关于哈里波特4的英语翻译(1)Harry's fourth summer and the following year at Hogwarts are marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a ser

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:25:47

关于哈里波特4的英语翻译(1)Harry's fourth summer and the following year at Hogwarts are marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a ser
(1)Harry's fourth summer and the following year at Hogwarts are marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a series of increasingly challenging contests. However, Voldemort's Death Eaters are gaining strength and even creating the Dark Mark giving evidence that the Dark Lord is ready to rise again. In the unsuspecting lives of the young wizard and witches at Hogwarts the competitors are selected by the goblet of fire, which this year makes a very surprising announcement: Hogwarts will have two representatives in the tournament, including Harry Potter! Will Harry be able to rise to the challenge for the Tri Wizard Tournament while keeping up with school or will the challenges along with Voldemort's rebirth be too much for the young hero?
(2)In Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, Harry has been mysteriously selected to compete in the prestigious Triwizard Tournament - a thrilling international competition that pits him against older and more experienced students from Hogwarts and two rival European schools.
Meanwhile, supporters of Harry's nemesis - the evil Lord Voldemort - send a shockwave of fear throughout the wizard community when their Dark Mark scorches the sky at the Quidditch World Cup, signalling Voldemort's return to power.
But for Harry, this is not the only harrowing news causing him anxiety - he is yet to find a date for Hogwarts' Yule Ball dance.
Join Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione for another exciting year at Hogwarts!
English master-hand帮我简写一下.以上两则文章.

关于哈里波特4的英语翻译(1)Harry's fourth summer and the following year at Hogwarts are marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a ser
(1)在 Hogwarts 的哈利第四个夏天和未来年被 Quidditch 世界杯和来自三所不同的男巫学校的学生代表在一系列的逐渐挑战性的竞赛中竞争的 Triwizard 巡回赛作记号.然而,Voldemort's 的死亡吃的人正在得到力量和平坦的创造提供证据黑暗的公爵准备好再一次上升的黑暗马克.在年轻的男巫和巫婆的无怀疑生命中在 Hogwarts 竞争者被火的有脚杯选择,今年发动一个非常令人惊讶的公告:Hogwarts 将会有巡回赛的二个代表,包括哈利波特!当赶上学校的时候,哈利将会能够为三体帆船对挑战上升男巫的巡回赛吗,否则挑战将会连同 Voldemort's 的再生一起是太多对于年轻的英雄吗?
(2)在哈利波特和火的有脚杯中,哈利已经神秘地被选择在享有声望的 Triwizard 巡回赛中竞争 - 一个毛骨悚然的国际竞争那一个坑他反对来自 Hogwarts 和二所竞争的欧洲学校的更年长和多富有经验的学生.
同时,哈利的报应支持者 - 邪恶的公爵 Voldemort- 当他们的黑暗马克在 Quidditch 世界杯使烧焦天空的时候,在男巫的社区各处送一个恐惧的激波 ,向 Voldemort's 的回返作信号使~有力量.
要不是哈利,这不是唯一的痛心新闻引起他焦虑 - 他是然而为 Hogwarts' 耶稣圣诞节球跳舞找一个日期.
在 Hogwarts 为另外的令人兴奋的年参加哈利和他的朋友 Ron 和荷密欧妮!

关于哈里波特4的英语翻译(1)Harry's fourth summer and the following year at Hogwarts are marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a ser 请说出一下哈利波特电影的英文名,要分别列出美版和英版的英文名!哈里波特1哈里波特与魔法石 哈里波特2哈里波特与密室 哈里波特3哈里波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 哈里波特4哈里波特与火焰杯 写一个关于哈里波特外貌的英语作文 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows主要讲什么?要用英文写就是哈里波特的大结局 马上要英语朗诵比赛了,希望各位能帮忙找一下哈里波特(Harry Potter)的相关英文朗诵文本材料[详见标题]感激不尽! 西游记、三国演义、哈里波特各是谁写的? 我想要关于哈里波特的英文介绍,就是这本书的一个总的介绍只要一小段就行, 英语影评哈里波特 80-100词大家帮帮忙,来分初中水平(初三第六单元测试作文)的影评,关于哈里波特的80-100词,悬赏阿~~~!谢谢各位了 英语翻译Harry Potter‘s______________. JK罗林的英文名哈里波特的作者 求哈里波特,超人,蜘蛛侠,神奇四侠他们的英文名字? 史上有巨人吗?有哈里波特中那样的动物吗? 哈里波特英文原版电影中哈里波特说的几句经典的话,有翻译,并注释是哪一部的 英语完成句子、、、急~1.Mary一见到她弟弟就会告诉他这个消息.Mary will tell her brother this message ______________ he sees him.2.我一买回来哈里波特就会给你看的.I ___________ you Harry Potter_____________ I ______ Harry的意思 harry的意思是什么 Harry harry