英语句子分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,Crossing the Domain,he sat down suddenly on a bench,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,waiting to learn the outcome of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:09:24

英语句子分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,Crossing the Domain,he sat down suddenly on a bench,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,waiting to learn the outcome of
Crossing the Domain,he sat down suddenly on a bench,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,waiting to learn the outcome of the fight.

英语句子分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,Crossing the Domain,he sat down suddenly on a bench,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,waiting to learn the outcome of
Crossing the Domain伴随状语,逻辑主语是he
sat down谓语,也可以把down再拆成状语,不过没必要
suddenly 方式状语
on a bench地点状语
unnerved by the thought 过去分词短语又是一个伴随状语,为这个想法感到焦虑
of the missus sitting up for him介词结构作thought的后置定语,其中sitting up for him是现在分词短语做missus的后置定语,和被修饰词missus是逻辑主谓关系,“正在焦急等待他的那个妇人”
waiting to learn the outcome of the fight,独立主格结构,逻辑主语是the missus
He crossed the Domain,他穿过the Domain(地名)
and he sat down suddenly on a bench.突然一屁股坐在长凳上
He was unnerved by the thought of the missus.想到家里的太太,他觉得很焦虑
The missus was sitting up for him,太太一直在等着他
and the missus was waiting to learn the outcome of the fight.太太正焦急地等着战斗的结果

穿过街区,他突然坐在一只凳子上,因想到将要起身迎接他的夫人而焦躁不安,(她)正迫不及待的想要知道拳击比赛的结果。全句是一个简单的主谓结构,前面Crossing the Domain做地点状语,主谓一致,相关成分省略,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,同样做状语,表示主语的心情状态时独立主格结构,后一句的逻辑主语是他的m...


穿过街区,他突然坐在一只凳子上,因想到将要起身迎接他的夫人而焦躁不安,(她)正迫不及待的想要知道拳击比赛的结果。全句是一个简单的主谓结构,前面Crossing the Domain做地点状语,主谓一致,相关成分省略,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,同样做状语,表示主语的心情状态时独立主格结构,后一句的逻辑主语是他的missus(夫人),同样属于独立主格成分。


主干he sat down
修饰:两个状语crossing the Domain(时间状语)\wating to learn the outcome of the fight(目的状语)
sitting up for him 修饰missus
unnerved ```修饰he

Crossing the Domain伴随状语 he是主语,系动词sat, unnerved后面都是补语

这是个简单句,一个比较复杂的简单句。句子的骨干成分就是:he sat down suddenly on a bench,其它都是修饰成分。
谓语:sat down
地点状语:on a bench
Crossing the Domain:是现在分词短语做伴随状语; unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting ...


这是个简单句,一个比较复杂的简单句。句子的骨干成分就是:he sat down suddenly on a bench,其它都是修饰成分。
谓语:sat down
地点状语:on a bench
Crossing the Domain:是现在分词短语做伴随状语; unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him, waiting to learn the outcome of the fight.是过去分词短语做伴随状语,它们都是修饰谓语sat down的,表达sat down 时的一些具体情况或状态。其中the missus sitting up for him, waiting to learn the outcome of the fight 是复合动名词,做of的宾语,其实missus后省略了所有格,应是missus’。此外,the missus sitting up for him 和 waiting to learn the outcome of the fight 之间是并列关系,只是少了个连词and,如果有and,则这个结构的语法功能更加明晰。


英语句子分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,Crossing the Domain,he sat down suddenly on a bench,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,waiting to learn the outcome of 英语句子分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,And,as Tom King thus ruminated,there came to his stolid vision the form of Youth,glorious Youth,rising exultant and invincible,supple of mus 急,英语句型分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,And,as Tom King thus ruminated,there came to his stolid vision the form of Youth,glorious Youth,rising exultant and invincible,supple of 英语长句分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,He felt weak and sore,and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week befo 英语长句分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,Crossing the Domain,he sat down suddenly on a bench,unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him,waiting to learn the outcome of 句子的主干是什么? 句型分析:主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,He had done a few days' navvy work when he could get it,and he had run around the Domain in the early mornings to get his legs in shape. interested句型,修饰什么. 提取句子的主干是什么 在句子中,主干是什么? 英语长句分析成分ORZ一共三句,请找出每句话的主干(去除掉所有修饰的句子)和每句话中括号内的部分在句中做什么成分.1.(Thanks in part to such private donations),university research (into uses for human stem ce Your job is cleaning the room.的句子主干是什么?帮我分析一下句子 什么叫句子的主干 什么叫句子的主干? there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved 这句话是什么句型?句型,主干,意思,帮我详细的分析下这句话好吗? 求一英语经典句子,带分析其成分,和例如 引导一个什么从句修饰什么那种, 英语基础知识 句子构成 何为主语 谓语 宾语 及初中学的语法重点 句型 什么叫不,及物动词还有什么词修饰什么词 帮忙分析一下这个英语句子,There are two buildings,the larger of which stands nearly a hundred feet high.这个句子的主干是什么?这是不是个定语从句?感觉这个句式读不顺,很别扭啊