
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:23:47


Although current "marriage law" is established,and the invalid marriage institution of invalid marriage in the protection for the kindness of terms,but as a legal system implementation,legislation shortage gradually exposed,the system of the relevant contents and needs to be further improved in many places.
Based on the protection of invalid marriage institution building goodwill and significance of the basic theory on the basis of analysis of the modern world of invalid marriage in the protection system of goodwill,especially the presumption of foreign spouses system,at the same time,the legislative experience,with the reality of our country in the invalid marriage of the protection system of goodwill,including establish relevant legislation and relief of parallel sanctions,giving the legislative idea of goodwill and establish the right of certain difficulties party corresponding relief system.

Although our country present "Marriage law" has established the invalid marriage system, and the good intentions litigant's protection has formulated certain provision to the invalid marriage, but alo...


Although our country present "Marriage law" has established the invalid marriage system, and the good intentions litigant's protection has formulated certain provision to the invalid marriage, but along with this legal regime's implementation, the legislative insufficiency has exposed gradually, in this system's related content also has many places to need to further consummate. This article in the good intentions litigant protects the system building to the invalid marriage in the elementary theory and in the significance analysis foundation, elaborated that modern various countries to the invalid marriage in the good intentions litigant's each kind of protection system, specially estimate the spouse system, simultaneously profits from foreign the legislative experience, unifies our country's realistic condition to propose that consummates in our country invalid marriage the good intentions litigant to protect system's related legislation opinion, including sets up the sanction and the relief parallel legislation idea, gives good intentions litigant's certain right as well as the establishment to the life difficult side corresponding relief system.


英语翻译正文:摘要虽然我国现行《婚姻法》建立了无效婚姻制度,并对无效婚姻中善意当事人的保护制定了一定的条款,但随着这一法律制度的实施,立法的不足逐渐暴露了出来,该制度中的相 英语翻译夫妻法定财产制研究--现行婚姻法下夫妻法定财产制的适用 英语翻译我国现行婚姻法及司法解释对事实婚姻的态度大致经历了四个阶段,这体现了法律一定的灵活性,也表现了法律保护婚姻关系的价值取向.法律的相对滞后性导致其不可能解决现存的所 急!我国现行婚姻法对禁止结婚的疾病的表述.是自考的题,原题是:我国现行《婚姻法》对禁止结婚的疾病做了下列哪种表述( )A 患麻风病未经治愈或患其他在医学上认为不应当结婚的疾 英语翻译1000字左右的,带中英文摘要在加分,正文1000字左右 英文的 英语翻译【摘要】:我国新修订的《婚姻法》中增加的离婚损害赔偿,不但保障了受害者的利益,而且还对破坏家庭关系的一方给予了惩罚.它是一项重要的法律救助措施,对社会和家庭的和谐起 我国现行法律体系 我国现行宪法是什么? 我国现行全部法律法规 我国对婚姻法是怎样规定的 英语翻译我的毕业论文的摘要需要翻译成英语,请帮忙看看.下面是摘要正文:自从姚明2002年以新秀状元身份加盟NBA以来,掀起了中国的全民NBA热,加之国内CBA联赛的职业化日渐发展,我国篮球市 我国现行宪法的结构体系包括( )A.序言B.正文C.宪法修正案D.宪法性法律和宪法惯例 我国现行宪法的正文主要包括( ) A.总纲 B.公民的基本权利和义务 C.国家机构 D.国旗、国徽、首都 我国现行燃料油标准是什么? 我国现行法律体系包括哪些? 我国现行的教育方针是什么? 我国现行的政治体制是 我国现行的外交政策是什么?