用这些单词写句子:例:How/you/travel to school How do you travel to school?1:How far/you/travel to school?2:How long/your journey/take?3:How much/you/fare?4:(be)/your journey comfortable?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 07:18:58

用这些单词写句子:例:How/you/travel to school How do you travel to school?1:How far/you/travel to school?2:How long/your journey/take?3:How much/you/fare?4:(be)/your journey comfortable?
How/you/travel to school
How do you travel to school?
1:How far/you/travel to school?
2:How long/your journey/take?
3:How much/you/fare?
4:(be)/your journey comfortable?

用这些单词写句子:例:How/you/travel to school How do you travel to school?1:How far/you/travel to school?2:How long/your journey/take?3:How much/you/fare?4:(be)/your journey comfortable?
1、How far do you travel to school?
2、How long does your journey take?
3、How much is your fare?(应该是your不是you吧)
4、Is your journey comfortable?

How far do you travel to school?
How long does your journey take?
How much do you fare?
Is your journey comfortable?

1.How far do you travel to school?
2.How long does your journey take?
3.How much did you fare?
4.Is your journey comfortable?

用这些单词写句子:例:How/you/travel to school How do you travel to school?1:How far/you/travel to school?2:How long/your journey/take?3:How much/you/fare?4:(be)/your journey comfortable? are,you,how,old这些单词能组成什么句子(注意大小写及标点符号) how,you,spell,do,chair这些单词能组成什么句子(注意大小写及标点符号) home,how,to,do,uncle's,you,go,your )这些单词可以组成什么句子? 连词成句 achieve don't you know you can until try you what 用这些单词 组成一个 句子 求救啊 用这些单词连成句子! 用I bon't milk like这些单词能组成一个句子 听句子写单词,有这些单词maths,music,English,Chinese,science,history,grography1 in this class,you will know many things happened before you were born.( )2 in this class,you can know how the earth looks like and what the places are like all o where单词开头的句子是问什么?还有what ,when ,how用这些单词开头的句子是问什么 do you have any t( )on how we should spend the money?空格部分填由T字母开头的单词,麻烦再翻译一下句子意思. 1.What pet do/don't you like?2.What does it look like?3.Why do/don't you like it?clever clean friendly beautiful funny dirty unfriendly lazy ugly stupid 用这些单词写对话. 1.What pet do/don't you like?2.What does it look like?3.Why do/don't you like it?clever clean friendly beautiful funny dirty unfriendly lazy ugly stupid 用这些单词写对话. rainbow can a see thank are you how fine you 请帮我用这些单词组个句子. 用这些词语写句子 第一个句子为什么可以用YOU ARE结尾?句子什么情况可以用you are结尾呢?DIDN'T YOU FIND HOW HYPOCRITICAL ,YOU ARE?请大家帮我造几个可以用you are 结尾的句型!这个单词你们一般怎么读啊?HYPOCRITICALHow?your ey How often can you...?How many...can you...?这些句型是用这些...来写句 用Why don't...,How about...,hotter,longer各写一个句子.急用! doesn't like he outdoors and likes stay home and he to 用这些单词短语组成一个句子.