英语翻译If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile,a strategy that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mpg provides benefits worth 3¢ per vehicle-mile,or $375 per

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:24:37

英语翻译If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile,a strategy that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mpg provides benefits worth 3¢ per vehicle-mile,or $375 per
If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile,a strategy that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mpg provides benefits worth 3¢ per vehicle-mile,or $375 per year for a vehicle driven 12,500 annual miles.

英语翻译If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile,a strategy that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mpg provides benefits worth 3¢ per vehicle-mile,or $375 per
这里的that是定语从句,that后面都是修饰这个strategy的,句子的主干是,a strategy(that halves...40mpg) provides benefits worth.
简而言之,a strategy provides benefits.这个策略会带来效益.其他的句子成分都是其修饰和补充作用,来解释具体是什么策略,带来了多少效率.

恩,这里的that 是从句是定语从句,教你一个判断秘诀,那就是你必须明白同谓语从句的最主要特征是一般为that 引导的,而且that 后面的从句部分的成分必须要齐全,像这个句子,that 后面直接跟动词而不是跟名词,所以就为定语从句,这两个相似的从句经常会混乱,希望能帮到你,翻译的话,有点长,偶在上课,没办法帮你翻译了,呵呵。。。...


恩,这里的that 是从句是定语从句,教你一个判断秘诀,那就是你必须明白同谓语从句的最主要特征是一般为that 引导的,而且that 后面的从句部分的成分必须要齐全,像这个句子,that 后面直接跟动词而不是跟名词,所以就为定语从句,这两个相似的从句经常会混乱,希望能帮到你,翻译的话,有点长,偶在上课,没办法帮你翻译了,呵呵。。。


定从,a strategy的定语,整句译为:

若环境污染和资源外部效应每行车里程成本为6 cents,那么一个将燃油经济性从20 mpg(英里每加仑)提升至40英里每加仑,从而将每行车里程能耗和排放减半的方案,提供的效益价值3 Cents/行车里程,或375美元/年 (按单车每年平均驾驶里程12500英里计算)。...


定从,a strategy的定语,整句译为:

若环境污染和资源外部效应每行车里程成本为6 cents,那么一个将燃油经济性从20 mpg(英里每加仑)提升至40英里每加仑,从而将每行车里程能耗和排放减半的方案,提供的效益价值3 Cents/行车里程,或375美元/年 (按单车每年平均驾驶里程12500英里计算)。


定语从句,修饰a strategy
If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile, a strategy 【that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mp...


定语从句,修饰a strategy
If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile, a strategy 【that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mpg】 provides benefits worth 3¢ per vehicle-mile, or $375 per year for a vehicle driven 12,500 annual miles.



If you die.The world will have less carbon dioxide and pollution. 英语翻译,Indoor Pollution 英语翻译If drug abuse,prostitution,pollution,environment decay,social inequality ,and the likes are to be liminated,more is required than an increased police presence or a fresh coat of paint. 英语翻译There are many kinds of pollution around us .such as air pollution ,soil pollution ,noise pollution and light pollution .They are bad for our health in many ways .Burning gas ,oil and coal creates air pollution .It can cause sore eyes and 英语翻译  Pollution Haze  Recently,the topic of air pollution has again aroused more and more attention since pollution haze,a kind of weather,has appeared increasing frequently in our cities.Just as the picture showed,when pollution haze 英语翻译Water pollution results when substances that are released into lakes,rivers,oceans,etc.stay in the water or build up at the bottom.This form of pollution may also begin in the air if the air is polluted and causes acid rain.When it rains, 英语翻译It is t___ the pollution is worse and worse.据首字母填空并翻译 英语翻译Medical experts ascribe this phenomenon to environmental pollution,medicine abuse and unhealthy lifestyles there (will be) serious air pollution if people use more and more cars.为什么用will be? What will happen if we do not pay attention to the problem of population and pollution?.只要几句就行了. Pollution includes( ) A.Light and air pollution B.noise pollution and wate pollution c.bothA and B 英语翻译these are two concepts of efficiency:efficiency in obtaining the right overall amout of pollution control and efficiency in allocating pollution control responsibility to specific polluters. the water pollution became more and more serious ( )no further action had been taken Aas if B unless C since D even if 英语翻译If pollution and resource externalities total 6¢ per vehicle-mile,a strategy that halves per-mile energy consumption and emissions by raising fuel economy from 20 to 40 mpg provides benefits worth 3¢ per vehicle-mile,or $375 per 英语翻译The development of economy has resulted in serious environmental pollution.Much of our air and water has been pollted by industrial waste and accidents.Power plants burning coal and gas produce pollution along with electricity.Now we have 英语翻译As has been pointed out before,air pollution is becoming more and more serious in large cities. 英语翻译1.Here are two cars that may some day take the place of today's big cars.If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the air.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be l 英语翻译A kind of little cars may some day take the place of today’s cars.If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the car.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less c