
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:21:03


He has rich experience in quality and product technology. With his knowledge and logical thinking, he guides and helps us with problem analyzing and client review(e.g. reviewing American company and the improvement of COQ, etc.)

He has extensive experience in quality and product technology, the company can take advantage of his experience, knowledge and logical thinking in problem analysis and customer audits, and use it as good guidance and help.

He has rich experience in Quality Management and Product Technoloty. By utilizing hie experience, knowledge and logical thinking, it will be of great guidance and help with problem analysis and client audit. (such as: the audit to American company, improvement of COQ and so on.)


He has great experience in quality control and product technique. It would give us good guidance and assistance by using his experience, knowledge and logical think to analyse the problems and audit clients.(e.g. Audit by American companies, or improvement on COQ etc)

He has rich experience on quality and procduct technic.With his experience,knowledge and logical thinking,he offered great guidance and help to us on analysing issues and auditing customers.

He has rich experience in Quality Management and Product Technoloty. By applying his experience, knowledge and logical thinking to our analyzing problems and reviewing clients, it must be of great guidance and assistance to us.(such as reviewing American companies,the improvement of COQ and so on)

英语翻译他在质量和产品技术方面经验丰富,利用他的经验,学识和逻辑思维在对问题分析和客户审核上给予我们很好的指导和帮助(比如美国公司的审核,COQ的改善等等), 英语翻译摘要:本文全面回顾了虚拟现实技术的发展历史和研究背景,介绍了虚拟现实技术的构成和技术特点,分析了虚拟现实系统在遥现技术、仿真技术、对象可视化技术等方面的应用现状, 英语翻译IT管理和技术经验丰富,在多年的项目管理及实施工作中,对各种不同的IT软硬环境都有相当程度的熟悉.责任心和进取心强,热爱从事的IT管理和技术工作.希望有幸能为贵公司的发展贡 他经验丰富 英语怎么说 中译英:在技术方面 修改病句:经过技术改革,厂里产品的数量和质量都提高了. 英语翻译110年的电力行业经验;2经验丰富的管理团队3一流的技术专家队伍 英语翻译1.如今,消费者开始在全球范围寻找采用技术最新、质量最好、功能最新的产品或服务,从而使企业进行大规模国际化经营变得更加必要和可能.2.如在欧洲,跨国界的广告与消费者的流 汉译英 帮个忙 我想他不会生你的气 I don't think_________you 别赞扬她,她会骄傲的 Don't _______________,he will________ 据说她在数学方面教学经验丰富 It's said that he___________teaching maths 英语翻译近年来,温湿度测量已逐渐成为现代检测技术的重要组成部分,在保证产品质量、节约能源和安全生产等方面起着关键的作用.因此,能够确保快速、准确地测量温湿度的技术及其装置普 英语翻译在海外呆过的经验丰富的,口语表达能力强的, 有在橡胶制品方面经验丰富的朋友吗?推荐一下你们认为比较好的密封条、塑胶密封条品牌吧? 在溜冰方面,他比我强 用英语翻译 在音乐方面他比我更有天赋.英语翻译 “他在做调查方面是一个行家”用英语翻译 英语翻译他的篮球技术很好.在篮球场上,他几乎无所不能. 英语翻译他在物理和化学方面有很丰富的教学经验,曾经长期在清华大学,北京大学授课 英语翻译泰鼎重工自创立以来,为了向顾客提供最好的产品解决方案和服务,不断致力开发技术,改善质量和产品结构的高效率化.当今世界日新月异,只有更安全更完美的产品,才经得起客户的选