英语翻译Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered “out of date”.But I wonder whether all of t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:22:29

英语翻译Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered “out of date”.But I wonder whether all of t
Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered “out of date”.But I wonder whether all of the trends(趋势)are worth following.
Some people may defend themselves by saying that eating snake is good for their health.But these people don't find out that mice and worms(小虫)are often in snakes' bodies,therefore,there are many parasites(寄生虫)found inside snakes.They may be bad for our health.Apart from this,we're sorry to see that more snakes are being killed by a butcher's knife. According to the English newspaper,“Shanghai Star,about 1000 tons of snake are eaten every year in China.In Shenzhen of Guangdong Province,sometimes as many as 10 tons of snake are served on dinner tables in a single day.If we still turn a blind eye to this,a vicious circle(恶性循环)will be created:if more snakes are eaten by people,the number of snakes will drop,but the number of mice will increase,which will result in a decrease of crop output.This will make more people hungry.Who wants to see such a tragedy happen?Therefore,let's not to eat snake any more.To protect the snake is to protect ourselves.

英语翻译Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered “out of date”.But I wonder whether all of t
最近几年蛇肉菜肴变得普遍.在饭店经常看的见蛇.似乎吃蛇现在是种时尚,如果您没吃过蛇,您就会被认为是"过时"了 .但我想知道是否所有这些时尚都值得追随.某些人也许会狡辩说,吃蛇是有助于健康.但是他们没发现有老鼠和昆虫在蛇的肚子里么?因此蛇体内往往有很多寄生虫.这些是对我们的健康有害的.除此之外,我们忍心看更多蛇被屠刀杀害?根据英国报纸的报道,在中国的"上海星"每年有将近1000 吨蛇被吃掉.在深圳广东有时候一天就有多达10 吨的蛇被端上饭桌.如果我们继续视而不见,就会形成恶性循环.如果更多蛇被人吃掉蛇的数量就会不停减少而老鼠的数量将不断上升,这将给庄稼的收成带来灾难性的影响,会使更多人挨饿.谁想要看这样的悲剧发生呢?所以,让我们不再吃蛇.保护蛇就是保护我们自己!

Snake dishes 是啥意思 snake dishes have become popular ___recent years 填什么啊, 英语翻译Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered “out of date”.But I wonder whether all of t 英语翻译Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered(被认为)“out of date”. But I wonder 英语翻译翻译一下horse,snake, 英语翻译()do the dishes? 英语翻译The snake makes my skin crawl Snake dishes have become popular in recent years.Snake meat is often seen in restaurants.It seems that eating snake is now in fashion,and if you haven't eaten snake yet,you're considered(被认为)“out of date”. But I wonder whether all When he began to play a tune,we had our first glimpse of the snake.we had our first glimpse of the snake--句中had当什么讲,是“see”吗?“our first glimpse of the snake”是作宾语吗?请问:bambookite,这里的had--是不是和“hav 英语翻译can you _____ _____ doing the dishes? snake翻译 snake是什么意思 snake是什么意思 snaKe 是什么意思 SNAKE怎么样 snake英语中snake是什么意思 森林里的蛇的英语翻译,要是()()the snake的形式. 英语翻译So it copies the other snake.我英语一窍不通啊