housework.
73 rating n. 等级
I had reached a level of high grade.

won't和robot发音 怎么读?won't发音是相似 问特 还是相似:翁特还有机器人robot好像2种发音 rao 伯特 还是 肉伯特? 求每个英语单词 造句 1 robot n.机器人2 won't =will not 将不3 they'll (=they will)4 everything pron.每件事,一切5 paper n.纸,文件,论文,报纸; v.用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的6 use n.利用,使用,用途; v.使用; vt.使用, 1 robot n.机器人2 won't =will not 将不3 they'll (=they will)4 everything pron.每件事,一切5 paper n.纸,文件,论文,报纸; v.用纸糊,贴壁纸; adj.纸制的6 use n.利用,使用,用途; v.使用; vt.使用,用7 less a.更少的,更小 robot n. won't =will not 这两个单词是什么意思 人教版八年级下册英语单词1-5单元的前几个单词是 will robot won't=will not 英语翻译robot themed restaurants机器人主题餐厅 假如你是校英语报的记者,1月5日你校组织学生参观了机器人世界(robot world ),请按下列要点用英语写一则新闻报道.1、机器人品种繁多,形态各异,可以下棋、弹钢琴、画画等2、观看了机器人 英语作业 假设你有一个机器人,你需要它为你做些什么?(1)My robot will_______________for me.(2)It will_____________________.(3)It will_____________________.(4)It will_____________________.(5)It will______________ 假设你有一个机器人,你需要它为你做些什么?(1)My robot will_______________for me.(2)It will_____________________.(3)It will_____________________.(4)It will_____________________.(5)It can_____________________,too. 1,躺在床上看书对眼睛有害It's bad for your eyes to----------- ------------------ ------------.2,查阅的英文3,机器人将帮助我们做很多事情.The robot-------------------------------------------do lots of things.4,春天将会很 this kind of robot 的robot 为什么不用复数形式 这中机器人又不止一个 英语翻译Having robot playmates may not be so much fun as it seems.But maybe a boy with a wrench and a screwdriver can fix the robot so that it won't be too perfect. 有一机器人的运动方程为s=t^2+1/t(t是时间,s是位移),则该机器人在时刻t=1时的瞬时速度为 有几道关于机器人的题目xxx年,捷克剧作家Capek在他的剧本中,第1次用了robot在个词 Robot C++程序 机器人移动主要用于机器人行动规划.设在一个房间里,有两张桌子a和b,一个机器人(robot)和一个箱子(box),如图1所示.为了让机器人从房间的c处出发,把桌子a上的箱子移到桌子b上, I'm Ron the robot.我是机器人Ron?这是怎么个用法?robot前面还加定冠词the? 英语翻译MODELING AND SIMULATION RESEARCH ONMOVE-IN-MUD ROBOT BASED ON CREEPING PRINCIPLEAbstractMove-in-Mud Robot is one kind of special type robot underwater using to salvage sunk ship and belongs to limitedworking robot[1,2].It integrates creep