牛津英语7a Unit1的语法牛津7a unit1的语法 只要告诉我是什么语法就可以了,越快越好,

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牛津英语7a Unit1的语法牛津7a unit1的语法 只要告诉我是什么语法就可以了,越快越好,
牛津英语7a Unit1的语法
牛津7a unit1的语法 只要告诉我是什么语法就可以了,越快越好,

牛津英语7a Unit1的语法牛津7a unit1的语法 只要告诉我是什么语法就可以了,越快越好,
1.He is very clever at Maths.他擅长数学.(P4)
(2)be clever at…意为“擅长于……”,相当于be good at.例如:
Jack is clever at English.=Jack is good at English.杰克英语学得好.
be clever at与be good at后面跟动词时,必须用其ing形式.例如:
Tom is clever at / is good at playing basketball.汤姆篮球打得好.
2.He's in the school basketball team.他是学校篮球队的队员.(P4)
I'm in the Reading Club.我在阅读兴趣小组.(P4)
句中的“be in + 团队组织”意为“be a member of …”.因此
He's in the school basketball team.= He's a member of the school basketball team.
Mike is in the Country Football Team.迈克是国家足球队的队员.
Many students in our class are in the Swimming Club.我们班许多学生参加了游泳兴趣小组.
3.You can call me Simon.(P4)
call意为“叫、称呼”,call sb./sth.+ 名称,意为“叫某人(某物)为……”.例如:
You can call him Tom.你可以叫他汤姆.
What do you call it in English?你们用英语怎么称呼它?
Who is calling?This is Helen speaking.谁在打电话?是我,海伦.
Listen,someone is calling you.听,有人在叫你.
call也可作为名词,意为“电话”.如:a telephone call 一通电话.
4.My parents come from Shanghai.我父母是上海人.(P4)
come from意为“来自……(地方),是……(地方)人”.
come from=be from
My parents come from Shanghai.=My parents are from Shanghai.
Jim comes from America.= Jim is from America.吉姆来自美国.
5.I was born there but we live in Beijing now.我出生在那儿但我们现住在北京.(P4)
be born意为“出生”.例如:
Simon was born in Shanghai.西蒙出生在上海.(P5)
He was born on July 27th.他出生于七月二十七日.
My sister and I were born in Beijing.我和我妹妹出生在北京.
6.I play football at school.我在学校踢足球.(P4)
at school可以表示“在学校”,也可以表示“上学”的概念.school表示抽象概念,而不是指具体场所时,school前不加冠词,也不用复数形式.例如:
Daniel,do you play tennis after school?丹尼尔,你放学后打网球吗?(P9)