
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:01:07


Education Method
The way that shows the most how Swedish respects their children is that they never scold the children in front of the others. Commonly, they belive there is self-esteem within the children as well and the parents should always protect them from any damage. This is the easiest and important path to create self-confidence of their children. In fact, we found this educational method is very efficient, whereas the Swedish children are always warm and polite in dealing with other, calm and resourceful when facing with problem, creative and firm. This is the result of a "respect" educational method.

Their meal is western style food where bread and potato are their staple. They like black bread most. Normally for the breakfast, they take bread with jam/butter, coffer, red tea. For the lunch, they will have bread, meat, vegetables, potatoes, Swedish meat ball and salad. The dinner is almost the same with breakfast but with an additional soup. They like Chinese food as well. There is a unique habits where they use to take a fixed type of vegetable everyday.

Swedish quality is high, they are very friendly, honest, civilised communication, behave formally and always punctual. Swedish emphasise on environmental protection, they like flower, birds and other while animal, of course the natural environment as well. Employee is with a 5 weeks paid holiday every year, 5 working days and total working hour is about 1500 hours. People will use this rest time for outdoor activities like jungle tracking, blueberry picking, swimming, skating and fishing at the lake. During the summer time where the day times is longer, they normall will have an oversea trip. Sweden is the one of the country with high number of resident that have trip abroad. Sport is also one of the Swedish favourite.

英语翻译教育方式瑞典人尊重孩子的最突出表现是:从不在人前教子.瑞典人普遍认为,孩子也有自尊心,父母在任何情况下,都要尊重孩子的自尊,保护孩子的“面子”.这对培养他们的自信是一 英语翻译:表达对长者的尊重有许多方式. 对比中外父母对孩子教育方式的差异 对比中外父母对孩子教育方式的差异 美国的父母对孩子的教育方式和俄罗斯的父母对孩子的教育方式有什么不同? 右面漫画说明①家长犯了唯心主义错误②对孩子的教育要从孩子的实际出发③家长错误的教育理念决定了其错误的教育方式④家庭教育要尊重客观规律,符合儿童的成长规律A.①②③ B.①② 芬兰人 瑞典人 挪威人 德国人 哪的女生最好看. 现在社会的孩子如何的教育方式有利于孩子成长? 瑞典人的英语怎么样 瑞典人的英语怎么样 美国的教育方式是什么呢?(用英语翻译) 英语翻译这是不是一种新的教育方式。 尊重教育征文,800字,或者是尊重自然、尊重他人、尊重知识的作文, 周围的朋友都请外教,这样对孩子好吗?这种教育方式真的好吗? 怎样教育上学前班的孩子孩子五岁,上学前班了.她很聪明,平时没有外人时很听话,有别人在就一点都不听了,又特别爱动,性格很倔.想寻求最适合孩子的教育方式, 在 最笨的孩子去读书 中突出了母亲什么特点 语文阅读段在 最笨的孩子去读书 中突出了母亲什么特点? 英语翻译Emilie Ramquist(女)Julia Gudmundson(女)了解瑞典的朋友,再帮我介绍一下瑞典人的生活方式,和习惯比如早餐,晚餐,出行,沟通方式等,