几道英数题目、推理题、百科题,全部用英语出的1.Andrew,Bianca en Claire are eating 17 toffeestogether.Andrew eats more toffees thaneach of the other two kids.What is the smallest number of toffees that Andrewcould have eaten?A.5 B.6

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:55:25

几道英数题目、推理题、百科题,全部用英语出的1.Andrew,Bianca en Claire are eating 17 toffeestogether.Andrew eats more toffees thaneach of the other two kids.What is the smallest number of toffees that Andrewcould have eaten?A.5 B.6
1.Andrew,Bianca en Claire are eating 17 toffeestogether.Andrew eats more toffees thaneach of the other two kids.What is the smallest number of toffees that Andrewcould have eaten?
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 E.9
2.Sean reads exactly 23 pages every day.Today he started a book having 2002 pages.How manydays does he need to read the wholebook?And how many pages will he read on the final day in anew book?
A.87 days en 0 pages of thenew book.
B.87 days en 1 page of thenew book.
C.88 days en 20 pages ofthe new book.
D.88 days en 21 pages ofthe new book.
E.88days en 22 pages of thenew book.
1.What relationshipto you is your father’s only brother’s wife’s only brother-in-law?
2.You have themisfortune to own an unreliable clock.This one loses exactly 20 minutes everyhour.It is now showing 8:00 am and you know that it was correct at midnight,when you set it.The clock stopped 10 hours ago,what is the correct time now?
知识百花园 True orfalse?
( ) 1.The North Pole is colder than the SouthPole.
( ) 2.War and Peace was a famous bestseller.
( ) 3.The Amazon rain forest is in Asia.

几道英数题目、推理题、百科题,全部用英语出的1.Andrew,Bianca en Claire are eating 17 toffeestogether.Andrew eats more toffees thaneach of the other two kids.What is the smallest number of toffees that Andrewcould have eaten?A.5 B.6
Andrew, Bianca  Claire三个人共吃了17个太妃糖.andrew比其余两人吃的都多,请问Andrew最少吃及个太妃糖?

a.5         b.6          c.7             d.8             e.9
    a.87天  0页                         b..87天  1页
     c.88天  20页                        d.88天  21页                  e.88天  22页  
