
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 15:42:04


英文翻译想来是给老外看的.既然如此,“酒店宾客住宿须知”这个标题就不能照字面“死译”:坦率地说,我们中国人说话往往不很注意对方的感受,最后得罪了人都不知道为什么.比如"酒店宾客住宿须知"这几个字,“须知”的言下之意就是:“喂,你给我听好了:你要是不懂得以下这些规矩的话,你就别住在这儿!” 这种话给人一种什么感觉?“这个所谓‘酒店’的服务,充其量也就是28个人一间房的大车店的水准.”
英美等西方国家的旅馆/酒店与顾客的沟通,无论是书面的还是口头的,讲求的都是如何能尽全力让客人自始至终有“宾至如归”的感觉,让你住得放心、舒适、愉快、充满安全感.所以“酒店宾客住宿须知”作为标题,用英文也决不会说类似“A Few Things You Have to Know” 那种话,而可以说:
So (That) You'll Enjoy A Safe and Pleasant Stay with Us...("that" 可有可无) ,直译翻回中文,就是"为了让您(在我们这里)住得愉快、安全." 下面当然就是消防楼梯在哪里等等“须知”的内容(行文也应该尽可能既专业、简洁,又礼貌、周全),但是必须把话说得让人家听着舒服才行,给人的感觉就是:“我是为了让您在这里住得愉快、放心,才希望您了解下面这些事项.” 而不是“喂,你给我听好了.!”
欢迎在QQ上加我:2483956921 加我时务请注明 “英语”或“English” ----- 貌似与英语无关的人加我的话,我会一概拒绝.

Information for guests

Guests notice in order to maintain the normal order of guest hotel, guarantee the safety of person and property, according to public security organs" hotel industry security management measures" provi...


Guests notice in order to maintain the normal order of guest hotel, guarantee the safety of person and property, according to public security organs" hotel industry security management measures" provisions, combined with the actual situation to develop the guidelines of hotel guests, please be sure to comply with. A hotel, guest, should take the initiative to produce valid documents, go through the formalities of registration. In two, the guest is not allowed to change or sublet, transfer the customer, beds, stay guest must check-in. In three, a magnetic card key from a guest room in its own custody, in addition to cleaning, attendant shall not open room (except in exceptional circumstances ), passengers must pay for the loss of a magnetic card key. With its own vehicle guests, in the former must go through the parking formalities and hotel. In four, guest bag, luggage and valuables ( including cash, securities, and other important documents ) must be made to the hotel general station storage room storage, such as hosting stolen hotel will not be responsible for. Five, to keep the hotel in good order and health situation, please do not carry the pet into the hotel. Not on the wall scribbling and posting, if damaged, missing or defaced room facilities, goods, as the case of compensation. In six, the guest rental expires without departure, and not with hotel procedures for continued stay, the hotel will be regarded as automatic check-out, baggage room of the hotel will be temporary pipe. Seven, not in the hotel, gambling, fighting, drug trafficking, prostitution, whoring and dissemination of endangering national security, obscene, video recording, feudal painting and other illegal and criminal activities. Eight, to assist the hotel guests and the public security organs to make fire, theft, damage, prevention and treatment of an accident prevention safety work four. In nine, the guests found suspicious circumstances and the suspicious personnel, must reflect promptly to the hotel staff, in order to protect their own legitimate rights and interests of the damage. Ten, check out time is at noon every day 12: 00, 13 : 00 members of delayed check-out, senior member until 14: 00 check out, if need to extend stay please contact with the front desk, according to the daily rental fees. Felix Hotel


酒店宾客住宿须知 酒店喜迎宾客的诗句篇幅尽量长 day of week restrictions是酒店住宿方面的 淘宝商城能开发票吗?淘宝商城酒店住宿可以开发票吗?能报销吗.前不久在淘宝定了酒店住宿,淘宝可以开发票给我吗? vip接待 酒店 意义酒店的VIP接待程序,对于酒店来说有什么意义,对于宾客来说又有什么意义 酒店服务口号我是一家县城商务酒店的经理,酒店主要以住宿为主,每天要开晨会,需要一个口号,激励员工,还能点出酒店服务理念 旅客须知. 旅客须知, 有24只小动物来到动物酒店住宿.有两种客户,一种每间住4只,一种每间住3只,应该怎样安排小动物住宿 酒店来了老外,请问谁能给些酒店常用英语,比如住宿吗?你们还需要续住吗?请续房费等! 五指山住宿_五指山住宿攻略_五指山旅行住宿十一出行订酒店,请问在哪里订会比较好啊,价格要便宜点的,要比其他地方订便宜的,服务好的? 大金湖酒店,大金湖家庭旅馆,大金湖住宿如何.去旅游以上方式那种比较好! 英语翻译尊敬的宾客你们好,酒店内现在发生异常火警情况,请不必惊慌,按照酒店工作人员的指引从安全出口疏散撤离,给您带来的不便向酒店向您表示歉 英语翻译酒店前台,负责销售酒店的产品与服务、调度酒店的经营、组织客源、销售客房、为客人提供订房、办理住宿登记、分房、换房、兑换外币、留言、办理退房手续等一系列的服务.前 用酒店英语翻译一下如下名词:宾客姓名,协议单位,到店日期,离店日期,交易注释,团队公付单价,交易类型,消费总计,流水号,余额. 英语翻译尊敬的宾客,因酒店是公共场所请妥善保管好自己的随身物品,如有贵重物品请寄存到前台保险柜或男女宾贵重物品寄存柜内,如有遗失酒店不承担任何责任, 填空题:一个旅游团23人到酒店住宿,住3人间和4人间(每个房间不能有空床位),共有多少种安排? 去登封旅游,我们住宿在天蚨园酒店,天蚨农庄里的人英语太牛了!懂的真多,上知天文,