怎么解释这句句子be back from Shanghai是从上海回来还是回到上海

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:28:29

怎么解释这句句子be back from Shanghai是从上海回来还是回到上海
be back from Shanghai

怎么解释这句句子be back from Shanghai是从上海回来还是回到上海
回到上海是 back to Shanghai


怎么解释这句句子be back from Shanghai是从上海回来还是回到上海 英语翻译Vacation can be from 2 weeks a year to 4 weeks a year.请翻译这句并解释句子结构. arrive back from如何解释? 这个句子中的back作什么成分he has to be back home by five to fetch his son from kindergarten这个句子中的back是动词还是形容词呢?我怎么感觉有点不对?应该是he has to back home或是 he has to be back这个句子对吗 I will be back,from I will be back 10 minutes later. I will be back before 10 o'clock. 哪句句子是正确的呢?请解释下吧~选择题里碰到的,我觉得都对的.为什么呢?????? .be from be over .come back be crowded with怎么解释句子 英语句子句型解释~~~Today, festival performances range in taste from the exotic and controversial to the highly sophisticated. 这句中的in是和怎么个用法,from呢?然后highly sophisticated该怎么翻译?谢谢! Be back from business trip.Kind of tired but quite happy 该怎么翻译 i will be coming back与i will come back 这两个句子应该都对吧? I want back.这句子对吗?或者应该是I want be back. home park from Mike the is back 怎么连词成句?急 The make-up will be taken from the mill treated water line这句怎么翻译 By this time next year he( ) from abroad.A:will be back B:should be back C:will have been back知道这个句子是将来完成时,但是A和C我 纠结了. 【Prisonbreak】越狱,求语法高手解释里面的一句对白!back from the days when prisoners were allowed a creature comfort or two.这句末后面的or two怎么用. 判断两句简单的英语句子,There will be rain tomorrow.It will be rain tomorrow.这两句话有没有错?错了应该怎么改?可不可以加以解释rain可以做动词和名词啊~ 翻译下面的句子,并解释句中be able to的含义People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends.