请教一句外汇英语(技术分析类)Stop:With an initial stop at 99.00,we have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.后半句“have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.翻译机:停止:在最初停留在99.00 ,我

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 05:35:47

请教一句外汇英语(技术分析类)Stop:With an initial stop at 99.00,we have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.后半句“have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.翻译机:停止:在最初停留在99.00 ,我
Stop:With an initial stop at 99.00,we have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.
后半句“have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.
翻译机:停止:在最初停留在99.00 ,我们有一个缓冲的支持而不是高波动性.(看不懂)

请教一句外汇英语(技术分析类)Stop:With an initial stop at 99.00,we have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.后半句“have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.翻译机:停止:在最初停留在99.00 ,我
是说我们在(地基)处加了缓冲措施(缓冲带),但是太高强度的震动(over 5.5)还是不能阻挡的

请教一句外汇英语(技术分析类)Stop:With an initial stop at 99.00,we have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.后半句“have a buffer on support but not for high volatility.翻译机:停止:在最初停留在99.00 ,我 请教一句外汇英语(技术分析类)Target:The first objective equals risk (50) at 1.5075 and the second target will be 1.5075.翻译机:目标:第一个目标等于风险( 50 )在1.5075 ,第二个目标将是1.5075 .翻译机翻译 外汇是有随机性的 技术分析到底有没有用阿 一句外汇英语翻译Although zero interest rates is off the table, we do not think that the ECB will stop at 1.50 percent. is off the table怎么翻译?翻译机上写:是从表中. 外汇,外汇储备英语怎么说? 外汇用英语怎么说 请教一句英语句子(教室今天没有昨天干净)用英语“教室今天没有昨天干净”怎么说? 帮我分析一句英语时态问题I'm having a party at my house on Friday,and I was hoping you would stop by.为什么and I 后面用was 求一简单电工技术电路图分析 外汇 化工技术类(含应用化工技术、工也分析与检验)就业前景怎么样 外汇英语:“Straddle”和“Strangle”的外汇含义是什么? 英语作业连词成句:and wait a stop light red at(.英语作业连词成句:and wait a stop light red at(.)快! 请教一句数学英语.“5的3次幂”英语怎么说.谢谢! 英语:yellow down stop and slow light a at (连词组句) 请教一句英语的中文意思Love what you do,shareit with others. 请教高一英语问题,求达人解答(单选) 英文歌词找歌名Stop calling,stop calling boy.一句歌词,重复好几遍的!